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开本: 25cm 页数: 290页
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多元和谐的中国宗教:英文版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787119114729
  • 条形码:9787119114729 ; 978-7-119-11472-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

多元和谐的中国宗教:英文版 本书特色


多元和谐的中国宗教:英文版 内容简介

  In rational and objective language, this book makes avivid tour of development of religions in China over acouple of miillennia seen in the context of her ideologicalclashes with the West. It takes a systematic look back at thehistorical traditions of China's religions, distilling the basiccharacteristics of ancient Chinese religions into one soocinctconcept-pluralistc harmony-which includes four specificaspects: revering heaven and emulating ancestors, harmonyof multiple creeds, letting religion play a supplementary roleto government, and exalting virtue in society. It sorts outthe history and status quo of Christeanity and Islam in Chinaand describes the development of religion Tibet, Xin-jiang, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, as well as the historyand current circumstances of China's contact with foreignreligious circles, and also offers insight into controversialtopics in the contemporary world, such as religious extrem-ism, terrorism and cults.  The book expoumds on the concept of Harmony,the phiiosophical marrow of the Chinese Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist cultural traditions. From the standpoint of com-bining theory and practice, it systematically answerS the questions of how the atheistic Communist Party of China is able to enact policies of freedom of religious belef,unite vast numbers of religious adherents and non-believers to the greatest extent possible, be dedicated to reform, opening up and socialist modernization,and be an inpetus for realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

多元和谐的中国宗教:英文版 目录

Are the Religions of China Both Pluralistic and Compatible?
Chapter 1 The Fundamentally Pluralistic yet Harmonious
Character of Religions in China
A Faith Grounded in Nature and Custom
Pluralism and Its Harmonious Interplay
The Subordination of Religion to the Primacy of Government
A Civilization of Societal Virtue

Chapter 2 Harmonyin Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist Thought
The Harmony of the Confucians
The Harmony of Buddhism
The Harmony of Taoism
Eclecticism and the Deeper Meaning

Chapter 3 Christianityin China: Adaptation to and Confrontation with Pluralistic
Christianity’s Conflict and Dialogue with Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism
The Chinese Rites Controversy and Imperial Ban of Christianity

Chapter 4 Islam in China: Assimilation with Chinese “Harmonious Diversity”
Islam and the Confucians, Buddhists and Taoists: Islam in Confucian Terms
The Image of Chinese Muslims

Chapter 5 Disruption and Reconstruction of the Harmonious Diversity of China’s
Chapter 6 The Basic Religious Situation of Contemporary China
Chapter 7 Does China Really Have Freedom of Religious Belief?
Chapter 8 Tibet: “Shangri-La”
Chapter 9 Xinjiang and the State of Religious Freedom
Chapter 10 On Pan-Islamism,Pan-Turkism and Religious Extremism
Chapter 11 Staunchly Opposing Eviv Cults in the Disguise of Religion
Chapter 12 Two Sides of Taiwan Straits: Harmony Should Be Valued
Chapter 13 China and Japan: Spirit of Jian Zhen
Indispensable for Two Neighbors Only
Separated by a Strip of Water
Chapter14 PromotingAmity and Dialogue Between the Christian and Muslim Civilizations
Chapter15 PluraListic Harmony: The Story of China’s Religions
Chapter16 Pluralistic and Harmonious Chinese Religions

多元和谐的中国宗教:英文版 节选

  《多元和谐的中国宗教(英文)》:  As China fell back into a semi-feudal, semi-colonial society, it gained yet another “Western” religion, and entered the 20th century under the onus of this societal structure, faced with seismic upheaval. Protestant-ism and Catholicism were introduced on a large scale as China’s tradi-tional religions were forced through the bottleneck of national CfiSiS and conflict with Western culture. A religion that had come to spread the gospel unfortunately became a tool of the aggressor. A religion that preaches loving one’s neighbor as oneself, instead drifted in the oppositedirection under the cover of “diplomatic immunity.” British church his-torian Porter White has remarked, “All miss/onaries have derived benefitfrom the treaties and decrees signed by China following its defeat inthe Opium Wars.”3 Some missionaries were even complicit in the saleof opium, looted property, and wreaked havoc in the name of religion.Converts also “took advantage of the protective talisman of religion,committed all manner of alleged malfeasance, swindling the unsophis-ticated in the countryside and abusing and debasing the lonesome andweak.” The victims of this oppression pled for justice, but that went un-heard, as foreigners were not subject to prosecution by Chinese courts.Zeng Guofan, who had felt the scourge of these “religious incidents,”wrote in a memorial to the throne, “Adherents of every church have per-petrated crimes, but the priests shield their flock with utter disregard forjustice and the consuls act in kind. Rows that occur between clergy andcitizens inevitably end in victory for the former and injury to the latter.  The churchgoers are increasingly flagrant in their abuses, while the peo-ple seethe with ever greater resentment. Once publ/c outrage comes to ahead, the people will find a solution with a mob mentality.” The outraged public was quoted as saying, “It doesn't rain, the ground is dry, becauseall the churches are dominating the heavensl” At long last, the final straw came in more than 600 outbreaks of “religious incidents” in modern times according to statistics. In the 1920s, the fight was taken up again in a rational and organized way by the intelligentsia, in the form of the An-ti-Christian Movement, the League against Imperialism and a movement to secularize church education.  ……

多元和谐的中国宗教:英文版 作者简介

叶小文,1950年生,籍贯湖南,长在贵州。 出自大山,当过农民。在中国,人多不过农民、艰难不过农民。得益于当农民的磨砺,就能时时随遇而安,事事尽心尽力。没当过县官,但深知,县官不大,压力山大,遂对县官情有独钟。 嗜好读书,喜欢弄笔。中国社科院研究生院宗教学博士。1982年在《中国社会科学》发表的论文《社会学否定之否定的进程及其内在矛盾》,获中国社会科学青年优秀论文奖。2014年在《光明日报》头版头条发表《让道德成为市场经济的正能量》。尽管官责不轻,曾任国家宗教事务局局长14年,现任中央社会主义学院党组书记,第一副院长(正部长级),十八届中共中央委员,还是笔耕不辍,白天走干讲,晚上读写想。在核心期刊发表文章数百篇。出书十余部。
