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小学篇/英语经典美文诵读 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787533882914
  • 条形码:9787533882914 ; 978-7-5338-8291-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

小学篇/英语经典美文诵读 本书特色

《英语经典美文诵读:小学篇》由浙江教育出版社出版。 话题广泛,体裁多样,实话师生课内朗读背诵和表演。 图文并茂,富有童趣,激发小学生的学习热情和求知欲。 题材新颖,难易适中,复合小学生学习英语的认知水平。 录音纯正,免费下载,由英美籍语言专家示范表演朗读。

小学篇/英语经典美文诵读 内容简介


小学篇/英语经典美文诵读 目录

1 Nod Your Head
2 Crazy Clock
3 I Can
4 Hop and Jog
5 Two Little Blackbirds
6 High and Low
7 Laugh and Cry
9 I'm a Little Teapot
10 Seashells
11 How Much?
12 You Have One, I Have One
13 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
14 I Am a Small Boat
15 Right or Wrong?
16 I Love Reading
17 Let's Go for a Ride
18 What a Lot of Fish in the Pond!
19 Pat Is My Cat
20 Dinosaur Colours
21 A Big Surprise
22 Some Things Are
23 Frog
24 Farm Animals
25 The Cock Crows in the Morning
26 Clean Your Room
27 Alan's Day
28 I Was Late
29 Who Follows Me?
30 Jump!
31 Gorilla and Hippo
32 Tigers
33 Hot Air Balloons
34 Bones
35 Teeth
36 Sally's Room
37 A Crumb
38 Around My Neighbourhood
39 Four Seasons in a Year
40 Beautiful Spring Is Here
41 Spring
42 Summertime
43 Beautiful Flowers
44 I'm a Policeman
45 My Best Friend
46 Friends Help Each Other
47 Shape Song
48 Beautiful Kites
49 Kinds of Houses
50 The Kitchen
51 Shoes
52 My Clothes
53 Rain
54 Clothes for Different Weather
55 Clothes for Different Reasons
56 All by Myself
57 Like, Don't Like
59 Do You Have a Pet?
60 I Feel
61 I Am an African Kid
62 Tai Chi Ch'uan
63 The Spring Festival
64 Halloween
65 Thanksgiving
66 What Do Penguins Eat?
67 Animals in Danger
68 Amazing Animals
69 The Kiwi
70 What Do You Want to Be?
71 I Want to Be
72 Health First
73 The World Is Full of Opposites
74 Running Moon
75 In the Sky
76 If I Could Touch the Sky
77 Who Has Seen the Wind?
78 Water in the Air
79 Save the Earth
80 If You Think