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工作记忆与第二语言学习:面向整合性方法:英文 版权信息

工作记忆与第二语言学习:面向整合性方法:英文 本书特色


工作记忆与第二语言学习:面向整合性方法:英文 内容简介


工作记忆与第二语言学习:面向整合性方法:英文 目录

Foreword Preface and Acknowledgements Abbreviations 1 Introduction and Overview Research Scope, Themes and Issues Outline of the Book Part 1: Theoretical and Methodological Foundations 2 Working Memory Theories and Models Evolution of WM and the Standard Model Current WM Models and Controversies Toward Unified Theories of WM An Integrated Model of WM 3 Working Memory Measures and Issues The Simple Memory Span Tasks The Complex Memory Span Tasks Theoretical Issues Surrounding WM Measures Methodological Issues Besetting WM Measures Summary Part 2: Research Syntheses of Working Memory in LI and L2 Learning 4 Working Memory in First Language Research WM in L1 Acquisition and Vocabulary Development WM in L1 Listening and Reading Comprehension WM in L1 Speech and Written Production WM in Linguistic Theories and Language Processing Models Summarizing the WM-L 1 Association 5 Working Memory in Second Language Research Theoretical Perspectives on WM and SLA Empirical Studies of WM and SLA General Findings of the Current WM-SLA Studies Critique of the Current WM-SLA Studies Summarizing the WM-L2 Association Part 3: Toward an Integrated Perspective on Working Memory and SLA 6 An Integrated Framework for Working Memory and SLA Research Reconceptualizing and Redefining WM in SLA Research Putting SLA Domains, Skills and Processes in Better Order Toward an Integrated Framework for WM in SLA Research Basic Tenets and Empirical Consequences of the Integrated Framework Summary 7 Working Memory in L2 Acquisition and Processing: The P/E Model WM in the L2 Acquisitional and Developmental Domains WM and L2 Sub-Skills WM in L2 Acquisition and Processing: The P/E Hypothesis General Principles for Applying the P/E Model Summary 8 Working Memory and Tasks in L2 Speech Performance Key Issues and Debates in Current L2 Task Performance Research Toward a WM Perspective on L2 Tasks and Performance Future Research on WM, Tasks and L2 Speech Performance Summary 9 Working Memory and Language Aptitude in L2 Development A Critical Review of the Current Language Aptitude Models Toward a WM Perspective on L2 Aptitude Future Research on Language Aptitude and WM in SLA Summary 10 Conclusions and Implications for Future Research Implications of the Integrated Approach Toward an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda for WM and SLA Additional Research: WM, Language Aptitude, SLA and Beyond Concluding Remarks References Index

工作记忆与第二语言学习:面向整合性方法:英文 作者简介

温植胜(Zhisheng (Edward) Wen),现为澳门理工学院语言暨翻译高等学校副教授,获香港中文大学应用语言学博士(导师为Peter Skehan教授)。研究方向:外语学习的认知与心理研究等。
