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远程医疗系统和网络 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787519258764
  • 条形码:9787519258764 ; 978-7-5192-5876-4
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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远程医疗系统和网络 本书特色

把握世界前沿医药学脉搏,服务“中国制造2025”战略。 内容聚焦我国科研热点、难点,通过哈佛、耶鲁等单位学者将优质内容筛选出来,以供学者阅读。 从一个个医药研究难点入手,展现国际学者科研思路、实验方法、技术逻辑等等,为读者指明科研方向。

远程医疗系统和网络 内容简介

远程医疗是指通过计算机技术、遥感、遥测、遥控技术为依托,充分发挥大医院或专科医疗中心的医疗技术和医疗设备优势,对医疗条件较差的边远地区、海岛或舰船上的伤病员进行远距离诊断、治疗和咨询。编委会根据目前靠前研究水平选择30多个研究点对远程医疗系统和网络相关很新技术和研究成果进行详细论述,将研究分析和数据,以文字、图片、表格等形式清晰展现给读者,为便于内容统一优选各地区作者,全书采用英文写作。本书内容涉及 KAIFU救护车急救医学系统、院前监护中的远程医疗、基于手机的远程医疗、多中心院前远程医疗支持系统、挪威医院常规远程医疗的应用、英国远程医疗、远程医疗系统评价体系对下肢和足部溃疡的影响等。本书为读者展现靠前一线学者在相关细分领域的很新研究数据、科研思路、技术逻辑等,针对性及功能性均较强,适合相关领域专业读者阅读与参考。

