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英语幽默故事会:英汉对照:童趣校园卷:Childs taste & campus volume

英语幽默故事会:英汉对照:童趣校园卷:Childs taste & campus volume

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英语幽默故事会:英汉对照:童趣校园卷:Childs taste & campus volume 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787566914101
  • 条形码:9787566914101 ; 978-7-5669-1410-1
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

英语幽默故事会:英汉对照:童趣校园卷:Childs taste & campus volume 内容简介


英语幽默故事会:英汉对照:童趣校园卷:Childs taste & campus volume 目录



Is Ink So Expensive? 墨水很贵吗?

Half the Time 玩一半时间

Scarecrow 稻草人

Vacuums 真空吸尘器

Close the Window 快关窗

Shave 刮脸

How Much Does It Cost? 结婚要花多少钱?

The Thinker 思想者

Mushroom and Toadstool 蘑菇和毒菌

Copy Him 跟他学

Taking the Medicine 吃药

Stethoscope 听诊器

The Stomach Will Explode 肚子会爆炸

The Apples Have Gone to Bed 苹果睡觉了

He Won 他赢了

The Latter Half 后半部分

Mother Didn’t Teach Me 妈妈没教我

Wheels First 先吃轮子

Analogy 类比推理

The Elephant and the Bird 大象和小鸟

Get Rid of Both Ends 去掉两头

Save Much More 省更多

Put It up Again 重新挂上

I’m Writing It Loudly 写得大声点

Give Me a Dollar 给我一块钱

The Sun and the Moon 太阳和月亮

Reward 酬谢

Where’s Jesus’s Dad? 耶稣的爸爸在哪里?

A Picture of God 上帝的画像

What’s God’s Number? 上帝的号码是什么?

Sharing the Apples 分苹果

Birthday Present 生日礼物

Each Match Lit 每一根都能划着

A Clever Reply 聪明的回答

Doll 洋娃娃

Living in the Old Times 生活在古代

Inflator 打气筒

Are You Still Growing? 你还在长吗?

The Puppy Has No Money 小狗没钱

An Abstract Painting 抽象画

Your Chicken Is in Bloom 鸡开花了

What Is a Pig? Pig是什么?

Have You Weighed Your Little Boy? 你称过儿子吗?

Fell in Sleep 梦中摔跤

Are Flies Good to Eat? 苍蝇好吃吗?

How Can My Dream Come in? 我的梦怎么能进来呢?

I’ll See It Only with One Eye 我只用一只眼睛看

Revelation 启示

The Sun Is Timid 太阳胆小

What Is the Zoo? 什么是动物园?

Smoked 熏黑

Auto Kindergarten 汽车幼儿园

The Hen’s Legs 母鸡腿

Solution 解答

Shrink in a Bath 洗澡缩水

Unfit to Go to School 不宜上学

They Can’t Read 看不进书

The Result of Laziness 懒惰的结果

My Arm Is Longer 胳膊更长

You’re Getting Lots of Wrinkles 皱纹越来越多了

I’m Only Seven 我才7岁

Get It Till Tomorrow 明天才收到信

I’m Eight Today 今天我8岁

Singing for the Time 唱歌报时

Commander 指挥员

He Isn’t a Rose 他不是一朵玫瑰花

Slower is Better 慢点好

Not to Eat on an Empty Stomach 不能空腹吃

Tumbling 摔跤

A Naughty Boy 淘气的孩子

Return Like for Like 以牙还牙

Who Should Get the Gift? 谁该得到礼物?

Talk without Any Subject 没话也能说

Happy Birthday to You 祝你生日快乐

I Want to Play First 我想先玩球

What’s inside Your Drum? 鼓里有什么东西?

Stunning Reply 出色回答

The Last Generation *后这代人

Don’t Touch It with Your Hand 别用手去摸

Your Father Is Mine 你爸爸就是我爸爸

The Police Car Did the Same Thing 警车也是这么拐的

Comfort 安慰

The Top Half 上半部分

For Politics 应该从政

Is Your Mother at Home? 你妈妈在家吗?

Throw the Moon 甩月亮

An Adult Decision 成熟的决定

I Will Fall down 我会掉下来

What Is the Thumb Called? 大拇指叫什么?

She Got Hit by a Car 她被汽车撞了

Playing Mailman 扮演邮差

It’s Not Time to Cry 还不到哭的时候

In the Rattrap 在捕鼠夹上

Wanted 通缉

A Speaking Role 有发言权的角色

ATM 自动取款机

Regret 后悔

Ambition 远大理想

What Do You Think? 你说呢?

Why Does It Rain on the Road? 为什么下在路上?

So Interested 感兴趣

Ask the Police 叫警察

I Licked Them 我都舔了一遍

Something the Dog Doesn’t Know 狗不懂的曲子

You Just Locked Yourself 你把自己锁住了

Pants in Parentheses 括号裤

Talking to Heaven 天堂通话

Two-Way Service 双向服务

You’re What We Talked about 你就是我们的谈话内容

I Want to Sing 我想唱歌

Watch the Door 看门

Equivalence 等价交换

Not to Go Here and There 别乱跑

The Difference of Parents 父母有别

A Rule 规矩

The Little Adult Boy 小大人

Just the Opposite 事与愿违

Less to Count 数起来更省事

Receive a Lashing 承认就要挨打

Only One Cake Left 只剩下一块蛋糕了

Running away from Home 离家出走

A Boy Or a Girl? 男孩还是女孩?

