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科研写作:理论与实践:theory and practice

科研写作:理论与实践:theory and practice

开本: 23cm 页数: 440页
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科研写作:理论与实践:theory and practice 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787544655958
  • 条形码:9787544655958 ; 978-7-5446-5595-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

科研写作:理论与实践:theory and practice 本书特色


科研写作:理论与实践:theory and practice 内容简介

【简介】Brian Paltridge 是TESOL协会权威专家之一,现为悉尼大学教育学院教授,担任多部国际知名学术期刊的编委。本书汇集了作者三十多年来在科研写作领域的丰硕成果,从理论和实践两大方面对科研写作进行了精辟论述。全书融知识性、专业性、系统性和实践性为一体,对于读者提高科研写作能力,改进科研写作方法必有裨益。 Foreign Language Teacher Education and Development – Selected Works of Renowned TESOL Experts highlights the works of a number of leading researchers and educators in the TESOL field, aiming to exemplify the diversity and complexity of the ELT field. Through the book Writing for Research Purposes: Theory and Practice, readers can not only study the evolution of the field of ESP through the lens of the development of writing for research purposes, but also gain the author's insight into the areas of research and practice as he unveils untold personal stories of his respected scholarly career.

科研写作:理论与实践:theory and practice 目录

【目录】 Introduction Chapter 1 Why writing for research purposes? Part I Theory Chapter 2 Writing up research: A systemic functional perspective Chapter 3 Genre analysis and the identification of textual boundaries Chapter 4 Working with genre: A pragmatic perspective Chapter 5 Analyzing genre: A relational perspective Chapter 6 Genre and the notion of prototype Chapter 7 Approaches to genre Chapter 8 Academic writing Chapter 9 The exegesis as a genre: An ethnographic examination Chapter 10 Genre and English for Specific Purposes Chapter 11 Genre and second language academic writing Part II Practice Chapter 12 Thesis and dissertation writing: Preparing ESL students for research Chapter 13 Genre and the language learning program Chapter 14 Linguistic research and EAP pedagogy Chapter 15 Thesis and dissertation writing: An examination of published advice and actual practice Chapter 16 Teaching thesis and dissertation writing Chapter 17 Textographies and the researching and teaching of writing Chapter 18 Thesis and dissertation writing: Moving beyond the text Chapter 19 What is a good research project? Chapter 20 Writing retreats as writing pedagogy Chapter 21 Publishing from a dissertation. A book or articles? Conclusion Chapter 22 Looking back and looking forward Acknowledgments

科研写作:理论与实践:theory and practice 作者简介

