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英语报刊教材系列体育英语报刊选读/田慧 版权信息

英语报刊教材系列体育英语报刊选读/田慧 本书特色

一、精心选材。编者查阅了大量英文报刊,精选了当代西方一些著名报刊如New York Times.Times,Sports Illustrated等的文章。选文内容丰富,文字优美,适宜反复阅读。

英语报刊教材系列体育英语报刊选读/田慧 内容简介

    《体育英语报刊选读》是面向体育、师范院校的体育英语专业、传媒专业及体育专业高年级学生的英语阅读教材,亦适用于具有大学英语四级或相近水平的读者和体育专业人士阅读参考。    《体育英语报刊选读》文章广泛选自英国、美国、加拿大及澳大利亚的报刊以及相应报刊名下的网站。文章编选具有以下特点:    一、精心选材。编者查阅了大量英文报刊,精选了当代西方一些有名报刊如New York Times.Times,Sports Illustrated等的文章。选文内容丰富,文字优美,适宜反复阅读。    二、编排新颖。《大学美英报刊教材系列:体育英语报刊选读》所选文章分为五个部分,每一部分的十五篇文章均按由易到难的顺序排列。为了方便读者学习、理解原文,编者特为每篇文章撰写了中文导读,对文章内容或背景做了简明扼要的介绍。每篇文章均附有与选文有关的背景知识和思考题,便于读者进一步理解和掌握文章的内容,提高英语理解和表达能力。另外,文章很后列出了与选文有关的体育词汇及短语,供读者参考。    三、注释精当。编者对选编的文章提供了准确、详尽的词汇注释,并对文章中出现的语言、人物和文化背景进行了适当解释,对部分复杂句子还给出了译文,既省却了读者翻检词典之劳,又丰富了读者的文化知识。

英语报刊教材系列体育英语报刊选读/田慧 目录

Part Ⅰ Fad Sports 时尚体育
Lesson 1 Jump to It: Turn Your Way to a Better Body with This Simple but Challenging Workout Special Section: Better Homes & Bodies Jump Rope
Lesson 2 Power Pilates: Tone Muscles and Reduce Body Fat with These Five Quick Moves
Lesson 3 On a Roll the Increasing Use and Diversification of Inline Skating
Lesson 4 Bodysurfing
Lesson 5 Core Curriculum: 5 Great Yoga Moves to Strengthen Your Abs and Back
Lesson 6 Make Running Easier
Lesson 7 The Steep and Rocky Road: Steps to Successful Rock Climbing
Lesson 8 Paintballing Makes a Splash
Lesson 9 Ice fishing: Winter Safety
Lesson 10 Windsurfing
Lesson 11 Welcome to the Ice Age Winter Sports (Ⅰ)
Lesson 12 Welcome to the Ice Age Winter Sports (Ⅱ)
Lesson 13 Is Bowling a Sport?
Lesson 14 Even Flow: No, Its Not a Chase Scene from a 70s Cop Show. Its the French Extreme Sport Le Parkour
Lesson 15 The Rodeo Today

Part Ⅱ Sporting Kaleidoscope 聚焦体育
Lesson 1 Olympic Athletes Largely Barred from Posting Online Diaries
Lesson 2 Cities Make Their Final Pitches as Olympic Committee Nears Vote
Lesson 3 Beijing 2008 Olympic Journal: Chinas Olympic Legacy
Lesson 4 Fresh Perspectives--A Look at Torino 2006 s as Olympic Committee Nears Vote
Lesson 5 Pastime Reveals Story of Two Sports
Lesson 6 Seeking Acceptance, Rugby Gives It a Try
Lesson 7 IAAF Struggle to Get Athletics Back on Track
Lesson 8 U.S. Snowboarders Key to Winning: Have Fun
Lesson 9 A Life in Sport: Synchro-swimming--An Interview of Gayle Adamson
Lesson 10 See the Ball, Hit the Ball: A Guide to Baseball
Lesson 11 Ice Hockey
Lesson 12 Pole Vaulting: Doing the Seemingly Impossible
Lesson 13 Making the Connections--Ballet Classes Enhance Skating Technique in Many Ways
Lesson 14 LTA: Long-Term Aims or Leading Tennis Astray?
Lesson 15 Team Spirit, Yes, but Not Too Much

Part Ⅲ Sporting Memories 赛场风云
Lesson 1 The Men s 200m Freestyle
Lesson 2 El Guerrouj Wins Double Gold
Lesson 3 Oxford Conquer the Waves to Win Boat Race
Lesson 4 United Haunted by Ghost of 79
Lesson 5 Italy Wins 2006 World Cup Championship
Lesson 6 Federer Beats Roddick to Win Wimbledon Yet Again
Lesson 7 Yan and Zheng Win China s First Wimbiedon Title
Lesson 8 Yankees Victory Is Long Time Coming
Lesson 9 Somerset Overseas Aides Increase Australia s Anxiety
Lesson 10 Uphill Racer
Lesson 11 Williams Impresses to Put Bath out of Reach
Lesson 12 Busch Leaves Pack, and the Debris, in the Dust
Lesson 13 Hurricane Blows Away Rivals
Lesson 14 Andrei Arlovski Defends Heavyweight Title at the UFC 53
Lesson 15 Heat of the Moment

Part Ⅳ Glimpses of the Superstars 体坛明星
Lesson 1 Yao Has Grown into One ofNBAs Biggest Stars
Lesson 2 Karrie Needs Jack Target to Bowl at
Lesson 3 Silver Lining as British Pair s Fightback Falls Short
Lesson 4 Attack Is the Best Form of Defence for a Fighter in Search of Gold
Lesson 5 For "Table Tennis Mozart," Few High Notes
Lesson 6 Taste of Future as Rice Comes to Boil
Lesson 7 Jumping a Self-made Obstacle Course
Lesson 8 After Falling, She Rises and Shines
Lesson 9 Andre the Mastermind
Lesson 10 Schumacher s Race Not Over Yet as New Talent Arrives on Grid
Lesson 11 Armstrong Blames "Setup" for Charges
Lesson 12 German Boxing Legend Max Schmeling
Lesson 13 Accidental Hero
Lesson 14 Still a Perfect 10
Lesson 15 Flawed Best Had It All

Part Ⅴ Sporting Mosaic 体坛多棱镜
Lesson 1 Beijing Gets the Games
Lesson 2 U.N. Urges Members to Uphold Olympic Truce
Lesson 3 The Kelli White Follow Up
Lesson 4 Tears of Joy as Holmes Leads the Celebrations
Lesson 5 Rooney Says Sorry to Beckham
Lesson 6 Owen Restates His Case for Doing It the Eriksson Way
Lesson 7 Junior Hockey Players Chase Dream in America s Heartland
Lesson 8 Troubling History Bulls Concern for Curry Based on Multiple Incidents
Lesson 9 Racing for a Cause
Lesson 10 Building an Olympic Vision
Lesson 11 Wembley Stadium, can we fix it? Er, well, sorry, no we cant, actually
Lesson 12 Mansell Boys Happy to Drive Hard Bargain
Lesson 13 Death by Tarmac: the Sorry Fate of Hackney Marshes in Pursuit of Our Olympic Dream
Lesson 14 Illusionists Who Shade the Rest with Nothing to Declare Except Their Genius
Lesson 15 Seconds Needn t Be Sloppy