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新媒体时代跨文化交际视听说教程 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787560650388
  • 条形码:9787560650388 ; 978-7-5606-5038-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

新媒体时代跨文化交际视听说教程 内容简介

本书共分为7章, 每一章都围绕英美跨文化交际的主题展开, 附有听力理解习题和口语的讨论和辩论训练, 分别介绍了跨文化交际的知识背景, 语言和文化的多样性, 文化的价值观, 文化的休克与适应以及文化的准则, 文化的多维性, 跨文化交际的语境, 跨文化适应过程中的障碍, 英美国家的文化标记和文化象征以及文化交际的复杂性和大熔炉知识。

新媒体时代跨文化交际视听说教程 目录

Chapter 1 Intercultural Communication 1 1.1 Intercultural Background 1 1.1.1 Definition of the Interculture 1 1.1.2 Features of Intercultural Communication 1 1.2 The Features of Contemporary World Culture 2 1.2.1 Constant Change 2 1.2.2 Cultural Diversity 3 1.3 Pre-watching Activities 3 1.3.1 Compound Dictation One 4 1.3.2 Conversation Practice 4 1.4 Watching Activities 4 1.4.1 Compound Dictation Two 5 1.4.2 Oral Practice—Debate 6 1.5 Oral Enhancement Drills 7 1.5.1 Warming Up: Tongue Twisters 7 1.5.2 Cultural Introduction 7 1.5.3 Free Talk 8 1.6 After-class Activities 8 1.6.1 Cultural Understanding 8 1.6.2 Cultural Listening Comprehension 8 Chapter 2 Language and Culture 12 2.1 The Diversity of Culture 12 2.2 The Diversity of Language 13 2.3 Pre-watching Activities 14 2.3.1 Compound Dictation One 14 2.3.2 Conversation Practice 15 2.4 Watching Activities 16 2.4.1 Compound Dictation Two 16 2.4.2 Oral Practice—Debate 18 2.5 Oral Enhancement Drills 18 2.5.1 Warming Up: Tongue Twisters 18 2.5.2 Cultural Introduction 18 2.5.3 Free Talk 19 2.6 After-class Activities 19 2.6.1 Cultural Understanding 19 2.6.2 Cultural Listening Comprehension 19 Chapter 3 Cultural Value Orientations 24 3.1 Culture Shock and Adaptation 24 3.2 Norms of Social Interaction 24 3.3 Pre-watching Activities 25 3.3.1 Compound Dictation One 26 3.3.2 Conversation Practice 27 3.4 Watching Activities 27 3.4.1 Compound Dictation Two 28 3.4.2 Oral Practice—Debate 30 3.5 Oral Enhancement Drills 30 3.5.1 Warming Up: English Riddles 30 3.5.2 Cultural Introduction 30 3.5.3 Free Talk 31 3.6 After-class Activities 31 3.6.1 Cultural Understanding 31 3.6.2 Cultural Listening Comprehension 31 Chapter 4 Intercultural Insight 36 4.1 Cultural Dimensions 36 4.1.1 Individualism—Collectivism 36 4.1.2 Uncertainty Avoidance 36 4.1.3 Power Distance 37 4.1.4 Masculinity—Femininity 37 4.1.5 Long-term Orientation 37 4.1.6 Indulgence vs. Restraint (Ind) 37 4.2 The Challenge of Globalization 38 4.2.1 Growth of Globalization 38 4.2.2 Challenges of Globalization 39 4.3 Pre-watching Activities 40 4.3.1 Compound Dictation One 40 4.3.2 Conversation Practice 42 4.4 Watching Activities 42 4.4.1 Compound Dictation Two 42 4.4.2 Oral Practice—Debate 44 4.5 Oral Enhancement Drills 44 4.5.1 Warming Up: Retelling Jokes 44 4.5.2 Cultural Introduction 44 4.5.3 Free Talk 45 4.6 After-class Activities 45 4.6.1 Cultural Understanding 45 4.6.2 Cultural Listening Comprehension 45 Chapter 5 Contexts of Intercultural Communication 50 5.1 The Importance of Intercultural Communication 50 5.2 Body Language of Intercultural Communication 50 5.2.1 Intercultural Communication Case One 51 5.2.2 Intercultural Communication Case Two 51 5.3 Pre-watching Activities 52 5.3.1 Compound Dictation One 52 5.3.2 Conversation Practice 53 5.4 Watching Activities 53 5.4.1 Compound Dictation Two 54 5.4.2 Oral Practice — Debate 56 5.5 Oral Enhancement Drills 56 5.5.1 Warming Up: Tongue Twisters 56 5.5.2 Cultural Introduction 56 5.5.3 Free Talk 57 5.6 After-class Activities 57 5.6.1 Cultural Understanding 57 5.6.2 Cultural Listening Comprehension 57 Chapter 6 Barriers and Bridges Intercultural Communication 62 6.1 Identifying Cultural Difference 62 6.2 Communicating Effectively 62 6.3 Pre-watching Activities 63 6.3.1 Compound Dictation One 63 6.3.2 Conversation Practice 64 6.4 Watching Activities 64 6.4.1 Compound Dictation Two 65 6.4.2 Oral Practice — Debate 66 6.5 Oral Enhancement Drills 67 6.5.1 Warming Up: Tongue Twisters 67 6.5.2 Cultural Introduction 67 6.5.3 Free Talk 68 6.6 After-class Activities 68 6.6.1 Cultural Understanding 68 6.6.2 Cultural Listening Comprehension 68 Chapter 7 American and British Cultural Communication 73 7.1 Difference between American and British Cultural Communication 73 7.2 Famous Landmark 73 7.3 Symbols of American and British Culture 74 7.4 Pre-watching Activities 74 7.4.1 Compound Dictation One 75 7.4.2 Conversation Practice 76 7.5 Watching Activities 76 7.5.1 Compound Dictation Two 76 7.5.2 Oral Practice—Debate 78 7.6 Oral Enhancement Drills 78 7.6.1 Warming Up: Retelling Personal Stories 78 7.6.2 Cultural Introduction 78 7.6.3 Free Talk 79 7.7 After-class Activities 79 7.7.1 Cultural Understanding 79 7.7.2 Cultural Listening Comprehension 79 Appendix A Audio Scripts 84 Appendix B The Keys 167 References 176