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量子力学基础 版权信息

量子力学基础 本书特色


量子力学基础 内容简介

  Quantum mechanics is more than a physical theory of nature. It is a quantitative philosophy that provides us with a set of general, overarclung principles that describe the innermost workings of our world at its most fundamental level. Due to its central importance, all physical and philosophical theories have to be consistent with quantum mechanics. There are two aspects of quantum mechanics: the "machinery" and the "spook." The machinery, epitomized by the Schrodinger equation and its various methods of solution, allows us to propagate the quantum state of a system deterministically forward in time. This aspect of quantum mechanics is not particularly "quantum;" we find it in similar form in all classical field theories. The "spook" are all those aspects of quantum mechanics that do not have a classical analogue, not even in principle. This part of quantum mechanics is connected with the theory of measurement and its implications. Since quantum mechanics is the most basic theory of nature, no wonder that quantum mechanics is capable of confronting basic philosophical questions head-on, prime among them the nature of reality.   For the longest time, the philosophical implications of quantum mechanics were far from main-stream physics. Only very few physicists studied them because it was felt that this is idle speculation, alien to a "hard," quantitative science such as physics. In particular, physicists thought that there are no consequences or applications. This point of view was fueled by the immense success of the quantum mechanical machinery, which, like a steam roller, flattened and solved any "practical" problem it was applied to. In such an atmosphere of success, questions probing the foundations of the theory appeared irrelevant and futile.   "Shut up and calculate" was the standard response of teachers and research advisers to students of quantum mechanics raising questions concerning the meaning and interpretation of quantum mechanics.

量子力学基础 目录


1 Photons
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Young's Double-Slit Experiment
1.3 Photoelectric Effect: Einstein's Quanta
1.4 Experiment of Aspect and Collaborators
1.5 Properties of the Photon
1.6 Summary
Chapter Review Exercises

2 Wave-Particle Duality
2.1 Introduction
2.2 A Diffraction Experiment with Photons
2.3 Young's Double-Slit Experiment Revisited
2.4 Three Rules of Quantum Mechanics
2.5 Two-Slit Which-Way Experiment
2.6 Summary
Chapter Review Exercises

3 The Machinery of Quantum Mechanics
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Schrodinger's Equation
3.3 Observables
3.4 Spectral Theory
3.5 Dirac Notation
3.6 Heisenberg Picture
3.7 Two-Level Systems
3.8 Summary
Chapter Review Exercises

4 Measurement
4.1 Introduction
4,2 von Neumann Measurement
4.3 Uncertainty Principle
4.4 No-Cloning Theorem
4.5 Quantum Zeno Effect
4.6 Summary
Chapter Review Exercises

5 Interaction-Free Measurements
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Seeing in the Dark: Conceptual Scheme
5.3 Elitzur-Vaidman Scheme
5.4 Optimallnteraction-Free Measurements
5.5 Summary
Chapter Review Exercises

6 EPR Paradox
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Hallmarks of Physical Theories
6.3 EPR and Reality
6.4 Bell's Theorem
6.5 Mermin's Reality Machine
6.6 Summary
Chapter Review Exercises

7 Classical and Quantum Information
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Bits and Qubits
7.3 Classical Gates
7.4 Quantum Gates
7.5 Classical and Quantum Circuits
7.6 Teleportation
7.7 Summary
Chapter Review Exercises

8 Quantum Computing
9 Classical Cryptology
10 Quantum Factoring
11 Ion-Trap Quantum Computers
12 Outlook



量子力学基础 作者简介

《量子力学基础》 Reinhold Blumel(R. 布卢梅尔,美国)维思大学(Wesleyan University)物理系教授。
