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大学英语听力应用教程(第2册) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787560651989
  • 条形码:9787560651989 ; 978-7-5606-5198-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

大学英语听力应用教程(第2册) 内容简介

本书每单元都由Warming-up Activity、Short Conversations、Long Conversations、Passages、Compound Dictation及Essay Appreciation组成。形式活泼多样而且与全国大学英语水平测试第四级的形式相吻合, 内容涉及了日常生活和社交活动的各个方面, 不仅有助于提高学生的听力技能, 也有益于提高学生的英语交际能力。

大学英语听力应用教程(第2册) 目录

Unit 1 My Job and Payment 1 Part One Warming-up Activity 1 Part Two Conversations 2 Part Three Passages 4 Part Four Compound Dictation 6 Part Five Story Appreciation 7 Part Six Key to the Exercises (Listening by Code) 7 Unit 2 Do Not Give Up 12 Part One Warming-up Activity 12 Part Two Conversations 13 Part Three Passages 16 Part Four Compound Dictation 17 Part Five Story Appreciation 18 Part Six Key to the Exercises (Listening by Code) 18 Unit 3 An Instruction of Workbook 24 Part One Warming-up Activity 24 Part Two Conversations 25 Part Three Passages 27 Part Four Compound Dictation 29 Part Five Story Appreciation 29 Part Six Key to the Exercises (Listening by Code) 29 Unit 4 TV Time 35 Part One Warming-up Activity 35 Part Two Conversations 36 Part Three Passages 38 Part Four Compound Dictation 40 Part Five Story Appreciation 41 Part Six Key to the Exercises (Listening by Code) 41 Unit 5 Lions 46 Part One Warming-up Activity 46 Part Two Conversations 47 Part Three Passages 50 Part Four Compound Dictation 52 Part Five Story Appreciation 52 Part Six Key to the Exercises (Listening by Code) 53 Unit 6 Car-soccer 58 Part One Warming-up Activity 58 Part Two Conversations 58 Part Three Passages 61 Part Four Compound Dictation 63 Part Five Story Appreciation 63 Part Six Key to the Exercises (Listening by Code) 64 Unit 7 Success Story 69 Part One Warming-up Activity 69 Part Two Conversations 70 Part Three Passages 73 Part Four Compound Dictation 74 Part Five Story Appreciation 75 Part Six Key to the Exercises (Listening by Code) 75 Unit 8 AIDS 81 Part One Warming-up Activity 81 Part Two Conversations 82 Part Three Passages 85 Part Four Compound Dictation 87 Part Five Story Appreciation 87 Part Six Key to the Exercises (Listening by Code) 88 Unit 9 Thief's Suggestion 94 Part One Warming-up Activity 94 Part Two Conversations 94 Part Three Passages 97 Part Four Compound Dictation 98 Part Five Story Appreciation 99 Part Six Key to the Exercises (Listening by Code) 99 Unit 10 Volcanoes 104 Part One Warming-up Activity 104 Part Two Conversations 105 Part Three Passages 108 Part Four Compound Dictation 109 Part Five Story Appreciation 110 Part Six Key to the Exercises (Listening by Code) 110 Unit 11 The Development of Paper 116 Part One Warming-up Activity 116 Part Two Conversations 118 Part Three Passages 120 Part Four Compound Dictation 122 Part Five Story Appreciation 123 Part Six Key to the Exercises (Listening by Cde) 123 Unit 12 A New TV Show 129 Part One Warming-up Activity 129 Part Two Conversations 130 Part Three Passages 132 Part Four Compound Dictation 134 Part Five Story Appreciation 135 Part Six Key to the Exercises (Listening by Code) 135 Unit 13 The Only Child 141 Part One Warming-up Activity 141 Part Two Conversations 143 Part Three Passages 145 Part Four Compound Dictation 147 Part Five Story Appreciation 148 Part Six Key to the Exercises (Listening by Code) 148 Unit 14 Predicting Earthquake 153 Part One Warming-up Activity 153 Part Two Conversations 153 Part Three Passages 156 Part Four Compound Dictation 157 Part Five Story Appreciation 158 Part Six Key to the Exercises (Listening by Code) 158 Unit 15 An Unusual Car Race 164 Part One Warming-up Activity 164 Part Two Conversations 164 Part Three Passages 167 Part Four Compound Dictation 169 Part Five Story Appreciation 169 Part Six Key to the Exercises (Listening by Code) 170 Unit 16 Water Saving 175 Part One Warming-up Activity 175 Part Two Conversations 175 Part Three Passages 178 Part Four Compound Dictation 179 Part Five Story Appreciation 180 Part Six Key to the Exercises (Listening by Code) 180 参考文献 186

大学英语听力应用教程(第2册) 作者简介

刘淑颖,女,教授,毕业于西安外国语大学英文学院。英语应用语法研究专家和英语教育专家、教育部职业院校外语教学指导委员会分委会委员、西安科技大学高新学院国际教育学院教学院长。 主要研究方向:英语应用语法、英语教学法、测试学。曾出版如专著《大学英语教学法研究》、教材《大学英语应用语法教程》等40余部;先后在《外语教学》、《人文杂志》、《宁夏社会科学》、《法律科学》和《科学术语研究》等学术期刊发表论文30余篇;主持省部级教学改革课题10余项:“基于能力培养的公共英语教学改革研究”、“基于翻译能力培养的翻译测试题型改革研究”、“基于能力培养的高职高专英语教学研究”、“基于网络的外语教学内容与教学活动设计”、“现代化信息技术与大学英语教学研究”、“以学生为中心的大学英语教学研究”等。 曾多次指导学生参加国内外大型英语演讲比赛并获得佳绩:分别荣获2005年和2006年“CCTV杯”全国英语演讲大赛陕西赛区特等奖、2005年和2006年第十一届“21世纪澳门之星杯”全国英语演讲比赛西部地区总决赛一等奖和全国英语演讲比赛总决赛二等奖以及中国日报社和上海外语教育出版社共同举办的第十一届“21世纪外教社杯”全国英语演讲比赛带征文选拔赛二等奖;多次获得优秀指导教师殊荣:分别荣获2005年至2007年“CCTV杯”全国英语演讲大赛陕西赛区指导教师特等奖(2005、2006年)及二等奖(2007年)、2005年和2006年中央电视台“CCTV杯”全国英语演讲大赛指导教师优秀奖、2005年第十一届“21世纪澳门之星杯”全国英语演讲比赛西部地区总决赛指导教师一等奖和第十一届“21世纪澳门之星杯”全国英语演讲比赛总决赛指导教师二等奖。
