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18世纪中.英省级方志比较研究 版权信息

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18世纪中.英省级方志比较研究 内容简介


18世纪中.英省级方志比较研究 目录

**章中、西地方志——另一种“百科全书”1 一、类书与百科全书1 二、类书与方志2 三、中国地方志与百科全书4 四、西方地方史文献5 五、中国地方志的英文对译词汇8 六、中、英地方史与常规历史10 第二章18世纪中、西历史书写传统之异同13 一、两种不同的束缚13 1.宗教对西方史学书写的束缚13 2.经学对中国史学书写的束缚15 二、两种不同的趋势17 1.西方世俗化写史17 2.中国经史等同19 三、私人和官方的分流20 1.西方自由出版时代的到来20 2.中国文字狱之大兴22 第三章18世纪中、英地方历史编纂背景异同26 一、地方贵族乡绅对家史的热情26 1.英国乡绅对家史的热情26 2.中国乡绅对家史的热情28 二、地方文献保存方式的异同30 1.英国修道院存史功能的衰落30 2.中国定期修志传统的形成31 三、地方历史记录制度的异同33 1.英国皇家地方巡视制度取消33 2.中国一统志编修传统形成34 四、两种近似的学术思潮35 1.16世纪以后的英国古物学热情35 2.明清之际中国的地理考据热情37 第四章18世纪中、英省级志书编纂史39 一、从全国志到省级地志39 1.从纹章巡视制度到18世纪英国郡志39 2.从地方报送制度到18世纪清代通志44 二、18世纪英国郡志编纂过程48 1.资料收集48 2.编纂整理52 三、18世纪中国通志编纂过程53 1.资料采集53 2.纂修阶段56 第五章18世纪中、英省级志书编纂者58 一、18世纪英国郡志编纂者58 1.教育、专业背景58 2.职业、社会阶层62 二、18世纪中国省志编纂者68 1.籍贯特征69 2.官职、科举出身70 3.专业背景72 三、18世纪中、英省级地志书写主体特征对比73 1.英国郡志的个人色彩73 2.中国省志的官方色彩77 第六章18世纪中、英省级志书内容和结构80 一、18世纪英国郡志与百科全书80 1.英国郡志编纂内容和结构80 2. 18世纪英国郡志与“百科全书”区别82 二、18世纪中国省志与类书区别87 1.中国省志编纂内容和结构87 2. 18世纪中国省志与类书90 三、19世纪之后中、英方志编纂结构比较94 1. 19世纪以后英国郡志94 2. 19世纪以后中国省志编纂96 第七章18世纪中、英省级志书编纂出版者和读者98 一、18世纪英国郡志出版者和读者98 1.出版者98 2.出版及订购101 3.读者105 二、18世纪中国地志出版和读者110 1.出版110 2.审查113 3.阅读118 第八章18世纪中、英省级志书社会功能比较122 一、社会功能122 1.英国郡志的教化性122 2.中国省志的教化性126 二、私人作用128 1.英国乡绅的资产凭据128 2.中国地方官的执政指南133 三、后世资料价值136 1.政治军事史资料137 2.文化史资料140 3.自然史资料142 4.经济史资料145 5.人物资料148 总结152 后记153 A Comparative Research on Provincial Chorography of China and Britain in the Eighteenth Century Table of ContentsChapter 1Chinese and Western Chorography——Another “Encyclopedia”1 1.Chinese and Western Encyclopedias1 2.Encyclopedias and Local History Literature2 3.Chinese Local History Literature and Encyclopedia4 4.Western Local History Literature5 5.Chinese Local History Literature's Western Counterparts: Chorography8 6.Chorography and National History10 Chapter 2The Chinese and Western Writing Traditions in the 18th Century13 1.Two Different Constraints13 (1)Religious Influences on Western History Writing13 (2)Confucian Classics' Effects on Chinese History Writing15 2.Two Different Trends17 (1)Secularization in Western History17 (2)Similarization of Classics and History in China19 3.Private and Official Divergence20 (1)The Era of Free Publishing in the West20 (2)Literary Censorship in China22 Chapter 3The Era of Provincial Chorographies Compilation in Britain and China26 1.The Local Gentry and Nobility's Passion on Family History26 (1)British Local Gentry and Nobility26 (2)Chinese Local Gentry and Nobility28 2.Local Documents' Preservation Methods30 (1)The Decline of British Monasteries as Archival Institutions30 (2)The Establishment of China's Chorography Compilation Tradition31 3.Similarities and Differences between Chinese and Western Local Historical Recording Systems33 (1)The Cancellation of British Heraldry Visitation33 (2)The Establishment of Chinese National Chorography Compilation Tradition34 4.Two Similar Academic Trends35 (1)The Enthusiasm for British Antiquities after the 16th Century35 (2)The Historical Geography Research