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MATLAB编程(第四版 版权信息

MATLAB编程(第四版 本书特色


MATLAB编程(第四版 内容简介

  《MATLAB编程(第四版 英文影印版)》详细讲述了利用MATLAB解决典型技术问题的方法,包括自顶向下的程序设计方法、函数的使用、MATLAB内部工具的使用和数据结构、使用技巧和常见错误等。该书将MATLAB作为一种科技程序设计语言进行介绍,帮助读者编写出简洁、高效、组织良好的程序;同时,帮助读者使用MATLAB的扩展在线帮助功能来找到所需的函数。该书注重提高利用MATLAB解决实际问题的能力,有利于为读者将来的学习与研究工作打下良好的基础。  《MATLAB编程(第四版 英文影印版)》可作为工科各专业本科生的教学用书,也可作为工程技术人员的参考书。

MATLAB编程(第四版 目录

CHAPTER 1 Introduction to MATLAB
1.1 The Advantages of MATLAB
1.2 Disadvantages of MATLAB
1.3 The MATLAB Environment
1.3.1 The MATLAB Desktop
1.3.2 The Command Window
1.3.3 The Command History Window
1.3.4 The Start Button
1.3.5 The Edit/Debug Window
1.3.6 Figure Windows
1.3.7 Docking and Undocking Windows
1.3.8 The MATLAB Workspace
1.3.9 The Workspace Browser
1.3.10 Getting Help
1.3.11 A Few Important Commands
1.3.12 The MATLAB Search Path
1.4 Using MATLAB as a Scratch Pad
1.5 Summary
1.5.1 MATLAB Summary
1.6 Exercises

2.1 Variables and Arrays
2.2 Creating and Initializing Variables in MATLAB
2.2.1 Initializing Variables in Assignment Statements
2.2.2 Initializing with Shortcut Expressions
2.2.3 Initializing with Built—In Functions
2.2.4 Initializing Variables with Keyboard Input
2.3 Multidimensional Arrays
2.3.1 Storing Multidimensional Arrays in Memory
2.3.2 Accessing Multidimensional Arrays with One Dimension
2.4 Subarrays
2.4.1 The end Function
2.4.2 Using Subarrays on the Left—Hand Side of an Assignment Statement
2.4.3 Assigning a Scalar to a Subarray
2.5 Special Values
2.6 Displaying Output Data
2.6.1 Changing the Default Format
2.6.2 The disp function
2.6.3 Formatted Output with the fprintf Function
2.7 Data Files
2.8 Scalar and Array Operations
2.8.1 Scalar Operations
2.8.2 Array and Matrix Operations
2.9 Hierarchy of Operations
2.10 Built—in MATLAB Functions
2.10.1 Optional Results
2.10.2 Using MATLAB Functions with Array Inputs
2.10.3 Common MATLAB Functions
2.11 Introduction to Plotting
2.11.1 Using Simplexy Plots
2.11.2 Printing a Plot
2.11.3 Exporting a Plot as a Graphical Image
2.11.4 Multiple Plots
2.11.5 Line Color, Line Style, Marker Style, and Legends
2.11.6 Logarithmic Scales
2.12 Examples
2.13 Debugging MATLAB Programs
2.14 Summary
2.14.1 Summary of Good Programming Practice
2.14.2 MATLAB Summary
2.15 Exercises

CHAPTER 3 Branching Statements and Program Design
3.1 Introduction to Top—Down Design Techniques
3.2 Use of Pseudocode
3.3 The Logical Data Type
3.3.1 Relational Operators
3.3.2 A Caution About the == and ~= Operators
3.3.3 Logic Operators
3.3.4 Logical Functions
3.4 Branches
3.4.1 The if Construct
3.4.2 Examples Using if Constructs
3.4.3 Notes Concerning the Use of if Constructs
3.4.4 The switch Construct
3.4.5 The try/catch Construct
3.5 Additional Plotting Features
3.5.1 Controlling x— and y—Axis Plotting Limits
3.5.2 Plotting Multiple Plots on the Same Axes
3.5.3 Creating Multiple Figures
3.5.4 Subplots
3.5.5 Enhanced Control of Plotted Lines
3.5.6 Enhanced Control of Text Strings
3.5.7 Polar Plots
3.5.8 Annotating and Saving Plots
3.6 More on Debugging MATLAB Programs
3.7 Summary
3.7.1 Summary of Good Programming Practice
3.7.2 MATLAB Summary
3.8 Exercises

4.1 The while Loop
4.2 The for Loop
4.2.1 Details of Operation
4.2.2 The MATLAB Just—in Time (JIT) Compiler
4.2.3 The break and continue Statements
4.2.4 Nesting Loops
4.3 Logical Arrays and Vectorization
4.3.1 Creating the Equivalent of if/else Constructs with Logical Arrays
4.4 The MATLAB Profiler
4.5 Additional Examples
4.6 Summary
4.6.1 Summary of Good Programming Practice
4.6.2 MATLAB Summary
4.7 Exercises

CHAPTER 5 User-Defined Functions
5.1 Introduction to MATLAB Functions
5.2 Variable Passing in MATLAB: The Pass—by—Value Scheme
5.3 Optional Arguments
5.4 Sharing Data Using Global Memory
5.5 Preserving Data between Calls to a Function
5.6 Function Functions
5.7 Subfunctions, Private Functions, and Nested Functions
5.7.1 Subfunctions
5.7.2 PtivateFunctions
5.7.3 Nested Functions
5.7.4 Order of Function Evaluation
5.8 Summary
5.8.1 Summary of Good Programming Practice
5.8.2 MATLAB Summary
5.9 Exercises
CHAPTER 6 Additional Data Types and Plot Types
CHAPTER 7 Advanced Features: Sparse Arrays, Cell Arrays,Structures, and Function Handles
CHAPTER 8 Input/Output Functions
CHAPTER 9 Handle Graphics