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饭店服务英语口语训练 版权信息

饭店服务英语口语训练 内容简介

本书以饭店对客服务的全过程为主线, 通过创设饭店各岗位服务情境, 将饭店服务英语按照工作流程的顺序编写成英语情境会话, 辅以填空、角色扮演等形式的练习, 从而增强学生使用服务英语的能力。

饭店服务英语口语训练 目录

Section 1 Front Office Department前厅部
Unit 1 Room Reservation客房预订
Lesson 1 An FIT Reservation散客预订
Lesson 2 Sorry, We are FuUy Booked抱歉,我们预订已满
Unit 2 Check-in Service人住登记服务
Lesson 1 Registering a Guest with a Reservation登记有预订的客人
Lesson 2 Registering a Tour Croup团队登记
Unit 3 Concierge Service礼宾服务
Lesson 1 Doorman Service门童服务
Lesson 2 Bellman Service行李员服务
Unit 4 Switchboard Service总机服务
Lesson 1 Monung Call叫醒服务
Lesson 2 An Overseas Call海外电话
Unit 5 Information Desk问询处
Lesson 1 Giving Information提供信息
Lesson 2 Receiving a Visitor接待访客
Unit 6 Foreign Exchange 外币兑换
Lesson 1 Normal Transaction正常程序
Lesson 2 Changing Traveler's Checks兑换旅行支票
Unit 7 Handling Complaints处理投诉
Lesson 1 Misunderstanding in Front Desk前台误会
Lesson 2 A Guest Complains to the Manager客人向经理投诉
Unit 8 Checking Out结账离店
Lesson 1 Paying in Cash现金支付
Lesson 2 Paying by Credit Card信用卡支付
Lesson 3 Paying by Traveler's Checks旅行支票支付

Section 2 Housekeeping Department客房部
Unit 9 Room Cleaning客房清扫
Lesson 1 Asking to Clean the Room请求清扫客房
Lesson 2 Helping Guests with Special Requests帮助有特殊要求的客人
Unit 10 Laundry Service 洗衣服务
Lesson 1 Taking Laundry取衣
Lesson 2 Delivering Laundry by Mistake送错衣物
Unit 11 Guests' Requests客人的请求
Lesson 1.A Cuest Wants a Car客人需要用车
Lesson 2 Buying Something for Guests帮客人买东西
Unit 12 Maintenance Service维修服务
Lesson 1 A Problem with the Air Conditioner空调故障
Lesson 2 A Problem with the Remote Control遥控器问题
Unit 13 Dealing with Complaints处理投诉
Lesson 1 Complaints about Noise噪声投诉
Lesson 2 Complaints about Service服务投诉

Section 3 Food and Beverage Department餐饮部
Unit 14 Restaurant Reservation用餐预订
Lesson 1 Accepting a Reservation接受预订
Lesson 2 Refusing a Reservation拒绝预订
Unit 15 Receiving Guests接待客人
Lesson 1 Seating Guests引领客人
Lesson 2 Receiving Walk-in Guests接待无预订客人
Unit 16 Taking Orders点餐
Lesson 1 In a Chinese Restaurant在中餐厅
Lesson 2 In a Westem Restaurant在西餐厅
Unit 17 Room Service客房送餐服务
Lesson 1 The Procedure of Room Service客房送餐服务程序
Lesson 2 0rdering Breakfast订早餐
Unit 18 Handling Complaints处理投诉
Lesson 1 Complaints about Food食物投诉
Lesson 2 Complaints about Service服务投诉
Unit 19 Paying Bills结账
Lesson 1 Signing the Bill签单
Lesson 2 Paying by Credit Card信用卡支付
Unit 20 Bar Service酒吧服务
Lesson 1 Serving Drinks提供酒水
Lesson 2 At the Bar在吧台

Section 4 Business and Recreation Department商务及康乐部
Unit 21 At the Fitness Center在健身房
Unit 22 At the Beauty Parlor在美容院
Unit 23 At the Hotel Shop在商店
Unit 24 At the Business Center在商务中心
Unit 25 Convention Service会议服务