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新书--寰宇文献Natural History系列:被捕杀的印度鸟类

新书--寰宇文献Natural History系列:被捕杀的印度鸟类

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新书--寰宇文献Natural History系列:被捕杀的印度鸟类 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787567579927
  • 条形码:9787567579927 ; 978-7-5675-7992-7
  • 装帧:简装
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

新书--寰宇文献Natural History系列:被捕杀的印度鸟类 本书特色


新书--寰宇文献Natural History系列:被捕杀的印度鸟类 内容简介

《被捕杀的印度鸟类》,是芬恩英国鸟类学大家弗兰克·芬恩(Frank Finn)著述中的名作。以510页内容和约120幅手绘上色的精美插画,绘制了19、20世纪之交印度鸟类的形态。他在印度博物馆期间,对很多英国上流人士弃之不顾的标本进行抢救和重新记录、描绘,恢复了它们的价值。殖民者和原住民无节制的滥捕滥杀令很多印度鸟类逐渐灭绝,后人只能在芬恩的著作中寻找它们的身影,因此本书弥足珍贵。本书据原版影印。

新书--寰宇文献Natural History系列:被捕杀的印度鸟类 目录

Mallard Spotted-biU Gadwall Bronze-capped Duck Pintail Shoveller Common Teal Garganey Clucking Teal Marbled Teal Andaman Teal Pink-headed Duck Wigeon Common Pochard White-eyed Pochard Tufted Pochard Scaup Red-crested Pochard Golden-eye Sinew Goosander Comb-Duck Cotton-Teal Ruddy Sheldrake Common Sheldrake White-winged Wood-Duck Small Whistler Large Whistler Bar-headed Goose Grey-lag Goose Pink.[ooted Goose Bean-Goose White-fronted Goose Dwarf Goose Mute Swan and Whooper Bewick's Swan Common Snipe and Jack-Snlpe Pintail Snipe Eastern Solitary Snipe Wiugs and tails of Wood-, Eastern Solitary, Fantail and Pintail Snipes Wood-Snipe Woodcock Painted Snipe Black-tailed Godwit, summer and winter plumage Bar-tailed Godwit, summer and winter plumage Snipe-billed Godwit Armstrong's Yellowshanks Indian Water-Rail Blue-breasted Banded :Rail Banded Crake Malayan Banded Crake and Whity-brown Crake Andamanese Banded Crake Spotted Crake Little Crake Eastern Baillon's Crake Ruddy Crake and Elwes's Crake Brown Crake Sarus Crane Common Crane White Crane Demoiselle Crane Great Indian Bustard Floriean Eggs of Great Indian Bustard and Likh European Great Bustard Spotted Sand grouse Eggs of Baillon's Crake, Close-barred Sand-grouse, Megapode, Painted Snipe, and Blue-breasted Banded Rail Close-barred Sand-grouse Tibetan Sand-grouse Burmese and Indian Peacocks Red Jungle-fowl Grey Jungle-fowl Ceylon Jungle-fowl Nepal Kalij Black-backed Kalij Purple Kalij Lineated Kalij Crawford's Silver:Pheasant Fire-back Pheasan White Eared-Pheasant Koklass Pheasant Koklass Pheasant, Nepal race Cheer Pheasant Bamboo Partridge Eggs of Western Tragopan, Brown Crake, Painted Quail, Tibetan Partridge, Spotted Sand-grouse, and Himalayan Snow-cock Burmese Francolin and Hybrid between Black and Painted Partridges Snow-Partridge Eggs of Rain-Quail, Sarus Crane, White-eyed Pochard, and White-eheeked Hill-Partridge Brown-breasted Hill-Partridge Charlton's Hill-Partridge Red-crested Partridge Chestnut Wood-Partridge Juogle Bush-Quail Rock Bush-Quail Painted Bush-Quail Blewitt's Painted Bush-Quail Common Quail Rain-Quail Painted Quail Indian Yellow-legged Button-Quail Burmese Yellow-legged Button-Quail Nieobar Yellow-legged Button-Quail Little Button-Quail

新书--寰宇文献Natural History系列:被捕杀的印度鸟类 作者简介

约翰·林德利(John Lindley)1799年生于英国诺维奇.十六岁时,他离家到伦敦一家植物种子商铺当伙计。在此期间,他结识了植物学家威廉·胡克和博物家约瑟夫·班克斯。二十一岁时出版了名作《蔷薇属》,并被选为伦敦林奈学会会员。后又任伦敦园艺协会理事和伦敦大学植物学讲座教授,1828年被选入皇家学会。著作另有《毛地黄属》《珍奇植物图选》《植物学入门》等。
