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英语最新版/全国中级导游等级考试教材 版权信息

英语最新版/全国中级导游等级考试教材 内容简介


英语最新版/全国中级导游等级考试教材 目录

Unit One Culture and Civilization Text A Ancient Chinese Civilization Text B The Foundation of World Civilization Supplementary Reading Ancient Views of World Geography Unit Two People and Traditions Text A Spring Festival--A Holiday that Blends Man and Nature Text B Traditional American Values and Beliefs Supplementary Reading Independence Days Unit Three Politics and Government Text A NPC & Western Parliament: Similarities and Differences Text B Taiwan Solution: One Country Two Systems Supplementary Reading Macao Unit Four Traditional Chinese Ideas and Philosophy Text A Heaven, Earth and Man Text B The Delightful Pursuit of Human Love Supplementary Reading Fortune and Misfortune Unit Five Education in China Text A Education System in China Text B Confucius Institute in Africa Supplementary Reading Online Learning May Solve Rural Teacher Shortage Unit Six Science and Technology Text A Technological Rise in China Text B Cutting-Edge Tech Protects Ancient Culture Supplementary Reading China's High-Speed Rail 10 Years on Unit Seven Medicine and Martial Arts Text A Yin and Yang in the Medical Theory Text B Martial Arts and Chinese Culture Supplementary Reading Medicine Unit Eight Silk and Silk Road Text A Silk and Silk Road--Past and Present Text B Ancient Silk Road, Modern Links Supplementary Reading Chinese Embroidery Unit Nine Environmental Protection Text A China's Action Plan for Air Pollution Text B Greening of the Desert Supplementary Reading Green is Gold: China's Remarkable Revival Project Unit Ten International Exchanges Text A Belt and Road Initiative Text B Friends of the Chinese People Supplementary Reading China-Panama Ties at a Glance Unit Eleven Chinese Food and Culinary Arts Text A The Ancient Culinary Art of China Text B Tea Philosophy: An Intangible Cultural Heritage Supplementary Reading Chinese Food in Green Eyes Unit Twelve Architectural Wonders Text A Chinese Architecture Text B Architecture of the Forbidden City Supplementary Reading Shanghai's Alleyways Unit Thirteen Population and Family Text A Ways to Tackle China's Demographic Challenges Text B Elderly Care in China Supplementary Reading A New View of Marriage Unit Fourteen Modern Lifestyle Text A New Ways to Pay Text B China's Sharing Economy Supplementary Reading Red Tourism Bringing History to Life Unit Fifteen Sports and Entertainment Text A Sports and Games of Old China Text B Traditional Chinese Musical Instruments Supplementary Reading Facial Make-ups in Operas Key to Exercises Bibliography