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东方考古-第15集 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030608321
  • 条形码:9787030608321 ; 978-7-03-060832-1
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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东方考古-第15集 本书特色


东方考古-第15集 内容简介

《东方考古》是山东大学文化遗产研究院编辑的关于考古学和古代东方文明研究的系列丛书,分集陆续出版。本丛书以中国东方地区和东亚地区考古学为重点,广泛吸收国内外学者的新研究成果,体现了考古学研究的新思路、新理论和新方法。  第15集收录18篇研究论文和2篇调查、发掘报告,内容涉及聚落考古、动植物考古等方面的研究。

东方考古-第15集 目录

目录比较框架下的复杂社会历时性分析——未来的举措 Gary M. Feinman 著 张亦弛 译 陈雪香 校(1)良渚文化玉器工业初探 郭明建(13)由新见阳小叔父鼎看叔姬鼎等铜器及相关问题 黄锦前(55)青州南燕历史遗存及影响研究 李宝垒 刘光辉(62)论中国货币史上的毁佛钱 马天成 邢琪 李铭 郭俊峰(78)海岱地区史前遗址14C 测年数据的贝叶斯分析——审视考古年代学 龙腾文(Tengwen Long) Mayke Wagner Pavel E. Tarasov 著 郭珊瑞 饶宗岳 靳桂云 译 龙腾文(Tengwen Long)校(92)海岱地区年代学新成果的思考与启示 饶宗岳 郭珊瑞 靳桂云(113)中国东南地区新石器时代石镞所反映的生业格局 张俭(132)内蒙古东北部地区早期鲜卑生计方式探讨 张国文(149)中国境内史前时期羊的发现与传播研究综述 李晓哲 宋艳波(162)山东章丘黄桑院遗址2012 年度炭化植物遗存分析 张飞 王青 陈章龙 张昀 陈雪香(174)曲阜奥体中心战国两汉与宋代墓地人骨的病理学观察 张晓雯 王子孟 赵永生(190)“孤木”与“丛林”——从博物馆是什么说起 宋向光(209)描述解释改变——博物馆观众研究的三重境界 史吉祥(214)国外考古文博类学科与专业的设置及启示 黄洋(218)文化之创意与衍生——中国博物馆文化产品的概念辨析 王旭东 赵鹏(229)心理学“图形—背景”视域下的提喻法在博物馆的辩证运用 张睿(240)“禁止摄影”:由观众拍照观察中国博物馆的公共性 赵郁颖(250)杨家圈遗址水田遗迹探查 宇田津澈朗 宫本一夫 栾丰实 靳桂云 王富强(261)济南市长清区东王宋金墓地发掘简报 邢琪 房振 付欣 王爽(282)ContentsComparative Frames for the Diachronic Analysis of Complex Societies: Next Steps Gary M. Feinman Translated by Zhang Yichi Proofread by Chen Xuexiang(12)A Preliminary Study on Jade Industry in Liangzhu Culture Guo Mingjian(53)According to the Newly Emerged Yangxiaoshulifu Tripod to Discuss on the Bronzes Such as Shuji Tripod and Other Related Issues Huang Jinqian(60)The Research of the Historical Heritage and Influence of Nanyan in Qingzhou Li Baolei Liu Guanghui(77)The Research on Copper Cash Casting by the Destroyed Buddha Statue in the History of Ancient Chinese Currency Ma Tiancheng Xing Qi Li Ming Guo Junfeng(91)A Bayesian Analysis of Radiocarbon Dates from Prehistoric Sites in the Haidai Region, East China, for Evaluation of the Archaeological Chronology Tengwen Long Mayke Wagner Pavel E. Tarasov Translated by Guo Shanrui Rao Zongyue Jin Guiyun Proofread by Tengwen Long(111)Reflection on the New Results of the Chronological Research of the Haidai Region Rao Zongyue Guo Shanrui Jin Guiyun(130)On Life and Profession Patterns That Stone Arrowheads Reflect in the Neolithic Age in Southeast China Zhang Jian(148)A study on the Subsistence Strategies of Early Xianbei from the Northeast of Inner Mongolia Area Zhang Guowen(157)Research Review on the Discovery and Diffusion of Goat and Sheep in Neolithic China Li Xiaozhe Song Yanbo(171)Analysis on the Carbonized Plant Remains from Huangsangyuan Site, 2012, Zhangqiu County, Shandong Zhang Fei Wang Qing Chen Zhanglong Zhang Yun Chen Xuexiang(186)Pathological Observation of Human Skeletons from Warring States, Han and Song Dynasty in Qufu Olympic Sports Center Site Zhang Xiaowen Wang Zimeng Zhao Yongsheng(208)“Solitary Wood” and “Jungle”: What is the Museum Song Xiangguang(213)Description Explanation Change: the Triple Realm of Museum Visitor Studies Shi Jixiang(217)The Setting of the Disciplines and Specialties of Foreign Archaeology and Museology and the Inspiration Huang Yang(227)Creativity and Derivation of Culture: Concept Distinction for Cultural Products in Chinese Museums Wang Xudong Zhao Peng(239)Synecdoche’s Dialectic Application in Museum from the Psychology Persective of “Figure-Ground” Theory Zhang Rui(249)“No Photography”: the Publicness of Chinese Museums Zhao Yuying(260)Exploration of Paddy Field Remains at the Yangjiaquan Site Tetsuro Udatsu Kazuo Miyamoto Luan Fengshi Jin Guiyun Wang Fuqiang(281)Brief Excavation Report of the Dongwang Cemetery Dated to the Song and Jin Period in Changqing,Jinan Xing Qi Fang Zhen Fu Xin Wang Shuang(293)