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物流英语 版权信息

物流英语 内容简介

本书共9章, 主要内容有物流概论、供应链管理、运输、仓储管理、包装、采购、物流信息系统、物流单证、电子商务物流9个主题, 共9个单元, 18篇文章。每单元课后都有练习题, 题型涉及连线题、问答题、词语辨析题、单选题、英译汉和汉译英等, 另外还有一篇补充阅读, 旨在扩大学生的阅读量。

物流英语 目录

目 录
Chapter 1 General Introduction to Logistics 1
Text A What is Logistics 1
Optional terms 2
Main passage 2
Term station 6
Role Play 1 Introduction to Logistics Company 6
New words and phrases 7
Notes 8
Text B Activities of in Logistics System 10
Optional terms 10
Main passage 11
Role Play 2 Making a Complaint 13
New words and phrases 14
Notes 15
Exercises 15
Supplementary reading 18
Chapter 2 Supply Chain Management 20
Text A What is a Supply Chain 20
Optional terms 20
Main passage 21
Role Play 1 Introduction to SCM Information System 25
New words and phrases 27
Notes 27

Text B What is Supply Chain Management 30
Optional terms 30
Main passage 30
Role Play 2 Shipping Goods 32
New words and phrases 33
Notes 33
Exercises 34
Supplementary reading 37
Chapter 3 Transportation 39
Text A About Logistics Transportation 39
Optional terms 39
Main passage 40
Role Play 1 Transshipment 44
New words and phrases 45
Notes 45
Text B Maritime Shipping 48
Optional terms 48
Main passage 49
Role Play 2 Visiting a Logistics Company 50
New words and phrases 51
Notes 52
Exercises 53
Supplementary reading 56
Chapter 4 Warehousing Management 58
Text A Warehousing & Inventory Management 58
Optional terms 58
Main passage 59
Role Play 1 Visiting a Warehouse 63
New words and phrases 64
Notes 65
Text B Distribution Center 67
Optional terms 67
Main passage 67
Role Play 2 How Much Should I Order 69
New words and phrases 71
Notes 71
Exercises 72
Supplementary reading 75
Chapter 5 Packaging 77
Text A Introduction to Packaging 77
Optional terms 77
Main passage 78
Role Play 1 Master Cartons 80
New words and phrases 81
Notes 82
Text B Packaging Materials 84
Optional terms 84
Main passage 84
Role Play 2 Containers of Packaging 88
New words and phrases 89
Notes 90
Exercises 91
Supplementary reading 94
Chapter 6 Purchasing 96
Text A Introduction to Purchasing 96
Optional terms 97
Main passage 97
Role Play 1 What is Purchasing 99
New words and phrases 101
Notes 101
Text B Application of Purchasing Systems 103
Optional terms 103
Main passage 103
Role Play 2 Ordering Equipments 106
New words and phrases 107
Notes 108
Exercises 109
Supplementary reading 112
Chapter 7 Logistics Information System 114
Text A About LIS 114
Optional terms 114
Main passage 115
Role Play 1 Introducing an IT Department 117
New words and phrases 118
Notes 118
Text B Application of LIS 120
Optional terms 120
Main passage 120
Role Play 2 Introducing Information Technologies 125
New words and phrases 126
Notes 126
Exercises 128
Supplementary reading 131
Chapter 8 Logistics Documents 133
Text A Transportation Documents 133
Optional terms 134
Main passage 134
New words and phrases 143
Notes 144
Text B International Commercial Documents 146
Optional terms 146
Main passage 146
New words and phrases 149
Notes 150
Exercises 151
Supplementary reading 157
Chapter 9 E-Commerce Logistics 159
Text A Introduction to E-Commerce 159
Optional terms 160
Main passage 160
Role Play 1 Talking about E-Commerce 166
New words and phrases 167
Notes 167
Text B E-Commerce Logistics 170
Optional terms 170
Main passage 170
Role Play 2 Talking about E-Commerce 173
New words and phrases 174
Notes 175
Exercises 176
Supplementary reading 179
参考文献 181


物流英语 作者简介

王巍,硕研(英国),高级物流师,主讲物流与供应链管理专业课程。多次获得院系优秀教师。2014年主持北京市教委提高人才培养质量项目-大学生科研训练项目-电商生鲜冷链物流设备供给问题的研究;2014年北京市教委提高人才培养质量项目-教育教学改革实验项目-应用型本科物流管理专业课题体系建设项目(主要参与者);主持北京吉利学院2015-2016年度立项、教改课题-一般课题(大学生科研训练项目)-农产品电商直供引起的物流变革问题研究;并发表多篇论文。主持编写《物流英语》核心课程教材。2017年北京市教工委课题,获得北京市青年教师社会调研项目二等奖-《2017年北京高校电商物流发展调研报告-以昌平区为例》; 2017.10,指导全国长风物流学霸赛,指导的4名学生进入决赛,其中2名获得优秀奖;这4名学生分别获得“仓储规划经理认证”;2018.3-6,指导全国供应链运营大赛(本科组)荣获一等奖;2018.9-10,指导全国供应链创新设计大赛(本科组)荣获二等奖。
