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美国文学 版权信息

美国文学 内容简介


美国文学 目录

Part One Poetry Edgar Allan Poe (1809—1849) To Helen The Raven Annabel Lee Suggested Readings Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807—1882) A Psalm of Life The Arrow and the Song The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls Hiawatha's Childhood Suggested Readings Walt Whitman (1819—1892) Song of Myself Bivouac on a Mountain Side Suggested Readings Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (1830—1886) "Hope" is the thing with feathers The Soul selects her own Society I'm Nobody! Who are you? My life closed twice before its close A narrow Fellow in the Grass This is my letter to the World Suggested Readings Ezra Weston Loomis Pound (1885—1972) A Pact Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (Life and Contacts) Canto XLIX Suggested Readings Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888—1965) The Love Song of J. Alfred Prnfrock Suggested Readings William Carlos Williams (1883—1963) Paterson The Red Wheelbarrow Spring and All (By the road to the contagious hospital) The Dance Suggested Readings Langston Hughes (1902—1967) The Weary Blues The Negro Speaks of Rivers Harlem I, too Dream Variations Suggested Readings e. e. cummings (1894—1962) i carry your heart with me 0 sweet spontaneous r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r Buffalo Bill's Suggested Readings Robert Lee Frost (1874—1963) Mending Wall Fire and Ice Birthes Suggested Readings Wystan Hugh Auden (1917—1973) The Unknown Citizen Musee des Beaux Arts In Memory of W. B. Yeats Suggested Readings Irwin Allen Ginsberg (1926—1997) Howl Suggested Readings Part Two Essay and Fiction Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803—1882) Experience Suggested Readings Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804—1564) The Birthmark Suggested Readings Henry David Thoreau (1817—1862) Solitude : Suggested Readings Herman Melville (1819—1891) The Fiddler Suggested Readings Mark Twain (1835—1910) The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County Suggested Readings O. Henry (1862—1910) The Furnished Room Suggested Readings Jack London (1876—1916) To Build a Fire Suggested Readings Ernest Hemingway ( 1899—1961 ) The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber Suggested Readings William Faulkner (1897—1962) Barn Burning Suggested Readings John Steinbeck (1902—1968) The Chrysanthemums Suggested Readings Jeromy David Salinger (1919—2010) For Esme—With Love and Squalor Suggested Readings Joseph Heller (1923—1999) Catch-22 Suggested Readings Bibliography

美国文学 作者简介

