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英诗经典名家名译狄兰·托马斯诗选 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787513538268
  • 条形码:9787513538268 ; 978-7-5135-3826-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

英诗经典名家名译狄兰·托马斯诗选 本书特色


英诗经典名家名译狄兰·托马斯诗选 内容简介


英诗经典名家名译狄兰·托马斯诗选 目录

译 序 IForest Picture 23 森林美景Clown in the Moon 45 月中的小丑The Oak 67 橡树I have come to catch your voice 89 我来领会你的声音Admit the sun 1011 准许阳光The air you breathe 1213 你呼吸的空气It’s not in misery but in oblivion 1415 不在痛苦中而在遗忘中Since, on a quiet night 1819 一个宁静的夜晚Never to reach the oblivious dark 2021 永不触及那忘却的黑暗Children of darkness got no wings 2425 黑暗里的孩子没有翅膀Youth Calls to Age 2829 青春呼唤年轮Being but men 3031 只不过是人The midnight road 3233 午夜之路Their faces shone under some radiance 3435 他们的脸闪烁光芒The almanac of time 3637 时光的年鉴Your pain shall be a music 3839 你的疼痛将是乐音I see the boys of summer 4243 我看见夏日的男孩When once the twilight locks no longer 4849 一旦晨曦不再伫留A process in the weather of the heart 5455 心的气候进程Before I knocked 5859 在我敲开之前The force that through the green fuse 6465 穿过绿色茎管催动花朵的力drives the flower My hero bares his nerves 6869 我的英雄裸露他的神经Where once the waters of your face 7071 在你脸上的水If I were tickled by the rub of love 7475 假如我被爱的抚摸撩得心醉Our eunuch dreams 8081 我们的阉人梦见Especially when the October wind 8687 尤其当十月的风When, like a running grave 9091 时光,像座奔跑的坟墓From love’s first fever to her plague 9697 当初恋从狂热趋于烦扰In the beginning 102103 *初Light breaks where no sun shines 106107 没有太阳照耀的地方,光降临I fellowed sleep 110111 我与睡眠作伴I dreamed my genesis 114115 我梦见自身的起源All all and all the dry worlds lever 118119 一切一切干枯的世界杠杆This bread I break 122123 这片我切开的面包Incarnate devil 124125 魔鬼化身The seed-at-zero 126127 零度种子Shall gods be said to thump the clouds 132133 据说众神将捶击云层Here in this spring 134135 在此春天Out of the sighs 136137 叹息中Hold hard, these ancient minutes in the 140cuckoo‘s month141 等一等,布谷鸟月份中的古老时分Was there a time 144145 是否有过这样的时候Now 146147 现在Why east wind chills 150151 为何东风凛冽A grief ago 154155 在悲伤之前Ears in the turrets hear 158159 耳朵在塔楼里听见The hand that signed the paper 162163 那只签署文件的手Should lanterns shine 164165 一旦灯笼闪亮I have longed to move away 166167 我渴望远离Grief thief of time 168169 悲伤的时光贼子And death shall have no dominion 172173 而死亡也一统不了天下Because the pleasure-bird whistles 176177 因为快乐鸟唿哨When all my five and country senses see 180181 当我天生的五官看见We lying by seasand 182183 我们躺在沙滩上It is the sinners’ dust-tongued bell 184185 是罪人的尘埃之舌鼓动起钟声O make me a mask 188189 哦,为我打制一副面具The spire cranes 190191 塔尖,鹤一样耸立After the funeral 192193 葬礼之后Once it was the colour of saying 196197 那话语的音色曾经Not from this anger 198199 并非因这种愤怒The tombstone told when she died 200201 她死后的墓碑在诉说On no work of words 204205 当词语失效‘If my head hurt a hair’s foot’ 206207"如果我的头伤着一丝发根"Twenty-four years 210211 二十四年The conversation of prayers 212213 祈祷者的对话Poem in October 214215 十月献诗To Others than You 220221 致你及他人Love in the Asylum 222223 疯人院里的爱Unluckily for a death 224225 不幸地等待死亡Into her lying down head 230231 进入她躺下的头颅Do not go gentle into that good night 236237 不要温顺地走进那个良宵Deaths and Entrances 238239 死亡与入口On a Wedding Anniversary 242243 结婚周年纪念日On the Marriage of a Virgin 244245 处女新婚In my craft or sullen art 246247 我的手艺或沉寂的诗艺Lie still, sleep becalmed 248249 静静地躺下,安然入睡Fern Hill 250251 羊齿山In Country Sleep 256257 梦中的乡村Over Sir John’s hill 266267 在约翰爵爷的山岗上In the White Giant’s Thigh 272273 在白色巨人的大腿间Elegy 278279 挽歌

英诗经典名家名译狄兰·托马斯诗选 作者简介

狄兰·托马斯(1914—1953),20世纪30年代英美杰出的诗人,掀开英美诗歌史上新的篇章。诗歌围绕生、欲、死三大主题;诗风粗犷而热烈,音韵充满活力而不失严謹。海岸(1965— ),浙江台州人,"上海诗歌前浪"代表诗人,翻译家。现任职于复旦大学外文学院。
