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华章数学原版精品系列实分析与复分析(英文版 原书第3版 典藏版)/(美)沃尔特.鲁丁

华章数学原版精品系列实分析与复分析(英文版 原书第3版 典藏版)/(美)沃尔特.鲁丁

开本: 16开 页数: 428
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华章数学原版精品系列实分析与复分析(英文版 原书第3版 典藏版)/(美)沃尔特.鲁丁 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787111619550
  • 条形码:9787111619550 ; 978-7-111-61955-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

华章数学原版精品系列实分析与复分析(英文版 原书第3版 典藏版)/(美)沃尔特.鲁丁 本书特色


华章数学原版精品系列实分析与复分析(英文版 原书第3版 典藏版)/(美)沃尔特.鲁丁 内容简介


华章数学原版精品系列实分析与复分析(英文版 原书第3版 典藏版)/(美)沃尔特.鲁丁 目录

Preface Prologue: The Exponential Function Chapter 1 Abstract Integration 5 Set-theoretic notations and terminology 6 The concept of measurability 8 Simple functions 15 Elementary properties of measures 16 Arithmetic in [0, ∞] 18 Integration of positive functions 19 Integration of complex functions 24 The role played by sets of measure zero 27 Exercises 31 Chapter 2 Positive Borel Measures 33 Vector spaces 33 Topological preliminaries 35 The Riesz representation theorem 40 Regularity properties of Borel measures 47 Lebesgue measure 49 Continuity properties of measurable functions 55 Exercises 57 Chapter 3 [WTBX]L[WTBZ]\+p-Spaces 61 Convex functions and inequalities 61 The [WTBX]L[WTBZ]\+p-spaces 65 Approximation by continuous functions 69 Exercises 71 Chapter 4 Elementary Hilbert Space Theory 76 Inner products and linear functionals 76 Orthonormal sets 82 Trigonometric series 88 Exercises 92 Chapter 5 Examples of Banach Space Techniques 95 Banach spaces 95 Consequences of Baire's theorem 97 Fourier series of continuous functions 100 Fourier coefficients of [WTBX]L[WTBZ]\+1-functions 103 The Hahn-Banach theorem 104 An abstract approach to the Poisson integral 108 Exercises 112 Chapter 6 Complex Measures 116 Total variation 116 Absolute continuity 120 Consequences of the Radon-Nikodym theorem 124 Bounded linear functionals on Lp 126 The Riesz representation theorem 129 Exercises 132 Chapter 7 Differentiation 135 Derivatives of measures 135 The fundamental theorem of Calculus 14~ Differentiable transformations 150 Exercises 156 Chapter 8 Integration on Product Spaces 160 Measurability on cartesian products 160 Product measures 163 The Fubini theorem 164 Completion of product measures 167 Convolutions 170 Distribution functions 172 Exercises 174 Chapter 9 Fourier Transforms 178 Formal properties 178 The inversion theorem 180 The Plancherel theorem 185 The Banach algebra [WTBX]L[WTBZ]\+1 190 Exercises 193 Chapter 10 Elementary Properties of Holomorphic Functions 196 Complex differentiation 196 Integration over paths

华章数学原版精品系列实分析与复分析(英文版 原书第3版 典藏版)/(美)沃尔特.鲁丁 作者简介

沃尔特·鲁丁(Walter Rudin) 1953年于杜克大学获得数学博士学位。曾先后执教于麻省理工学院、罗切斯特大学、威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校、耶鲁大学等。他的主要研究兴趣集中在调和分析和复变函数上。除本书外,他还著有《Functional Analysis》(泛函分析)和《Principles of Mathematical Analysis》(数学分析原理)等其他名著。这些教材已被翻译成十几种语言,在世界各地广泛使用。
