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施璐德年鉴:2017:2018 to 2017

施璐德年鉴:2017:2018 to 2017

开本: 26cm 页数: 287页
中 图 价:¥63.4(7.2折) 定价  ¥88.0 登录后可看到会员价
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施璐德年鉴:2017:2018 to 2017 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787309137088
  • 条形码:9787309137088 ; 978-7-309-13708-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

施璐德年鉴:2017:2018 to 2017 内容简介


施璐德年鉴:2017:2018 to 2017 目录

目 录 长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海 A Time Will Come to Ride the Wind and Cleave the Waves; I' ll Set My Cloud-White Sail and Cross the Sea Which Raves Dennis 跟随内心,止于至善 Follow the Heart and Rest in the Highest Excellence Fay 遇见你,是一种美好 It is Nice to Have Met You Tina Xu 我们如何开启一项事业 ——寄语施璐德的各位朋友 How Shall We Begin A Message to my friends in CNOOD Amir 幸运 Lucky Neo Wu “施璐德团队”诗一首 Poem “CNOOD Team” Nicolas 工作的意义 The Meaning of Work Peter 开悟的企业 The Enlightened Business Tian-Ren-He-Yi 不畏将来,不念过往 Don't Fear the Future, nor Obsess with the Past Chen Weikang 施璐德学会——保持自律,不断学习的地方 The CNOOD Society: A Place for Self-discipline and Continued Learning Huang Wenxin 我理解的CNOOD的用人之道 The CNOOD Way of Choosing the Right Person for the Right Job as I Understand It Lijuan 记施璐德2017届新同事入职仪式 The Ceremony for Welcoming New-Comers to CNOOD in 2017 CNOOD新闻稿 2017年7月5日 施璐德独家冠名同济MBA创意联欢秀 CNOOD: Exclusive Title Sponsor of “2017 MBA Orientation Gala and Creative Show” at Tongji University CNOOD新闻稿 2017年9月2日 不忘初心,继续携行——施璐德喜迁暨学会成立典礼圆满成功 Never Forget Why We Started, and Keep on Advancing Together—A Housewarming Party and the Inaugural Ceremony of CNOOD Society Held with Great Success CNOOD新闻稿 2017年9月27日 CEO李燕飞女士在喜迁典礼上的致辞 Speech Delivered by Fay Lee (CEO) at the Housewarming Party Fay CNOOD创业与创新管理 CNOOD: Its Entrepreneurship and Innovative Management CNOOD新闻稿 2017年11月13日 施璐德应邀参与第九届中国对外投资合作洽谈会 CNOOD at the 9th China Overseas Investment Fair CNOOD新闻稿 2017年11月21日 施璐德亚洲有限公司模块中心揭牌仪式成功举行 CNOOD Module Center Successfully Inaugurated with a Ceremony CNOOD新闻稿 2017年12月29日 施璐德举行**届监事会成立大会 Inaugural Meeting of CNOOD's First Supervisory Board CNOOD新闻稿 2018年1月29日 2018年CNOOD新年年会在沪圆满举行 The 2018 Annual Meeting of CNOOD Held with Success in Shanghai CNOOD新闻稿 2018年1月11日 CNOOD新年祝福 CNOOD New Year Blessing CNOOD新闻稿 2018年2月15日 以爱互信,砥砺前行 Flame Our Heart,Brilliant Our Future Tony 年会中一次特别的经历 My Unique Experience during the Annual Meeting Siki “暖”,是一种波 “Warmth” as a Wave Rocky 年会拓展,温暖人心的校园体验 Annual Team Building: A Heart-warming Campus Experience Tedson 我从施璐德身上学到的 What I learn from CNODD Bague 写给14岁女儿的信 To My Fourteen-year-old Daughter Dennis 欣 赏 Appreciation Kelly 用本心和整个世界碰撞 Running into the Whole World with My Genuine Heart Tina Jiang 春日思亲诗二首 Missing My Parents in the Spring Season (Two Poems) Tu Bin 一杯敬过往 A Toast to the Past Chris 2018:用两种诗歌说爱你 Love in Two Forms of Verse Tony 秦淮撷芳 记2015年4月20日夜游秦淮河 Gathering Beautiful Scenes of Qinhuai River in My Memory A Tour on the Night of April 20, 2015 Tina Zhang 领导力 Leadership Nicolas 跨文化差异 Cross-cultural Differences Nicolas 足迹2017 Track of 2017 宁波结算中心 且以同心共筑梦 Let's Build Our Dream with One Heart Jane 远方和梦想——我的南美之行 The Distant Land and Dreams ——My Journey in South America Johnson 感 恩 Gratitude Nancy 一路/有时/一年 The Way/Sometimes/One Year Jackie Chen 有所思 I am thinking ... Danni 摇 篮 Cradle Helena 走好自己的路,写好自己的历史 Progress along My Own Way, and Create My Own History Amanda 那些明媚的春天 Those Bright Spring Days Yvonne 不忘初心,方得始终 Never Forget Why You Started, and Your Mission Can Be Accomplished Mary 八年一梦 Eight Years for a Dream Allen 与CNOOD的暑期之旅 Summer Journey in CNOOD Jenifer