远程医疗系统和网络 目录

Chapter 1 Fracture Diagnostics, Unnecessary Travel and Treatment: A Comparative Study before and after the Introduction of Teleradiology in a Remote General Practice by Jac JWM Jacobs, Jan PAM Jacobs, Eric van Sonderen, et al. Chapter 2 Transforming Health Care in Remote Communities: Report on an International Conference by T. Kue Young, Susan Chatwood, James Ford, et al. Chapter 3 Telemedicine in Pre-Hospital Care: A Review of Telemedicine Applications in the Pre-Hospital Environment by Ahjoku Amadi-Obi, Peadar Gilligan, Niall Owens, et al. Chapter 4 Medical Telerobotic Systems: Current Status and Future Trends by Sotiris Avgousti, Eftychios G. Christoforou, Andreas S. Panayides, et al. Chapter 5 Remote Patient Monitoring: A Comprehensive Study by Lakmini P. Malasinghe, Naeem Ramzan and Keshav Dahal Chapter 6 Am I Getting an Accurate Picture: A Tool to Assess Clinical Handover in Remote Settings? by Malcolm Moore, Chris Roberts, Jonathan Newbury, et al. Chapter 7 Relationships between Dental Personnel and Non-Dental Primary Health Care Providers in Rural and Remote Queensland, Australia: Dental Perspectives by Jackie Stuart, Ha Hoang, Len Crocombe, et al. Chapter 8 The Quality of Health Services Provided to Remote Dwelling Aboriginal Infants in the Top End of Northern Australia Following Health System Changes: A Qualitative Analysis by Cathryn M. Josif Sue Kruske, Sue V. Kildea, et al. Chapter 9 Telemedicine in Interdisciplinary Work Practices: On an IT System That Met the Criteria for Success Set out by Its Sponsors, Yet Failed to Become Part of Every-Day Clinical Routines by Antoinette de Bont and Roland Bal Chapter 10 Telemedicine Use in Rural Native American Communities in the Era of the ACA: A Systematic Literature Review by Clemens Scott Kruse, Shelby Bouffard, Michael Dougherty, et al. Chapter 11 Conditions for Success in Introducing Telemedicine in Diabetes Foot Care: A Qualitative Inquiry by Beate-Christin Hope Kolltveit, Eva Gjengedal, Marit Graue, et al. Chapter 12 How is Telemedicine Perceived? A Qualitative Study of Perspectives from the UK and India by Melisa Martinez Alvarez, Rupa Chanda and Richard D. Smith Chapter 13 Telepointer Technology in Telemedicine: A Review by Rohana Abdul Karim, Nor Farizan Zakaria, Mohd Asyraf Zulkifley, et al. Chapter 14 Effect of Telemedicine Follow-Up Care of Leg and Foot Ulcers: A Systematic Review by Lena Victoria Nordheim, Marianne Tveit Haavind and Marjolein M. Iversen Chapter 15 Development of mHealth System for Supporting Self-Management and Remote Consultation of Skincare by Bambang Parmanto, Gede Pramana, Daihua X. Yu, et al. Chapter 16 The Effectiveness of Telemedicine for Paediatric Retrieval Consultations: Rationale and Study Design for a Pragmatic Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trial by Nigel R. Armfield, Mark G. Coulthard, Anthony Slater, et al. Chapter 17 Continuous Remote Monitoring of COPD Patients--Justification and Explana- tion of the Requirements and a Survey of the Available Technologies by Ivan Tomasic, Nikica Tomasic, Roman Trobec, et al. Chapter 18 Adoption of Telemedicine: From Pilot Stage to Routine Delivery by Paolo Zanaboni and Richard Wootton Chapter 19 Telemedicine in Diabetes Foot Care Delivery: Health Care Professionals' Experience by Beate-Christin Hope Kolltveit, Eva Gjengedal, Marit Graue, et al. Chapter 20 Understanding the Factors Affecting the Attraction and Retention of Health Professionals in Rural and Remote Areas: A Mixed-Method Study in Niger by Loubna Belaid, Christian Dagenais, Mahaman Moha, et al. Chapter 21 Social and Cultural Complexities of Anti-Malarial Drug Circulation: An Ethnographic Investigation in Three Rural Remote Communes of Cambodia by Phasy Res Chapter 22 A Remote Monitoring and Telephone Nurse Coaching Intervention to Reduce Readmissions among Patients with Heart Failure: Study Protocol for the Better Effectiveness after Transition-Heart Failure (BEAT-HF) Randomized Controlled Trial by Jeanne T. Black, Patrick S. Romano, Banafsheh Sadeghi, et al. Chapter 23 Teleradiology for Remote Consultation Using iPad Improves the Use of Health System Human Resources for Paediatric Fractures: Prospective Controlled Study in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Italy by Flariana Zennaro, Daniele Grosso, Riccardo Fascetta, et aL Chapter 24 The Effect of Telemedicine in Critically III Patients: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by M. Elizabeth Wilcox and Neill K. J. Adhikari Chapter 25 Design of a Randomized, Non-Inferiority Trial to Evaluate the Reliability of Videoconferencing for Remote Consultation of Diabetes by Farhad Fatehi, Melinda Martin-Khan, Leonard C. Gray, et al. Chapter 26 The Coming Primary Care Revolution by Andrew L. EIIner and Russell S. Phillips Chapter 27 Transitions from Biomedical to Recovery-Oriented Practices in Mental Health: A Scoping Review to Explore the Role of Internet-Based Interventions by Monica Strand, Deede Gammon and Cornelia M. Ruland Chapter 28 Decreasing Patient Cost and Travel Time through Pediatric Rheumatology Telemedicine Visits by Elizabeth A. Kessler, Ashley K. Sherman and Mara L. Becker Chapter 29 Efficacy and Cost Effectiveness of Telemedicine for Improving Access to Care in the Paris Region: Study Protocols for Eight Trials by Nathanael Charrier, Kevin Zarca, Isabelle Durand-Zaleski, et al. Chapter 30 A Model for a Drug Distribution System in Remote Australia as a Social Determinant of Health Using Event Structure Analysis by John P. Rovers and Michelle D. Mages Chapter 32 Evidence to Service Gap: Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention in Rural and Remote Western Australia by Sandra Hamilton, Belynda Mills, Shelley McRae, et al. Chapter 32 Improving Delivery of Secondary Prophylaxis for Rheumatic Heart Disease in Remote Indigenous Communities: Study Protocol for a Stepped-Wedge Randomised Trial by Anna P. Ralph, Clancy Read, Vanessa Johnston, et el. Chapter 33 TB Incidence and Characteristics in the Remote Gulf Province of Papua New Guinea: A Prospective Study by Gail B. Cross, Katie Coles, Mandana Nikpour, et al.

远程医疗系统和网络 作者简介

本丛书编委会组建了高水平国际编撰团队,编委会成员由国内外一流高校专家组成,国际有哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、斯坦福大学、爱丁堡大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、汉堡大学、奥斯陆大学等,国内有中国科学院、同济大学、浙江大学、香港大学、清华大学、北京大学等。编撰作者均为世界著名学府、科研中心及重点实验室的一线科研专家。高水平的作者队伍,也造就了本套丛书在内容上的得到国际学者认可,为新时期前沿医药学图书出版工作增添势能。《远程医疗系统和网络》分册编委会由美国哈佛医学院伊戈尔?艾尔曼博士、美国耶鲁大学埃里克?R?斯科特博士、美国斯坦福大学史蒂芬?A.?菲尔特教授、美国匹兹堡大学迈克尔?L.?莫里茨教授、美国宾夕法尼亚大学保罗?J.?张 教授、加拿大卡尔加里大学阿里?里扎夫教授、丹麦哥本哈根大学克里斯蒂娜?艾勒维克博士、中国科学院高立志教授等国际国内专家组成。
