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开本: 22cm 页数: 126页
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孔宁:地球新娘(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787510467042
  • 条形码:9787510467042 ; 978-7-5104-6704-2
  • 装帧:100g纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

孔宁:地球新娘(英文版) 本书特色


孔宁:地球新娘(英文版) 内容简介


孔宁:地球新娘(英文版) 目录

Chapter 1
Her Growth Path

Chapter 2
Her Emotional World

Chapter 3

Chapter 4
Her Poetry and Art

Catch Light in the Darkness

My Green Earth Dream

孔宁:地球新娘(英文版) 节选

  《孔宁:地球新娘(英文版)》:  Kong Ning believed the doctors would be happy walking back and forth through the clean corridor. If she worked harder, they would treat her mother with greater care. After finishing the corridor, she cleaned the toilets and meticulously emptied patientbedpans, making sure everything was done properly lest hospital authorities would fire her and keep her from her mother.  "I had to smell all kinds of stench - disinfectants, blood, feces, urine, discarded gauze…you name it!" Kong Ning recalled. One day, a country woman threw her six- or seven-month-old baby on a doctor's desk and wept sadly outside the door. The baby died of an unknown disease. The head nurse asked Kong Ning toremove the dead baby as if sleeping in a brown fabric.  Kong Ning walked out holding the little body in her arms as the baby's mother wailed behind her. After exiting the hospital compound, she sat on a stairway at the gate, hugging the cold baby tightly, as if trying to wake her with her body warmth. The baby's mother sat beside her crying until she had run out of strength. By dawn the next day, the mother left with the baby in resignation to fate.  Soon thereafter, a ballet dancer jumped from the fifth floor of the hospital. She was suffering from bone cancer and the doctor had to saw off one of her legs to save her life. But to her, losing a leg was the same as losing her life, because it meant she couldn't dance any more. With a stretcher on her shoulder, Kong Ning immediately followed the head nurse downstairs to an open flower bed where the dancer lay flat in the pale moonlight. She was still alive! "Lift her and put her on the stretcher! Quick!" said the head nurse. Kong Ning tried but failed. "Carry her on your back then!" The head nurse ordered. The elevator wasn't working, so Kong Ning had to carry her up the stairs step by step. "Why did you jump? Why do you want to die?" Kong Ning breathlessly asked, sounding like a young mother tenderly scolding a thfee-year-old who didn't know what death was all about.  Doctors saved her. To prevent her from attempting suicide again, they tied her to a bedpost with gauze. Kong Ning said to her: "You must live! You must survive no matter how hard it is!"  This terrible experience was later framed in The Ballet Dancer, a Kong Ning painting. Professional dancers have a special fluidity of beauty, whether joyful or sad. However, in this 2010 painting, the dancer is writhing in pain and the lines of her body do not seem to stretch. This painful feeling is not exclusive to the ballet dancer who has lost the stage; it is shared by Kong Ning, who suffered due to the wrongs her loved ones were subjected to.  On a misty morning in the early spring of 1971, Xiaoyu came to Shanghai from Manzhouli. Wearing an oversize blue tunic and a straw rope around his waist, he looked like a famine victim. He had come to take their mother home to Manzhouli. The family of three was to live another ten years in their hometown, experience the fear ofwar and preparations for war, and grow up.  ……

孔宁:地球新娘(英文版) 作者简介

  赤桦,新华社记者,曾任清华大学新闻与传播学院客座教授。长期从事中英文深度报道。在《南方周末》《冰点周刊》《凤凰周刊》《新周刊》《嘹望东方周刊》《南华早报》《中国日报》《好莱坞报道》《嘉人》等中外媒体发表文章若干。  有英文写成的非学术、非虚构著作《红镜》1995年在美国出版,成为长销书。  业余,她观察国人的穿衣打扮——从冰冷的文史资料书籍影像,看到火热现实中的红男绿女,从符号学角度讲述穿衣打扮后面“明争暗斗”的故事:政治的,文化的,男男女女的,啼笑皆非。然后,有了这本《衣不蔽体》,亦非学术、非虚构。