Enthusiasm during the Turning of Ming and Qing Dynasties37 Chapter 4History of the Compilation of Chinese and British Provincial Chorographies in the 18th Century39 1.From National Chorography to Provincial Chorography39 (1)From the Heraldry Visitation to the 18th Century British County History39 (2)From the Local Reporting System to Qing Provincial Chorography in the 18th Century44 2.The British County History Compilation Process in the 18th Century48 (1)Data collection48 (2)Compilation52 3.The Chinese Provincial Chorography Compilation Process in the 18th Century53 (1)Data Collection53 (2)Compilation56 Chapter 5Editors Comparisons of Chinese and British Provincial Chorographies in the 18th Century58 1.British Editors in the 18th Century58 (1)Educational and Professional Backgrounds58 (2)Occupation and Social Status62 2.Chinese Editors in the 18th Century68 (1)Birthplaces69 (2)Official Positions and the Imperial Examination Backgrounds70 (3)Professional Backgrounds72 3.The Features of the Chinese and British Provincial Chorography Editors in the 18th Centuries73 (1)The Private Characteristics of the British Country History73 (2)The Official Characteristics of the Chinese Provincial Chorography77 Chapter 6Comparisons of Contents and Structures of Chinese and British Provincial Chorographies in the 18th Century80 1.The 18th Century British County History and Encyclopedia80 (1)British County Histories' Structures and Contents80 (2)The Differences between the British County History and Encyclopedia in the 18th Century82 2.The Differences between Chinese Encyclopedia and Chinese Provincial Chorography in the 18th Century87 (1)Chinese Provincial Chorographies' Structure and Contents87 (2)Chinese Provincial Chorographies and Chinese Encyclopedia in the 18th Century90 3.The Compilation of Chinese and British Chorographies after the 19th Century94 (1)British County History after the 19th Century94 (2)China's Provincial Chorographies after the 19th century96 Chapter 7Comparisons of Publishers and Readers of the Chinese and British Provincial Chorographies in the 18th Century98 1.Publishers and Readers of the 18th Century British County History 98 (1)Publishers98 (2)Publication and Subscriptions101 (3)Readers105 2.Chinese Chorographies' Publication and Readers in the 18th Century110 (1)Publication110 (2)Censorship113 (3)Reading118 Chapter 8Comparisons of the Social Functions of Chinese and British Provincial Chorographies in the 18th Century122 1.Social Functions122 (1)As Moral Teaching of British County History122 (2)As Moral Teaching of Chinese Provincial Chorographies126 2.Private Functions128 (1)As Property Certification for British Local Gentry and Nobilities128 (2)As Chinese Local Officials' Ruling Guide133 3.The Referential Values for Future Generations136 (1)As Source Materials for Political and Military History137 (2)As Source Materials for Cultural History140 (3)As Source Materials for Natural History142 (4)As Source Materials for Economic History145 (5)As Source Materials for Historical Figures148 Conclusion152 Postscript153