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精通Go语言 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787564183226
  • 条形码:9787564183226 ; 978-7-5641-8322-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

精通Go语言 内容简介

Go编程语言,通常也称为Golang(尽管这种叫法并不对),借助一些大师级开发作品以及*伟大的编程思想的高屋建瓴,着实取得了长足进步。Shopify的首席执行官Tobias Lutke*近便声称“Go将成为未来的服务器语言”,掷地有声,雄心勃勃。 Go程序员的需求量正处于高位,但更有争议的是,Go走上了以前由C和Unix程序员引领的舞台。Go语言的成长使其能够实现系统、网络、Web以及云应用。只要熟悉了语法,掌握库的使用并利用其语言特性、速度和效率,你将受益无穷,Go生态学正是因此而闻名。你多少已经知道了点Go语言的语法,也编写了一些小项目,而大多数Go程序员都面临着将Go语言技能与生产代码结合的难题。对Go编程的典型介绍往往是浅尝辄止,而作者将继续告诉你如何解决这个问题。本书提供了Go的概要,介绍了Go的实现,还有专门一章深入解释了并发、系统以及网络编程,这对于现代的原生云开发是必不可少的,读者也将从中受益。

精通Go语言 目录

Preface Chapter 1: Go and the Operating System The structure of the book The history of Go Why learn Go? Go advantages Is Go perfect? What is a preprocessor? The godoc utility Compiling Go code Executing Go code Two Go rules You either use a Go package or do not include it There is only one way to format curly braces Downloading Go packages Unix stalin, stdout, and stderr About printing output Using standard output Getting user input About := and = Reading from standard input Working with command-line arguments About error output Writing to log files Logging levels Logging facilities Log servers A Go program that sends information to log files About log.Fatal() About log.Panic() Error handling in Go The error data type Error handling Additional resources Exercises Summary Chapter 2: Understanding Go Internals The Go compiler Garbage Collection The Tricolor algorithm More about the operation of the Go Garbage Collector Unsafe code About the unsafe package Another example of the unsafe package Calling C code from Go Calling C code from Go using the same file Calling C code from Go using separate files The C code The Go code Mixing Go and C code Calling Go functions from C code The Go package The C code The defer keyword Panic and Recover Using the panic function on its own Two handy Unix utilities The strace tool The dtrace tool Your Go environment The Go Assembler Node Trees Learning more about go build General Go coding advices Additional Resources Exercises Summary Chapter 3: Working with Basic Go Data Types Go loops The for loop The while loop The range keyword Examples of Go for loops Go arrays Multi-dimensional arrays The shortcomings of Go arrays Go slices Performing basic operations on slices Slices are being expanded automatically Byte slices Chapter 4: The Uses of Composite Types Chapter 5: Enhancing Go Code with Data Structures Chapter 6: What You Might Not Know About Go Packages Chapter 7: Reflection and Interfaces for All Seasons Chapter 8: Telling a Unix System What to Do Chapter 9: Go Concurrency - Goroutines, Channels, and Pipelines Chapter 10: Go Concurrency- Advanced Topics Chapter 11: Code Testing, Optimization, and Profiling Chapter 12: The Foundations of Network Programming in Go Chapter 13: Network Programming - Building Servers and Clients Other Books You May Enjoy Index

精通Go语言 作者简介

米哈里斯·图卡洛斯(Mihalis Tsoukalos),is a technical author, a Unix administrator, a developer, and a mathematician, who enjoys learning new things. He has written more than 250 technical articles for many publications, including Sys Admin, MacTech, Linux User and Developer,Usenix ;login:, Linux Format, and Linux Journal.