God Keeps Taking Pictures of Me 上帝在给我照相

God Hands Me the Broom 上帝递扫帚

Don’t Forget to Stamp on Yourself 别忘了在身上贴邮票

It’s Your Turn to Whistle 该你吹口哨了

Arithmetic Lesson 算术作业

It’s My Painting on the Wall 墙上的画是我的


Why Did the Statue Hold a Torch? 雕像为什么要举火炬?

An Emergency Medical Technician 急诊技师

An Open-Book Exam 开卷考试

Which Is Farther Away? 哪个更远?

Whose Autograph Would You Most Want to Have? 你*想得到谁的签名?

Multiple-Choice Questions 多项选择题

Gravity 地心引力

Math Symbols 数学符号

Proof of My Existence 存在的证据

Implication 言外之意

A Slower Group 慢班

What Is Courage? 什么是勇气?

The Classics Department Kidnapped 古典文学系被绑架

Like Lightning Bolts 手指像闪电

Because of Absence 因为旷课

I Can Go Home 我可以回家了

Class Is Over 下课

Two Birds 两只鸟

Student Recruitment 招生

Did Your Father Help You? 你爸爸帮你了吗?

The Most Beautiful Thing *美的东西

The Penetrating Insight 火眼金睛

Not to Start an Argument 不想争论

His Third Birthday 3岁生日

I Was Not Listening 我没在听

Waiting for My Secretary 在等我的秘书

Dream 梦想

Our Eyes Are Before Ears 眼睛在前,耳朵在后

The Laziest Person *懒的人

I’ll Use My Iron 熨斗做饭

Are You a Spy? 你是间谍吗?

Bedtime Prayers 睡前祷告

It Just Resembles Your Hair 就像你的头发

A Tough Teacher 严师

Rough Draft and Final Draft 草稿与终稿

Great Expectations 远大前程

Day after Day 日复一日

The Attraction of the Map 地图的引力

She Will Be History 她会成为历史

Civil Rights 公民权

Be Polite 要有礼貌

An Unusual Way 不同凡响

An Imaginary Knot 想象结

To Dig the Papers 挖卷纸

Your Feet Aren’t Empty 你的脚不是空的

Undefeated 没有被打败过

The Child May Stay 孩子可以留下

A Fullback 后卫

What’s the Name of This Course? 课程名称是什么?

Something of Importance 重要东西

The Three Words at School 学校三字经

They Are All Dead 他们都死了

I Hope So 我也希望如此

I Understand Your Question 我明白你的问题

Watching Television by Candlelight 点着蜡烛看电视

I Taught the Teacher 我教老师

Twins 双胞胎

The Other Half 另一半

Progress 进步

Whose Fault? 谁的错?

You Can’t Fly 你不会飞

Lightning 闪电

Electricity and Lightning 电和闪电

The Longest and the Shortest *长与*短

Why Does a Train Run Faster Than a Car? 为什么火车比汽车快?

Closer to the Ground 离地更近

The Lowest Mark *低分

Big Hands 大手

Go to Heaven 去天堂

The Homing Pigeon and the Horse 信鸽和马

Do His Hens Rest on Sunday? 母鸡星期天休息吗?

Coincidence 巧合

I Wish I Could 但愿我能

History Repeats Itself 历史会重演

The New Teacher 新老师

Birthday 生日

A Ballet Performance 芭蕾舞表演

Would You Punish Me? 你会惩罚我吗?

Not to Run the Risk 不想冒险

A Lucky Hit 歪打正着

You Could Try 你可以试一下

I Just Don’t Understand 我真不明白

A Potential Threat 潜在威胁

No Pianos Coming from Opposite 没有钢琴从对面冲来

Basic Rules 基本原则

The Hole 窟窿

Who Is the Laziest? 谁是*懒的人?

Mixed Doubles 混合双打

How Many Rabbits? 有多少只兔子?

Half Or Five Tenths? 要半只还是十分之五?

Whose Fingers? 谁的手指?

Lessons 教训

Which Tire Was Flat? 哪个车胎爆了?

The Bait Isn’t Enough 鱼饵不够

It’s My Father 我是我爸爸

The Fourth Element 第四元素

What’s the Biggest in the World? 世界上什么*大?

Who Discovered America? 谁发现了北美洲?

Where Are the Alps? 阿尔卑斯山在哪里?

Motto 座右铭

Your Typing Is Improving 打字水平在提高

Who Is the Printer? 印卷人是谁?

A Dollar Per Point 一元换一分

All by Yourself 一个人站着

Why Are You Late? 你为什么迟到?

Inverse Proportion 比例失调

The Sight Stirs up His Feelings 触景生情

Applied Psychology 应用心理学

Flower Arrangement 插花

A Midshipman 候补军官

The Poem Was Still There 那首诗还在里面

Rechecking My Answers 复查答案

A Top Talent 顶级天才

Back to His Own Name 恢复原名

Who Was the First Man? 谁是**个男人?

We Have a New Boy Now 又来了个新同学

The Pursuit of Perfection 追求完美

The Next Student 下一个学生

My ABC’s 基础知识

The Pupils’ Gifts 学生礼物

Fractions 分数

Hit the Nail on the Head 一针见血


英语幽默故事会:英汉对照:童趣校园卷:Childs taste & campus volume 作者简介

