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中医临床技能实训教程-下册.英文版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787117274968
  • 条形码:9787117274968 ; 978-7-117-27496-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

中医临床技能实训教程-下册.英文版 内容简介


中医临床技能实训教程-下册.英文版 目录

Part Ⅰ Basic Medical Skills of Internal Medicine Chapter 1 Medical Record Writing Practice Chapter 2 Physical Examination Section 1 General Status, Skin, Superficial Lymph Node Examination Section 2 Head and Neck Examination Section 3 Thoracic Wall and Lung Examination Section 4 Heart and Blood Vessels Examination Section 5 Abdominal Examination Section 6 Vertebral Column and Limbs Examination Section 7 Nerve Reflex Examination Chapter 3 Practical Training in Chinese Internal Medicine Section 1 Practical Training in Pulse Diagnosis Section 2 Practical Training in Tongue Inspection Section 3 Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases, Tongue Inspection and Pulse Diagnosis in Chinese Internal Medicine Chapter 4 Basic Clinical Skills of Internal Medicine Section 1 Thoraeentesis Section 2 Abdominal Paracentesis Section 3 Bone Marrow Paracentesis Section 4 Lumber Puncture Section 5 Deep Vein Puncture Section 6 Liver Puncture and Biopsy Section 7 Kidney Puncture and Biopsy Section 8 Lymph Node Paracentesis Chapter 5 Commonly-used Emergency Treatment Techniques Section 1 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Section 2 Orotracheal Intubation Section 3 Electric Defibrillation Section 4 Gastric Lavage Section 5 Bag Valve Mask Section 6 Ventilator Part Ⅱ Basic Medical Skills of Surgery Chapter 1 Commonly Used Surgical Instruments Section 1 Scalpel Section 2 Scissors Section 3 Forceps Section 4 Surgical Forceps Section 5 Traction Hooks Section 6 Probe and Curet Section 7 Stitch Needles and Stitches Section 8 Aspirator Chapter 2 Basic Surgical Techniques Section 1 incision Technique Section 2 Suture Section 3 Tying Ligation Knots Section 4 Removing Stitches and Cutting Stitches Part Ⅲ Basic Clinical Techniques in T CM Orthopedics and Traumatology Chapter 1 Emergency Hemostasis Techniques Chapter 2 Dressing Technique Chapter 3 Small Splint Fixation Chapter 4 Piaster Bandage Fixation Chapter 5 Continuous Traction Section 1 Objective and Function of Traction Section 2 Traction Appliance Section 3 Types and Methods of Traction Chapter 6 First-Aid Fixation and Transferring Skills of Bone Fracture , Chapter 7 Arthrocentesis Part Ⅳ Basic Clinical Skills of Gynecology Chapter 1 Gynecological Examination Section 1 Conclusion Section 2 Vaginal Discharge Examination Section 3 Vagina Exfoliative Cytological Examination Section 4 Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) Examination Section 5 Cervical Cytological Examination Section 6 Thinprep Cytologic Test (TCT) Section 7 Cervical mucus Examination Chapter 2 Family Planning Section 1 Guidance for Application of Contraceptive Methods Section 2 Placement of Intrauterine Devices Section 3 Removal Intrauterine Devices Section 4 Induced Abortion Vacuum Aspiration Chapter 3 Common External Treatment of Chinese Gynecology Section 1 Chinese Herbal Enema Therapy Section 2 TCM Sitz Bath Therapy Section 3 TCM Iontophoresis Therapy Section 4 TCM Hot Compress Therapy Part Ⅴ Basic Clinical Skills of Pediatrics Chapter 1 Characteristics of Pediatric Physical Examination Section 1 inspection, Auscultation and Smelling, Inquiry and Pulse-taking and Palpation in TCM pediatrics Section 2 Key Points in Pediatric Physical Examination Chapter 2 Common Diagnosis and Treatment Techniques and its Application in TCM Pediatrics Section 1 Pediatric Tuina Therapy Section 2 Plastering Therapy Section 3 Cupping therapy Section 4 Fumigation-washing Therapy Section 5 TCM Cold Compression Therapy Section 6 TCM Enema Therapy Section 7 Auricular Acupuncture with Seeds Section 8 Scraping Therapy Section 9 Body Acupuncture Section 10 Moxibustion Section 11 Scalp Acupuncture Chapter 3 Pediatric Emergency Techniques Section 1 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Infants and Children Section 2 Infantile Transoral Endotracheal Intubation Part Ⅵ Basic Clinical Practice of Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Chapter 1 Techniques of Filiform Needle Acupuncture Chapter 2 Moxibustion Section 1 Moxibustion with Moxa Cone Section 2 Roll Moxibustion Section 3 Needle-warming Moxibustion Section 4 Moxibustion with Moxa Burner Section 5 Non-moxa Moxibustion Chapter 3 Cupping Chapter 4 Three-edged Needling Chapter 5 Dermal Needling Chapter 6 Acupoint Injection Chapter 7 Electroacupuncture Chapter 8 Acupoint Application Chapter 9 Ear Acupuncture Chapter 10 Scalp Acupuncture Part Ⅶ Basic Clinical Practices of Department of Tui Na Chapter 1 Basic Methods Section 1 Swaying Methods Section 2 Rubbing and Scrubbing Methods Section 3 Vibrating Methods Section 4 Squeezing Methods Section 5 Percussing Methods Section 6 Articular Motion Methods Chapter 2 Complex Methods Section 1 Pressing-kneading Section 2 Grasping-kneading Section 3 Traction-shaking Section 4 Pushing-rubbing Part Ⅷ Practical Training on EGG Chapter 1 ECG Recording Chapter 2 Interpretation of Normal and Abnormal ECG Section 1 Normal ECG Section 2 Abnormal ECG Part Ⅸ Medical Imaging Practice Chapter 1 Overview Chapter 2 Imaging Findings of Common Diseases Section 1 Diagnostic Imaging of Common Brain Diseases Section 2 Diagnostic Imaging of Common Respiratory Diseases Section 3 Diagnostic Imaging of Circulatory Diseases Section 4 Diagnostic Imaging of Digestive System Diseases Section 5 Diagnostic imaging of Spine and Joint Diseases Appendix: Clinical Practical Training Assessment Form List 1. Assessment Form of Case Record for Emergency Observation 2. Assessment Form of Cardio-putmonary Resuscitation (CPR) 3. Assessment Form of Adult Tracheal Intubation (via the mouth) 4. Assessment Form of Gastric Lavage Operation 5. Assessment Form of Thoracocentesis 6. Assessment Form of Electrocardiogram Practice 7. Assessment Form of Electrical Defibrillation Practice 8. Assessment Form of Abdominocentesis 9. Assessment Form Urethral Catheterization 10. Assessment Form of Bone Marrow Biopsy 11. Assessment Form of Lumbar Puncture 12. Surgical Dressing Change Assessment Form 13. Surgical Aseptic Technique Assessment Form 14. Acupuncture Practice Assessment Form 15. Plaster External Fixation Assessment Form 16. Small Splint External Fixation Assessment Form 17. Clinic Integrated Ability Evaluation Form