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Friendly Cooperation between China and Kenya

Friendly Cooperation between China and Kenya

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Friendly Cooperation between China and Kenya 版权信息

Friendly Cooperation between China and Kenya 内容简介


Friendly Cooperation between China and Kenya 目录

Introduction Chapter 1 Origin of the Mombasa-Nairobi SGR Project 1.1 The Existing Meter Gauge Railways Failed to Meet the Transportation Demand 1.1.1 Colonial Struggles Gave Birth to the Meter Gauge Railway 1.1.2 Construction of the Existing Meter Gauge Railway 1.1.3 Operation of the Existing Meter Gauge Railway 1.2 The Need for Kenyan Social and Economic Development 1.2.1 Increase of Employment and Improvement of Laborers' Quality 1.2.2 Cracking the Bottleneck in Transportation 1.2.3 Accelerating Industrial Upgrading 1.3 The Result of the Integration of East Africa 1.3.1 Urgent Need for Interconnection in Railways among East African Countries 1.3.2 Games under the Geopolitical Pattern of East Africa Chapter 2 Construction of the Mombasa-Nairobi SGR 2.1 Continuously Deepened Cooperation between China and Kenya 2.1.1 Kenya Has Geographical Advantage in Responding to China's Belt and Road Initiative 2.1.2 Sound Bilateral Ties between China and Kenya 2.2 China's Capital, Technology and Concepts Support Kenyan Railway Construction 2.2.1 Financing Cooperation between China and Kenya 2.2.2 Implementation of Chinese Technical Standards in Kenya 2.2.3 Ensuring the Kenyan Railway Quality with China's Whole Railway Industry Chain 2.2.4 Using Chinese Experience of Railway Construction to Protect Kenyan Environment 2.2.5 Strengthening the Protection of the Welfare and Technical Training of Kenyan Employees 2.2.6 Actively Shouldering Social Responsibilities Chapter 3 Operation and Management of the Mombasa-Nairobi SGR and Its Significance 3.1 Mombasa-Nairobi SGR Has Been Open to Service 3.1.1 Comprehensive Realization of the Integrated Construction and Operation 3.1.2 The Operation Status One Year after the Opening 3.1.3 Priorities of Operational Management in the Future 3.2 The Strategic Significance ofMombasa-Nairobi SGR 3.2.1 Profound Influence on the Development of Kenya 3.2.2 Effective Promotion of Interconnection between East African Railways 3.2.3 These Projects Have Effectively Responded to Western Doubts about the Belt and Road Initiative Chapter 4 The State-owned Enterprises and Universities of China Started Cooperation with Kenya 4.1 China's Wu Yi Co. Ltd Spurred Great Change to Construction Industries 4.1.1 Improvement Project on North Section of A2 International Highway Passage 4.1.2 Building Industrialized R&D Production Base and Materials Warehouse Supermarket 4.2 AVIC Innovates Vocational Education Modes 4.2.1 National Youth Service Represents Kenya's Future 4.2.2 "Teaching People How to Fish Rather Than Giving Them Fish": New Mode of China-Kenya Education Cooperation . 4.2.3 Africa Tech Challenge: to Light up the Dream of Kenyan Youths 4.3 First Confucius Institute Opens at the University of Nairobi 4.3.1 Emphasizing Language Skills and Strengthening Communicative Competence 4.3.2 New Progress of the Global Model Confucius Institute Chapter 5 Cooperation with Private Enterprises Have Outstanding Features 5.1 Twyford Ceramics Company Bases on Kenya to Expand the Market. 5.1.1 Developing Local Market with Excellent Products 5.1.2 Fulfilling Social Responsibilities 5.2 Eshine Agriculture Planting Co. Ltd 5.2.1 The First Chinese Company Receiving a Kenyan License for Pyrethrum Cinerarii Folium Export 5.2.2 The "Company + Base + Farmer" Model Is Extended to Planting Other Agricultural Crops 5.2.3 Enterprises Have a Strong Sense of Social Responsibilities 5.3 Chinya Development Company Limited 5.3.1 Kenyan Tea Industry Development and Tea Consumption Trends in the Future 5.3.2 Chinya Tea: Made in Kenya and African Dream 5.3.3 China's Tea Culture Is Becoming Increasingly Popular in Kenya 5.4 Flying Horse Limited 5.4.1 The Start-up Dream in Africa for a Chinese 5.4.2 Innovating and Transforming Agricultural Machinery Products to Suit Kenya's Mode of Production 5.4.3 Contributions of Chinese Private Enterprises to Kenya's Agricultural Modernization 5.4.4 Assisting Kenya's Agricultural Mechanization References

Friendly Cooperation between China and Kenya 作者简介

