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蛮书英译 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787548233398
  • 条形码:9787548233398 ; 978-7-5482-3339-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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蛮书英译 内容简介

  《蛮书》,又名《云南志》,共十卷,较为全面准确地展现了唐代中晚期南诏境内地理环境和政治、经济、军事、文化、风俗、物产等诸多方面的情况,内容丰富翔实、全面客观,具有很高的史料价值。  《蛮书英译(英文版)》自唐代成书以来,受到历代学者的高度重视,对其校注评述层出不穷。20世纪初以来,海外学者对《蛮书》开始予以关注,不论是选译全译,或是引用于论文专著,都表现出对中国西南边境的云南及其古籍的研究热忱。  1904年,法国著名汉学家伯希和于《法兰西远东学院学刊》第四期发表《交广印度两道考》一文,首次提到《蛮书》并加脚注,对作者和版本作了介绍,称其"值得全文翻译和注解"。伯氏时为法国河内东方学院教授,以毕生心力从事亚洲史地学考证研究,《交广印度两道考》研究中国与印度之间的交通,即对自交趾经云南赴印度,与自广州经南海赴印度之两道,分别予以考证。当时正值法国汉学鼎盛之际,《蛮书》经此郑重推介,法译版已于其后不久刊行于世。

蛮书英译 目录

卷一 云南界内途程
卷二 山川江源
卷三 六诏
卷四 名类
卷五 六黢
卷六 云南城镇
卷七 云南管内物产
卷八 蛮夷风俗
卷九 南蛮条教
卷十 南蛮疆界接连诸番夷国名
附录一 《云南志》佚文、樊绰奏状及绰所辑有关唐南诏复交资料
附录二 樊绰所辑有关“廪君蛮”资料


蛮书英译 节选

  《蛮书英译(英文版)》:  VI. Shilang is a Zhao.lts lord was Shi Wangqian.lnitially, Geluofeng took Shihe Town and captured Shi Gepi, cutting off any reinforcement to Wangqian, who later joined Feng Mie's son Mie Luo in attacking Meng Guiyi. Totally defeated again, he retreated to gamson Mouqiehe Town. Guiyi soon advanced his troops from Jiangkou, menacing the tribes. In no time, Shi Wangqian's followers were put to rout; with only half of his family and clansmen he fled west to Yongchang. First hearing Guiyi's army had again encamped east of Lancang River to undoubtedly target Yongchang, he felt it intolerable. Wangqian had no way out. He had a daughter named Yi Nan, well known for her beauty, yet he sent an emissary requesting to present her as a gift to Guiyi, who agreed to accept. Wangqian therefore crossed Lancang River and died in Mengshe.  Wangqian's younger brother Wangqian fled north to Tubo when Mouqiehe Town first fell. Tubo made him Zhao and he returned to Jianchuan, with tens of thousands of followers there. Wangqian fathered Qianbang, and Qianbang begot Bang Luodian. Now that Nanzhao had subdued Jianchuan, it got at its disposal the whole tribe of Shilang. Bang Luodian fled to the north of Lu River. The Three-Lang by now had all been pacified, except that Bang Luodian's and Yi Luoshi's descendants were still in Tubo.  VIII. Meng She, a Zhao, lives in Mengshe Plain, and is to the south of all the other tribes, hence the southern Zhao ( Nanzhao) . He is surnamed Meng. In Zhenyuan Era(785 - 804) , he submitted a letter to Wei Gao, Military Commissioner ( Jiedushi) of Jiannan, clarifying that his roots trace to Shayi of Yongchang. Shepang, the 8u' generation ancestor of Nanzhao, begot  Pangjialuo, also named Xinuluo. During the reign of Gaozong ( 650 - 683) , he sent his chieftains several times to visit the capital and seek an audience with the Emperor. All of them were marshaled into the presence, rewarded with gifts of embroidered robes or purple robes with embroidered sleeves. Xinuluo begot Luoshengyan, also named Luosheng; Luoshengyan begot Yange and Shengluopi.Yange ascended the throne, and was dead.Shengluopi begot Piluoge; Piluoge begot Geluofeng.ln Tianhou Era (684 -704) , Luoshengyan went to visit the Court, while his wife was pregnant. When he got to Yaozhou, she gave birth to Shengluopi. Hearing the news, Luoshengyan was exultant, saying: "Now I have a son to carry on the line. On the Han's land, I shall have no regrets even upon death. " Later when marshaled into the presence, he was highly commended, arranged in Imperial Reception Service, and granted an embroidered robe, a gold girdle, and hundreds of pieces of colored silk, and then sent back home. He died in early Kaiyuan Era(713 -741) , succeeded by his son Shengluopi, whom the Court appointed Tejin( a top imperial counselor) , Govemor of Taideng shire, and Prefect of Zhishayi Prefecture. Shengluopi died and his son Piluoge was enthroned, whom, in the 26'h year of Kaiyuan Era, the Court conferred the title of Tejin, made Duke of the Yu kingdom, and gave the name of Guiyi. Having conquered the Erhe tribe, he was enfeoffed as Prince of Yunnan, rewarded with a purple robe, a gold-foil belt, and the seven accessories. His eldest son Geluofeng was appointed Great General of the Right Gamson Command, cum Governor of Yanggua Prefecture, additionally Great General of the Left Garrison Command, and soon later promoted to Tejin and Commander in Chief; the next son Chengjie was Prefect of Mengshe Prefecture; the next son Chong, Prefect of Jiangdong; the next son Chengjin, Prefect of Shuangzhu Prefecture. At first, Yan'ge had no son and adopted Piluoge as his son, who thus reverted to Meng Mie and therefore was named after Yan'ge, with no change of it afterwards.  ……

蛮书英译 作者简介

  卜绍先,1963年2月26日生,云南大理鹤庆人,大理大学教授。1984年7月毕业于云南大学外语系英语语言文学专业,获英语语言文学学士学位;1988年9月赴北京大学英语系访学一年;1996年4月获国家公派资助赴澳大利亚维多利亚拉筹伯大学(La Trobe University)访学一年;2003年3月获地方公派资助赴美国麻省克拉克大学(Clark University)访学一年。2006年被评为“大理学院优秀专业技术人才”。曾任大理学院外国语学院党总支副书记、副院长,大理大学科研处副处长,大理大学外国语学院党委书记,大理大学外国语学院英语教授。  主要研究方向:英国中世纪文学、Robert Frost诗歌研究、民族历史文化文献英译研究等。公开发表论文20余篇,英译《大理上下四千年》等英文专著。
