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开本: 26cm 页数: 193页
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高等计算力学 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787569028300
  • 条形码:9787569028300 ; 978-7-5690-2830-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

高等计算力学 内容简介


高等计算力学 目录

Chapter 1 Discretization and element stiffness
1.1 Discretization of a domain by elements
1.2 Solution to the ease that the three-node displacements are known
1.3 Solutions to the case that the three-node loads are known

Chapter 2 Subroutine to calculate element stiffness matrix
2.1 Calculating triangle area
2.2 Calculating [B] strain matrix
2.3 Calculating [S] stress matrix
2.4 Calculating element stiffness matrix [K]

Chapter 3 Equivalent nodal forces
3.1 Concentrated load
3.2 Body force
3.3 Distributed force
3.4 Subroutine for body load

Chapter 4 Global stiffness matrix
4.1 Global stiffness matrix and its property
4.2 Global matrix establishment
4.3 The properties of global matrix
4.4 Subroutine of global stiffness matrix
Chapter 5 Boundary conditions and solution of equilibrium equations
5.1 Multiplying a large number
5.2 Decreasing the number of the linear equations
5.3 Changing the diagonal term to one
5.4 Subroutine of adjusting global matrix
5.5 Solver

Chapter 6 Subroutine of nodal stresses and main program
6.1 The calculation method of nodal average stresses
6.2 Subroutine of nodal stress
6.3 Main program

Chapter 7 Area coordinates and more node element
7.1 Area coordinates
7.2 Selection method of general displacement function
7.3 Six-node triangular element
7.4 Four-node rectangle element

Chapter 8 Axisymmetric stress analysis
8.1 Strain matrix
8.2 Stress matrix
8.3 Elements stiffness matrix
8.4 Equivalent nodal force

Chapter 9 Three-dimensional stress analysis
9.1 Tetrahedron element method
9.2 Volume coordinates
9.3 Tetrahedral element with 10 nodes and 20 nodes
9.4 Brick element

Chapter 10 Isoparametric element
10.1 Definition of isoparametric element
10.2 Mapping method
10.3 Quadrilateral element
10.4 Relationship between □(数理化公式)
10.5 Relationship between □(数理化公式)
10.6 Discussion
10.7 Some distorted elements

Chapter 11 Numerical integration
11.1 Newton-Cotes integration method
11.2 Gauss integration method
11.3 Gauss integration application in a standard element
11.4 Equivalent nodal force

Chapter 12 Dynamic finite element method
12.1 Formulation of time dependent problem
12.2 Inertial force
12.3 Damping force
12.4 Global equilibrium equation
12.5 Step by step integration method

Chapter 13 Automatic Mesh Generation in MATLAB
13.1 Introduction
13.2 The algorithm for mesh generation
13.3 Implementation
13.4 Special Distance Functions
13.5 Examples
13.6 Mesh Generation in 3-D

Chapter 14 Model Generation in ANSYS
14.1 Understanding Model Generation
14.2 Planning Your Approach
14.3 Choosing a Model Type (2-D, 3-D, etc.)
14.4 Choosing Between Linear and Higher Order Elements
14.5 Solid Modeling and Direct Generation
14.6 Generating the Mesh
14.7 Defining Material Properties
14.8 Applying Loads and Obtaining the Solution
14.9 Reviewing the Results
14.10 Structural Introductory Tutorial

高等计算力学 作者简介

朱哲明:四川大学建筑与环境学院教授,博士生导师,连续入选Elsevier公布的中国高被引学者(在岩石力学与工程领域中国每年仅有2人入榜)。获得博士学位于著名的 McGill 大学,博士后及后来工作于著名的 Toronto 大学。先后在10余种国际著名刊物上,发表一百多篇论文。四川省学术和技术带头人,2014年获得四川省科技进步一等奖,先后主持和参与了国家自然科学基金项目,973国家重大科技研究项目,四川省科技项目,教育部创新团队等10余项纵向项目。
