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外经贸英语函电(第二版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030302892
  • 条形码:9787030302892 ; 978-7-03-030289-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

外经贸英语函电(第二版) 本书特色

  本书共14章,涉及建立业务关系、询盘、发盘、还盘、订单执行、装运等外贸业务的各个环节。每章按函电实例、注释和练习的体例编著。书信选用了简洁现代的范例,纳入贸易常用字词、短语、术语;注释对重要词汇和语法点进行了详细的解释并补充了更多的例句,可以进一步丰富词汇量;练习的题型丰富多样,可以帮助读者巩固每章所学的知识点。《BR》  本书附录部分包括了常用商务术语、主要货币名称、主要港口名称和经贸常用缩略语。

外经贸英语函电(第二版) 内容简介

刘卓林、孙芳、温珺编著的《外经贸英语函电(第2版21世纪高等院校教材)》共14章,涉及建立业务关系、询盘、发盘、还盘、订单执行、装运等外贸业务的各个环节。每章按函电实例、注释和练习的体例编著。书信选用了简洁现代的范例,纳入贸易常用字词、短语、术语;注释对重要词汇和语法点进行了详细的解释并补充了更多的例句,可以进一步丰富词汇量;练习的题型丰富多样,可以帮助读者巩固每章所学的知识点。 本书附录部分包括了常用商务术语、主要货币名称、主要港口名称和经贸常用缩略语。 本书可作为高等院校经济贸易类专业的本科高年级学生、硕士研究生及MBA的教材,也可作为非经济贸易类专业学生、对外经贸业务人员、各类涉外企业人员及相关人员的参考用书。

外经贸英语函电(第二版) 目录

前言 再版说明 UNIT 1 ESTABLISHMENT OF BUSINESS RELATIONS 1.Establishment of Business Relations 2.Requesting for Introducing Business Partners 3.Introducing Business Partners 4.Introducing New Products 5.Online Letter on Establishing Business Relations 6.Reply to the wish shfor Purchasing Products 7.Online Making a Self-introduction 8.Online Buying Offer UNIT 2 INQUIRIES AND REPLIES 1.Making an Inquiry After Readi'ng an Advertisement 2.Reply to Customers Interested in the DisplayedProducts 3.Sending a Price List 4.Asking for the Catalogue and Samples 5.Reply to the Above Inquiry 6.Recommending a Substitute for the Discontinued Item 7.Asking for Quotations 8.Reply to an Inquiry 9.Lookng for Prospective Buyers UNIT 3 OFFERS AND COUNTER-OFFERS 1.Giving a Price Cut 2.Recommenaqng the Buyer to Purchase the Offered Item 3.Offering a Discount for Regular Customers 4.Declining an Offer 5.Declining the Buyer's Request for Better Terms 6.Marking a Counter-offer 7.Making a Counter-offer 8.Declining a Counter-offer 9.Asking about a Requote 10.Accepting the Buyer's Bid UNIT 4 ORDERS AND FULFILLMENT OF ORDERS 1.Placing a Trial Order 2.Enclos/ng an Order Form 3.Placing an Orair 4.Declining an Order 5.Accepting an Order andAsingfor Three Months' Notice 6.Confirming a Repeat Order 7.Confirming an order 8.Offering a Substitute 9.Offering Final Confirmation of Order and Shipping Dates UNIT 5 SALES PROMOTION 1.Introduction of Goods 2.Offering a Discount 3.A Promotion Letter 4.Comparison of Goods 5.Recommendation of a Substitute 6.Announcing New Payment Terms 7.Announcing New Seroices to Existing Customers 8.Announcing Sales Promotion UNIT 6 TERMS OF PAYMENT 1.Introduction of Terms of Payment 2.Urging Establishment of L/C 3.Advice of Establishment of L/C 4.Askng for Amendment to L/C 5.Asking for Extension of L/C 6.Remimfing Payment is Due 7.Deadline for Payment 8.Requesting for D/A Payment 9.Notifyng the Invoice Error UNIT 7 PACKING 1.About Inner Packing 2.Buyer's Requirements for Packing and Marking 3.Advising buyers of Packing andShipping Marks 4.Packing for Ready made Garments 5.Information of Packing 6.Claiming for Poor Packing 7.Complaining About Packing UNIT 8 INSURANCE 1.Asking for Insurance Arrangement 2.Reply to an Insurance Application 3.Clatiation of Insurance Terms 4.Application for Inalrance 5.Informing Insurance Rate 6.Asking for Compensation 7.Recovery of Claim for Shortlanding of 20 Dozen Toys 8.Requesting Open Cover Insurance UNIT 9 SHIPMENT 1.Urging Shipment 2.Reply to Advancing Shipment 3.Chasing Progress of a Shipment 4.Requesting Early Shipment 5.Shipping Advice 6.Trying to Ship as Directed 7.Shipping Instructions 8.Descrbing a Container Service UNIT 10 COMPLAINTS, CLAIMS AND ADJUSTMENTS 1.Complaining about the Damage to 50 Cases.of Ground-nuts 2.Apologizing for the Damage to the Shipment 3.Complaining about Wrong Delivery of the OrderedItetis 4.Accepting a Complaint 5.Complaining about Infer/or Quality 6.Reply to the Claim on .Infer/or Quality 7.Complaining about short Delivery 8.Reply to the Complaint about Short Delivery 9.Refusal toAccept the Complaint UNIT 11 AGENCY 1.Applying for Sole Agency 2.Agreeing to Appoint a Sole Agent 3.Declining the Reqnest forActing as an Agent 4.Online looking for Health Product Agents 5.Reply to the Onfine Lookingfor Agents 6.Request for Confirming Sales Representative Agreement 7.Request for Amendments to the Sales Representative Agreement 8.An Exclusive Agency Agreement UNIT 12 SOCIAL LETTERS 1.Letters of Invitation 2.Replies to invitations 3.Letter of Thanks 4.Notification of a Visit 5.Notification of Relocation 6.Acknowledgement of Partners Contribution 7.Seasonal Greetings 8.Invitation for Luncheon 9.Congratulation fetter 10.etter of ApoLogy 11.Letter of Expfanation UNIT 13 OTHER TRADE APPROACHES 1.Leasing Terms 2.Rental and Cash Deposit 3.Accept a Tender 4.Decline a Bid 5.Processing Trade 6.Reply to an Inquiry 7.Correspondence Pertaining to Cooperation within the Framework of Consortium Agreement 8.Invitation to Bid 9.Assembfing with Supplied Parts and Components UNIT 14 CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS 1.Safes Contract 2.Purchase Contract 3.Compensation Trade Contract 4.Contract/or Processing with Supplied Maten'als and Asmmbling with Supplied Parts 5.Contract for Joint Venture Enterpnse Model Contract for know-how Licensing REIiRENCFS APPENDIX 1 进出口贸易常用英文词汇 APPENDIX 2 世界货币名称 APPENDIX 3 世界港口名称 APPENDIX 4 常用缩略语