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所属丛书: 最经典英语语库
开本: 其它 页数: 586
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论美国民主-(上卷) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787205093358
  • 条形码:9787205093358 ; 978-7-205-09335-8
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

论美国民主-(上卷) 内容简介

作者阿历克西 德 托克维尔(1805-1859),法国历史学家、政治家,政治思想家,政治社会学的奠基人。1835年,托克维尔的代表作《论美国的民主》上卷写成并出版,在世界产生巨大影响。1840年下卷问世。截至1945年,共有英、德、荷、匈、意等十种文字的译本先后问世。托克维尔深知,法国大革命已经把法国的贵族阶层彻底摧毁,整个社会呈现的是分散状态的碎片化。为了寻找解决问题的办法,他登上了去美国之路,决定对美国进行一番认真考察。考察后的结果,便是发表了这本极为重要的专著《论美国的民主》。

论美国民主-(上卷) 目录

CHAPTER 1 Exterior Form of North America CHAPTER 2 Part I Origin of the Anglo-Americans Part II Origin of the Anglo-Americans CHAPTER 3 Social Conditions of the Anglo-Americans CHAPTER 4 The Principle of the Sovereignty of the People In America CHAPTER 5 Necessity of Examining Part I Necessity of Examining the Condition of the States Part II Necessity of Examining the Condition of the States Part III Necessity of Examining the Condition of the States CHAPTER 6 Judicial Power in the United States CHAPTER 7 Political Jurisdiction in the United States CHAPTER 8 Part I The Federal Constitution Part II The Federal Constitution Part III The Federal Constitution Part IV The Federal Constitution Part V The Federal Constitution CHAPTER 9 Why The People May Strictly Be Said To Govern In The United CHAPTER 10 Parties in the United States CHAPTER 11 Liberty of the Press in The United States CHAPTER 12 Political Associations in The United States CHAPTER 13 Part I Government of the Democracy in America Part II Government of the Democracy in America Part III Government of the Democracy in America CHAPTER 14 Part I Advantages American Society Derive From Democracy Part II Advantages American Society Derive from Democracy CHAPTER 15 Part I Unlimited Power of Majority, and Its Consequences Part II Unlimited Power of Majority, and Its Consequences CHAPTER 16 Part I Causes Mitigating Tyranny in The United States Part II Causes Mitigating Tyranny in The United States CHAPTER 17 Part I Principal Causes Maintaining the Democratic Republic Part II Principal Causes Maintaining the Democratic Republic Part III Principal Causes Maintaining the Democratic Republic Part IV Principal Causes Maintaining the Democratic Republic CHAPTER 18 Part I Future Condition of Three Races in The United States Part II Future Condition of Three Races Part III Future Condition of Three Races Part IV Future Condition of Three Races Part V Future Condition of Three Races Part VI Future Condition of Three Races Part VII Future Condition of Three Races Part VIII Future Condition of Three Races Part IX Future Condition of Three Races Part X Future Condition of Three Races CONCLUSION

论美国民主-(上卷) 作者简介

作者阿历克西 德 托克维尔(1805-1859),法国历史学家、政治家,政治思想家,政治社会学的奠基人。
