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美国数学竞赛指南 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787519247720
  • 条形码:9787519247720 ; 978-7-5192-4772-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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美国数学竞赛指南 本书特色

作者推荐语: I am very pleased to publish this problem book in China with my two friends. We thank the AMC and the other contests for giving us permission to use their problems and official solutions. Our hope is that these problems and solutions will provide deeper insights into American mathematical competitions. There are lots of good and interesting problems in this book. Enjoy reading! ——By Harold B. Reiter,Professor at University of North Carolina Charlotte, former AHSME/AMC committee chair, former SAT II math chair, founder of Charlotte Math Club. 我非常高兴能和两个朋友合作这本书,并在中国出版。也感谢AMC及其他竞赛机构授权我们使用其真题及官方解答。我们希望这些问题和解答可以让大家能更深入地了解美国数学竞赛。这本书里面有许多有趣的问题。享受阅读吧! —— H.B.莱特,北卡夏洛特分校教授,AHSME/AMC委员会前主席, SAT II数学委员会前主席,夏洛特数学俱乐部创始人。 This book consists of problems from popular math contests in USA and key instructional points that will make working the problems easier. The problems range from very basic to IMO level. I hope that working problems in this book will make you a better problem solver, will enrich your mathematics education, and will remind you how much fun it can be to do mathematics. ——By Jonathan M. Kane, Honorary Fellow at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, AIME committee chair, AMC10/12., USAMO committee member, cofounder of Purple Comet! Math Meet. Author of the book Writing Proofs in Analysis. 这本书包含美国流行的中学数学竞赛试题,及使得能更容易解决问题的关键知识点。本书中含有从竞赛入门到IMO水平的问题。我希望通过练习这本书的问题,学习者能够成为一个更好的解决问题者,丰富数学知识,并且知道做数学的趣味性。 —— J.M.凯恩,威斯康星麦迪逊大学Honorary Fellow,现AOME委员会主席,AMC、0/1 2, USAMO委员会成员,紫色彗星的联合创始人。《写作分析学的证明》的作者。 使用者推荐语: I have used the draft of this book for math enrichment courses in many schools such as SZFL and CDFL, and ENREACH Learning Centers in Nanjing, Beijing, Chengdu, Shenzhen and Shanghai. The materials in this book have been very helpful for me. I am glad it has been published. I trust it will benefit those who are interested in participating math competitions in the USA. ——By Binhao Fan,AMC coach, member of UK Royal Statistics Society, UKMT and BMO winners. 我在很多学校的选修课使用过这本书的初稿,比如在SZFL,C D FL及北京、南京、成都、深圳和上海多地的英锐学校。这本书对我很有帮助,很高兴这本书能正式出版,相信对数学感兴趣并有志参加美国数学竞赛的同学会受益匪浅。 ——范彬豪,AMC数学教练.英国阜家练计协会会员.UKMT\BM0优胜者。 邹云志,四川大学教授。

美国数学竞赛指南 内容简介

本书是由美国数学邀请赛AIME现任命题委员会,前AMC命题委员会共同编写的靠前靠前本介绍美国主要数学竞赛的书。2017年靠前版一经推出受到广大学生的好评。本书是第2版,根据广大学子的要求,做了一些调整,增加了不少新内容:1. 在靠前册中增加了知识点,比如因式分解、不等式及概率。2. 在第二册中增加了近期新的北卡数学联赛决赛及UNCC不错联赛试题3. 对第二册中美国流行的主要数学比赛的试题做了大致的归类和难度划分。读者可以更容易地根据题目类型和难度找到书中相应的题目,从而更深入地理解这些比赛。4. 对靠前版中的几处错误进行了更正。延续了靠前版的基本结构框架,全书共四册,《美国数学竞赛指南靠前册竞赛基础知识及练习》《美国数学竞赛指南第二册竞赛真题集锦》《美国数学竞赛指南第三册竞赛基础知识及练习解答》和《美国数学竞赛指南第四册竞赛真题集锦解答》。所选用的典型真题及解答均由相关考试机构的官方授权使用。书中既包括重量赛事,如美国数学协会(MAA)举办的美国数学竞赛(AMC)系列比赛,美国数学天才搜寻计划(USAM厂S)等;也包括区域性赛事如威斯康辛数学天才搜寻(WM厂S),湾区数学奧林匹克(BAMO),北卡数学竞赛(SMC);还介绍了一些大学举办的中学生数学竞赛,如北卡夏洛特(UNCC)数学竞赛,以及哈佛一麻省理工数学锦标赛(HMM了)等。

美国数学竞赛指南 目录

PART I BASIC KNOWLEDGE 1 Algebra 2 Geometry 3 Number Theory 4 Counting 5 Logarithms, Trigonometry, Complex Numbers, and Vectors 6 Exercises PART II ESSAYS AND PRACTISE PROBLEMS 7 Combinatorics Essay 8 Place Values and Fusing Dots Essay 9 Symmetry Essay 10 Counting With Cubes 11 Geometry 12 Algebra 13 Geometry 14 Counting 15 Number Theory 16 Trigonometry 17 Logarithms 18 Miscellaneous PART III PAST CONTEST PROBLEMS 19 AMC 8 Problems 20 AMC 10A/10B Problems 21 AMC 12A/12B Problems 22 AIME 1/11 Problems 23 MATHCOUNTS Problems 24 ARML Contest Problems 25 UNC Charlotte Super Competition 26 NC-SMC Problems 27 BAMO Problems 28 Purple Comet Math Meet 29 Wisconsin Math Talent Search 30 USA Mathematical Talent Search(2015-2016) 31 Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament PART IV SOLUTIONS TO PART I EXERCISES 32 Solutions to Chapter 6 Exercises PART V SOLUTIONS TO PART II PRACTICE PROBLEMS 33 Algebra 34 Geometry 35 Counting 36 Number Theory 37 Trigonometry 38 Logarithms 39 Miscellaneous PART VI SOLUTIONS TO PART III PAST CONTEST PROBLEMS 40 Solutions to 2016 AMC 8 41 Solutions to 2016 AMC 10 42 Solutions to 2016 AMC 12 43 Solutions to 2016 AIME 44 Solutions to MATHCOUNTS Problems 45 Solutions to ARML Contest Problems 46 Solutions to UNC Charlotte Super Competition 47 Solutions to NC-SMC Problems 48 Solutions to BAMO Problems 49 Solutions to Purple Comet Math Meet 50 Solutions to Wisconsin Math Talent Search 51 Solutions to USA Mathematical Talent Search(2015-2016) 52 Solutions to Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament