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外文出版社3年级/赖世雄小学英语阅读轻松练100篇 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787119114002
  • 条形码:9787119114002 ; 978-7-119-11400-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

外文出版社3年级/赖世雄小学英语阅读轻松练100篇 本书特色


外文出版社3年级/赖世雄小学英语阅读轻松练100篇 内容简介


外文出版社3年级/赖世雄小学英语阅读轻松练100篇 目录

基础篇 Passage 1 About Yuanyan Passage 2 About a girl Passage 3 My family Passage 4 An English student Passage 5 Four good friends Passage 6 An English girl Passage 7 I go to school Passage 8 Nora’s family Passage 9 Three students Passage 10 Our classroom Passage 11 A clock Passage 12 My garden Passage 13 A messy room Passage 14 A happy day Passage 15 What is it? Passage 16 Alice’s birthday Passage 17 The cold Passage 18 Fred and Jean Passage 19 I can do it myself Passage 20 Whose dog is it? Passage 21 A big kite Passage 22 Pets Passage 23 Iven’s small blanket Passage 24 Where are they from? Passage 25 The story of two cats Passage 26 Anna and her bike Passage 27 Cat and fish Passage 28 What’s their favorite fruit? Passage 29 Parks in London Passage 30 A tree house Passage 31 The panda in China Passage 32 A card for Jim Green Passage 33 My friend and I Passage 34 My trip to the zoo Passage 35 Mary Dale Passage 36 Mr. Green and Mrs. King Passage 37 Gifts for grandparents Passage 38 The dog and the bone Passage 39 Minnie’s morning Passage 40 My schoolmates Passage 41 A sunny day Passage 42 Kitty Passage 43 I’m Apple Passage 44 Two girls Passage 45 My bedroom Passage 46 My pen friend Passage 47 My sister’s bedroom Passage 48 Bobolink Passage 49 Presents for Mother’s Day Passage 50 We are on duty today 提高篇 Passage 51 A new picture Passage 52 The Greens Passage 53 Making friends Passage 54 Bob Pearson Passage 55 I like computers Passage 56 My cap and doll Passage 57 The fish tank Passage 58 My summer holiday Passage 59 My family tree Passage 60 Jill and Jack Passage 61 An American student Passage 62 The great shirt Passage 63 Little girl Passage 64 A letter Passage 65 My mum Passage 66 My uncle Passage 67 Wake up in the morning Passage 68 Where is John? Passage 69 A Mexican festival Passage 70 The class party Passage 71 The baby robins Passage 72 Going shopping Passage 73 Up in a tree Passage 74 Go for a walk Passage 75 What is sound? Passage 76 Where are you going? Passage 77 Apples Passage 78 The pool Passage 79 Look for a friend Passage 80 Grandpa’s farm Passage 81 My three pictures Passage 82 Farmer Dan’s ducks Passage 83 The old man and the old cat Passage 84 A card for Mark Passage 85 Dog and cat and the garden Passage 86 My pal Passage 87 Three good friends Passage 88 Lion is not a lion Passage 89 I never eat tomatoes Passage 90 Baby pictures Passage 91 His name is “Sam sit down” Passage 92 A bird’s house Passage 93 A fire fighter Passage 94 Mike’s room Passage 95 I go to the barbershop Passage 96 Mom is a baby Passage 97 Time for lunch Passage 98 Happy Toby Passage 99 Clock and watch Passage 100 Helpful Holly 参考答案与解析

外文出版社3年级/赖世雄小学英语阅读轻松练100篇 作者简介

赖世雄教授是闻名海峡两岸的英语教学专家,先后获得美国明尼苏达大学大众传播与英语教学双学士学位,担任托福专任讲师 18 年,也是托福成绩满分记录保持者之一。赖教授曾任上海复旦大学以及大连外国语大学客座教授,现任常春藤解析英语杂志社社长,著有英语升学、进修、生活英语、儿童英语、职场英语丛书两百余种,并担任多家电台英语教学广播主讲。
1993 年赖世雄教授开始担任中央人民广播电台英语教学节目主播,时间长达12年,教学方式风趣幽默、深入浅出、妙趣横生。2003年赖教授被《中国图书商报》评选为中国英语教学十大名师之一。2004年至今担任北京市政府主办英语活动之主讲教授。2014年1月,赖世雄教授的“美语从头学”节目在北京外语广播台开播。

  • 主题:适合三年级


    2020/6/3 10:57:01