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宋史研究论丛(第22辑) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030592644
  • 条形码:9787030592644 ; 978-7-03-059264-4
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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宋史研究论丛(第22辑) 本书特色


宋史研究论丛(第22辑) 内容简介


宋史研究论丛(第22辑) 目录

目录 宋代制度史研究 宋型家族建构的理论与实践 杨逸(3) 北宋韩琦家族先世相关问题辨析 仝相卿(15) 宋代的荐举书启:探索改官过程中人际网络的线索 胡坤(30) 南宋时期的“进书”与“进书仪” 汪潇晨(56) 宋代招抚使序位、治所与职能述论 惠鹏飞(69) 宋代地方行政设施修建经费来源考论 王晓龙 梁桂圆(84) 宋代社会与思想史研究 宋代驻泊医官制度及其实践 陈曦 吕文艳(111) 宋代士人死亡疾病考 吴志浩(124) 宋代救济鳏寡独老的管理机构及职能 马晓燕(140) 两宋淮南地区自然灾害考论 秦国攀 王丽歌(155) 宋代淡水渔业养殖技术、渔业组织、市场与政府管制 王战扬(171) 从《宋史 艺文志》易学文献看北宋易学特点 谢炳军(184) 简论杨时与理学传承及地域化发展 朱修春 何建华 卢大觐(208) 五代辽金元史研究 利益权衡下的政治取舍:从燕云诸州的实际控制权看石晋割地的政治考量 李小霞(223) 论辽代汉官的政治地位 蒋金玲(240) 金朝品官谥号考 苗霖霖(251) 金代礼部职官籍贯分布探究 孙久龙(265) 金代南京(汴京)留守选任与转迁考论 张冰 杨军(276) 金代辽海地区士人与地域文化的发展 王万志(290) 试论杨妙真、李璮时期(1231—1262年)的山东 曹文瀚(306) 文献与考证 宋仁宗《恤狱诏》考论 常威(323) 新见北宋范讽散佚诗文述略 谭景玉(332) 札记:宋代通判渊源补记 闫建飞(344) 略论宋元时期墓葬中的祝文类买地券——以百石斋藏新出宋元买地券为中心 陈瑞青(346) 内丘扁鹊庙宋代《重修神应侯庙记》考释 张春兰 杨振北(359) 《宣和博古图》作者及成书时代之辨析 李娜(370) 庄绰《鸡肋编》所见宋代医疗史料研究 惠冬(378) 刘大彬《茅山志》研究 马秀娟(388) 书评与综述 20世纪以来宋代通判研究述评 张彦晓(405) 《金朝“异代”文士民族认同之路》评介——兼议“汉化”命题 耿涛(423) 辽西夏金宗族研究综述 王善军 郝振宇(437) Contents Study about the Institutional History of the Song Dynasty Theory and Practice of Construction of Families of the Song Dynasty Yang Yi(3) Research on Related Issues of Han Qi's Ancestors in the Northern Song Dynasty Tong Xiangqing(15) The Letters for Recommendation of the Song Dynasty :Searching for the Key to Social Network in the Procedure of Promotion Hu Kun(30) The Submission of Official Books and Ceremony for Submitting the Official Books in the Southern Song Dynasty Wang Xiaochen(56) Study on the Order, Governance Area and Functions of Zhaofushi in the Song Dynasty Hui Pengfei(69) On the Sources of Construction Funds of Local Administrative Facilities in the Song Dynasty Wang Xiaolong Liang Guiyuan(84) Study about Social and Ideological History of the Song Dynasty Research on the Detached Medical Official System and Its Practice in the Song Dynasty Chen Xi Lv Wenyan(111) Study On the Scholar-bureaucrat's Fatal Diseases in the Song Dynasty Wu Zhihao(124) The Management Agency and Its Functions for Helping the Single and Lonely Elders in the Song Dynasty Ma Xiaoyan(140) On Natural Disasters in Huainan Area of the Song Dynasty Qin Guopan Wang Lige(155) Freshwater Fish Farming Techniques, Fishery Organizations, Fishery Markets and Government Regulations in the Song Dynasty Wang Zhanyang(171) Characteristics of Yi-ology in the Northern Song Dynasty from Perspective of Interpretation of History of Song Dynasty's Yiwenzhi Xie Bingjun(184) On Yang Shi and the Inheritance and Regional Development of Lixue Zhu Xiuchun He Jianhua Lu Dajin(208) Study about History of Wudai、Liao、Jin and Yuan Dynasties Political Trade-offs after Weighing of Interests:A Research on the Political Considerations of Ceding Territory to Khitan by Shi Jingtang from the Actual Controllers of the Land Called Sixteen Districts of Yanyun Li Xiaoxia(223) On the Political Status of the Han Officials in the Liao Dynasty Jiang Jinling(240) Study on the Posthumous Names of Officers in the Jin Dynasty Miao Linlin(251) A Study on the Native Place Distribution of the Officials of Ministry of Rites in Jin Dynasty Sun Jiulong(265) Research on the Selection and Transfer of Nanjing Liushou of the Jin Dynasty Zhang Bing Yang Jun(276) The Scholars and the Regional Culture Development of Liaohai Region in the Jin Dynasty Wang Wanzhi(290) Study of Shandong in the Period of Governance by Yang Miaozhen and Li Tan (1231—1262) Cao Wenhan(306) Literature and Textual Research A Textual Research on the Imperial Edict Written by Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty Chang Wei(323) On the Newly Discovered Fan Feng's Lost Works in the Northern Song Dynasty Tan Jingyu(332) A Reading Note: A Supplement to the Origin of Tong-Pan in the Song Dynasty Yan Jianfei(344) A Brief Discussion on the Land Buying Vouchers of Congratulatory Message in the Tombs of the Song and Yuan Dynasties——Centering around the Newly Unearthed Land Buying Voucher of the Song and Yuan Dynasties of Baishizhai Chen Ruiqing(346) A Textual Research on the Monument of Reconstruction of Marquis Shenying's Temple in the Song Dynasty in Bian Que's Temple Zhang Chunlan Yang Zhenbei(359) Study on the Author and Completion Time of Xuan He Bo Gu Tu Li Na(370) A Study on the Medical Information in Jilei Hui Dong(378) Research on Mao Shan Zhi (History of Mount Mao) by Liu Dabin Ma Xiujuan(388) Review and Summary A Review of the Research on Tong-Pan in the Song Dynasty since the 20th Century Zhang Yanxiao(405) A Review of “Jin Dynasty's Literates from Other Nationalities on the Road of Ethnic Identity”:and Discussion on the Proposition of Sinicization Gen Tao(423) A Review of Research on the Clans of the Liao XiXia and Jin Dynasties Wang Shanjun Hao Zhenyu(437)