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致用英语阅读教程第2版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787513572934
  • 条形码:9787513572934 ; 978-7-5135-7293-4
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

致用英语阅读教程第2版 内容简介

  《致用英语阅读教程(第2版 上)/高职高专英语专业系列教材》旨在通过大量的阅读实践、实用的阅读技能训练,全面提高学生的阅读能力。  每册包括10个主题单元和两个综合训练。每单元包括和主题相关的两篇主课文和一篇补充阅读,使学生在完成基本的阅读训练的同时,接触多种题材和体裁的阅读文章,拓展知识面,扩充词汇量。  系统讲解阅读技巧,并结合课文中的实例进行练习和巩固,有效提高学生的阅读技能。  练习形式丰富多样,启发性强,注重培养学生的批判性思维能力。

致用英语阅读教程第2版 目录

Unit 1 Learning
Passage A The Power ofKnowledge
Passage B How to Improve Your Study Habits
Reading Skills Identifying Skill Requirements
Supplementary Reading Seven Steps to Positive Self Talk

Unit 2 College Education
Passage A The Value ofa College Education
Passage B Another Education in University
Reading Skills Skimming
Supplementary Reading Universities and Their Function

Unit 3 Sources of Beauty
Passage A Is This Seat Taken7
Passage B Reach for the Light
Reading Skills Guessing Unknown Words from Context
Supplementary Reading The Old Man and the Sea(Excerpt)

Unit 4 Social Media
Passage A Social Media Is Changing Our Daily Lives
Passage B How Can Social Media Be Used in Education?
Reading Skills Guessing Unknown Words from Word—building
Supplementary Reading Is True Friendship DyingAway?

Unit 5 Kids and Family
Passage A The Ring
Passage B Driving Lesson
Reading SkillS Recognizing Words That Connect Ideas
Supplementary Reading King Grisly—Beard(Excerpt)
Comprehensive Practice I

Unit 6 Touch of Life
Passage A Everyday Is a Gift
Passage B Letting Go ofYesterday
Reading Skills Getting Ideas Sorted Out by Critical Thinking
Supplementary Reading Detour to Romance

Unit 7 Friendship
Passage A In Praise ofBest Friends
Passage B A Friend Is
Reading Skills Searching for the Main Idea
Supplementary Reading Encounters with Manners (Excerpt)

Unit 8 Lifestyle
Passage A A Healthy Lifestyle
Passage B Vitamin Supplements—A Pill Is Not Always the Answer
Reading Skills Distinguishing Facts and Opinions
Supplementary Reading The Joy ofSOHO:Making a Life While Making a Living

Unit 9 Sports
Passage A Coming a Long Way,in More Ways Than One
Passage B The Football Game
Reading Skills Recognizing Patterns
Supplementary Reading Around the World in 80 Days (Excerpt)

Unit 10 Entertainment
Passage A Can a Film Change the World?
Passage B Star Couples Fight to Keep Baby News Private
Reading Skills Activating Your Background Knowledge
Supplementary Reading So,What Were We Writing about Again?

Comprehensive Practice II
Key to Exercises

致用英语阅读教程第2版 节选

  《致用英语阅读教程(第2版 上)/高职高专英语专业系列教材》:  Most of us are in a state of constant mental chatter.We talk to ourselves all day long and, unfortunately, this self talk is frequently negative.This negativity can destroy any seed of hope that we may otherwise have in striving for our dreams.  Our actions are inspired by our thoughts.If we can change the way we think, we can begin to change the actions we take.Jt is human nature to seek personal growth, whether financially,emotionally, physically or spiritually.Practicing positive selftalk can help us set in motion actions that will bring us greater rewards.  The following are seven steps to positive self talk.By following these steps you will begin to get rid of negative inner conversations and have more empowering thoughts.  1.Eliminate internal negahve chatter  The first step is one of awareness.It will be hard to make a change to positive thinking without being acutely intimate with the thoughts that run through your mind.Recently, I was amazed to discover deeply buried emotions from negative thoughts that I had for fewer than 10 minutes.Without awareness, I would have kept carrying the hurt and anger inside.Awareness helped me to bring them out to deal with them.  ……
