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Great国际青少英语:4:4 版权信息

Great国际青少英语:4:4 本书特色

本书共20个单元,按主题设置单元,每个单元涉及一个与青少年日常生活相关的主题,并围绕该主题涉及学习任务和练习。内容包括:Speak Up,5 ~ 6 段与主题相关的对话,根据对话完成句子,熟悉主题词汇;Listening Comprehension I,6 个与主题相关的听力习题,巩固听力基础;Listening Comprehension II,与主题相关的听力短文或对话,提高听力能力;Language Form and Meaning,选择合适的词汇或短语,补充文章中的句子,帮助学生掌握词汇和句法;Actual Reading Questions from TOEFL Junior,1 篇TOEFL Junior 阅读模拟题,帮助学生熟悉考试,提高学生阅读能力;Verbal Skill,词汇相关技能介绍及练习;Get Ready for SSAT,1 篇 SSAT 阅读热身练习,掌握基础技巧,提高阅读速度;Reading and Understanding,1 篇SSAT 阅读技巧模拟练习,掌握基础技巧,提高阅读速度;Actual Questions from SSAT,1 篇SSAT 阅读真题,帮助学生熟悉考试,提高阅读能力;Mathematics in English 用英语讲解数学知识,帮助学生熟悉数学术语及相关知识;Grammar,语法知识讲解,后附练习,帮助学生掌握语法。本书难度衔接国内初中三年级及高中一年级,融入了小托福、小SAT等出国考试内容,达到双轨并行的效用。

Great国际青少英语:4:4 内容简介

听说并进、读写互通、双轨并行、中西贯通 1. 双轨创新青少英语教学体系 (1)涵盖课内 课外英语知识 (2)兼顾国内中高考 小SAT、小托福等出国留学语言考试 (3)同时提升应试能力 语言应用能力 2. 知识、技能三维强化学习 校内课堂知识复现 教材知识讲解升级拓展 青少留学考试知识点应用,三位一体,强化青少年英语学习效果 3. 全面提升青少英语听说读写和数学能力 本书内容选取58年经典英语杂志《空中英语教室》中*适合亚洲读者的部分,根据国内外考试对青少年英语听说读写能力的要求,进行改编,并针对SSAT和SAT考试涉及用英语解决数学问题这一情况,首次将英文数学能力的培养纳入教材。 4. 配有完善、标准青少英语教学体系 除纸质图书外,学为贵教育为本书配套了标准的教学体系,包括完善的课程设置、教师教学手册、学员手册、家长助学手册、教师PPT等,并配有网站和APP支持,及相关配套服务,如视频demo课程、教师培训、家长培训、交流群等。 5. 中美联合全球发行 本书由北京语言大学出版社和美国梧桐出版有限公司联合开发,全球同步发行。

Great国际青少英语:4:4 目录

Unit 1 Back to School Greetings & Small Talk Talk about school subjects and discuss school rules Verbal Skills 1 Unit 2 What's a Family Worth? Talk about family life Describe a person Mathematics: Percents and Fractions Grammar: Phrase or Clause? Unit 3 Where Are My Things? Locate a missing item Verbal Skills 2 Unit 4 This Is Mine Describe a past event Mathematics: Decimals Grammar: Predicative Clause Unit 5 Super Sports Discuss sports and rules Verbal Skills 3 Unit 6 Fruit Facts Factual report Mathematics: Ratios Grammar: Inversion Unit 7 Shopping for Dresses Buy, exchange and return an item Verbal Skills 4 Unit 8 What Day Is It Today? Discuss themed celebration Mathematics: Proportion Grammar: Object Clause Unit 9 What Happened in School? Compare & Contrast Verbal Skills 5 Unit 10 Let's Talk about Abilities Discuss lessons of life Mathematics: Ordering of Numbers Grammar: Attributive Clause Unit 11 Time Management Describe daily routine and holiday activities Verbal Skills 6 Unit 12 All about Transportation Describe and discuss various modes of transportation Mathematics: Odd and Even Numbers Grammar: Adverbial Clause Unit 13 Don't Be Rude Talk about manners and rules Verbal Skills 7 Unit 14 Animal Facts Discuss wildlife and conservation Mathematics: Sequences Grammar: Appositive Clause Unit 15 What Are People Doing??? Describe entertainment, celebrities and recreation Verbal Skills 8 Unit 16 Let's Talk about Weather Describe natural phenomenon and their influence on humans Mathematics: Frequency Grammar: Adverbial Clause - Advanced Unit 17 How Do I Get There? Seek and give directions Verbal Skills 9 Unit 18 Who's She? Describe inspiring people Mathematics: Elementary Algebra Grammar: Subject Clause & "it" Placeholder Unit 19 Let's Order Some Food Order and describe food Verbal Skills 10 Unit 20 What Happened Before? Discuss formal and informal education Mathematics: Elementary Geometry and Measurement Grammar: Attributive Clause - Advanced Answer key

Great国际青少英语:4:4 作者简介

