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雅思口语大卫王 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787300249117
  • 条形码:9787300249117 ; 978-7-300-24911-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

雅思口语大卫王 本书特色

★ 我希望这本书能让你在口语上拿到 6~7 分,而不是整天没事儿瞎背一堆单词。 ★ 我的教学风格和其他老师不同,他们太严肃太没劲了,整得学生也很严肃。人生都已经这么艰难了,咱就别再把学习也整得这么无聊了吧。 ★ 我希望你们能用幽默和想象力而不是单靠逻辑来回答问题,所以这本书里很多答案模板没那么老套。记住,用幽默感和人格魅力打动考官才是上策。 ★ 你就想着去考雅思和上《美国达人秀》是一回事儿,你表现得好就能通过。让我来告诉你怎么样表现得出彩。

雅思口语大卫王 内容简介


雅思口语大卫王 目录

Chapter 1 IELTS speaking examination background Chapter 2 Basic do's and do-not's in the speaking examination Chapter 3 Common pronunciation mistakes Chapter 4 Speaking topics examples for section 1, 2 & 3 Chapter 5 Part I questions with answers Chapter 6 Part 2 questions with answers 1. Describe an old person that you know 2. Describe a teacher who has influenced you in your education 3. Describe a child you know 4. Describe someone that you really like to spend time with 5. Describe someone in your family that you really admire 6. Describe a teacher from your past that you remember 7. Talk about a person that means a lot to you or you admire 8. Talk about a person that you spend a lot oftime with 9. Describe a historical figure 10. Describe a person who can speak a second language 11. Describe a present you gave someone 12. Describe a course you took in your college or university 13. Describe something you own that is very important to you 14. Talk about an equipment of your household (such as computer, TV, fridge, phone and so on) 15. Describe a thing you bought that you had to save money for 16. Talk about something you share with someone else 17. Describe a wild animal from your country 18. Talk about a pet that you or someone you know once had 19. Describe your favourite flower 20. Describe your favourite colour 21. Talk about something you or someone you know collects 22. Describe the most useful household appliance that you have 23. Describe a happy childhood event 24. Describe an environmental problem that has occurred in your country 25. Describe a problem that affects the environment in the area where you live 26. Describe a memorable event in your life 27. Describe your holiday 28. Describe an interesting phone conversation you had with someone 29. Describe a project or a piece of work you did together with someone 30. Talk about a job that you would like to try 31. Describe a small company in your hometown that you think is successful 32. Talk about a popular well-paid job in your country 33. Describe a recent holiday you went on 34. Talk about a time you got 35. Describe something you did at work that you enjoyed 36. Describe what you do to stay fit and healthy 37. Describe a prize you would like to win 38. Describe a moment or an instance you experienced that made you laugh a lot 39. Describe an event that you organized which was very successful 40. Describe a skill that you learnt in your childhood 41. Describe an instance when you received some good news 42. Describe a goal that you hope to achieve in the future 43. Talk about your first experience in any sport as a child …… Chapter 7 Part 3 questions with answers Chapter 8 Useful Vocabulary

雅思口语大卫王 作者简介

[澳]大卫·古拉斯(David Gulasi),1982年12月4日出生在澳大利亚悉尼。毕业于悉尼大学,拥有计算机科学-法律联合专业学士学位,教育心理学硕士学位。曾是一名雅思考官,同时是经认证的托福和雅思讲师。呼和浩特新大陆语言培训学校校长,全国范围内教授辅导过3000名以上学生的雅思考试,培训过300名以上的雅思讲师。大卫在各大网络平台上有超过700万以上的粉丝,同时也是一名综艺节目明星,参加过《奇葩说》《年代秀》《世界青年说》等知名节目。
