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威.休.奥登诗歌中的绘画艺术研究(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787313176233
  • 条形码:9787313176233 ; 978-7-313-17623-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

威.休.奥登诗歌中的绘画艺术研究(英文版) 内容简介


威.休.奥登诗歌中的绘画艺术研究(英文版) 目录

1.1 A Critical Survey of English and Chinese Scholarship on W.H.Auden
1.2 A Probe into the Relationship between Poetry and Painting
1.3 The Motivation,Methodology and Significance of This Book

Chapter Two A Poet Artistically Inspired:Auden's Insight into Painting
2.1 Auden's Knowledge and Perception of Painting
2.2 Auden's Emphasis on Direct Observation of Nature
2.3 Auden's Rejection of Camera Lens as“Desanctifying Sight”
2.4 Auden's Attempt to Visualize Abstract Concepts

Chapter Three Fundamental Elements of Painting in Auden's Poetry(I):
Microscopic Vision
3.1 Light and Shadow:Rhythm of Brightness and Darkness
3.2 Colour:Multi-Hued Apparel of Nature

Chapter Four Fundamental Elements of Painting in Auden's Poetry(II):
Macroscopic Vision
4.1 Perspective and Space:Aspiration for Infinity
4.2 Composition:Aesthetic Arrangement of Pictures

Chapter Five Objective Representation:Influence from Major Pre-20th Cen-
tury Schools of Painting on Auden's Creation of Poetry
5.1 Baroque Painting:Vibration of Dynamic Life
5.2 Pastoral Painting:Idyllic Portrayal of Rural Landscape
5.3Impressionist Painting:Symphony of Light and Colour
5.4 Post-Impressionist Painting:Scenery Endowed with Humanity

Chapter Six Subjective Expression:Influence from Major 20th Century
Schools of Painting on Auden's Creation of Poetry
6.1Cubist Painting:Subverting Visual Conventions
6.2Surrealistic Painting:Delving into the Depths of Subconsciousness
Chapter SevenConclusion
An Index of Major Terms

威.休.奥登诗歌中的绘画艺术研究(英文版) 节选

  《威·休·奥登诗歌中的绘画艺术研究(英文版)》:  1.1.1 Auden Studies in Britain and the United States  (1) The 1930s ——Wide Acclaim for a Fledgling Poet: The year 1930 saw thepublication of Auden's first collection of poetry entitled Poems-, signifying that the poethad officially embarked on a prolonged literary career accompanied by intensive criticismfrom a wide assemblage of scholars and critics over successive decades. RegardingAuden's maiden work Naomi Mitchison, in The Week-ezd. Revieu in October 1930,hailed it as heralding "a new generation" with its"beautiful and startling lines"(Mitchison, 1983: 81) . In 1932, commenting on The Orators, John Hayward observedthat "I have no doubt that it is the most valuable contribution to English poetry since TheWaste Land" (Hayward, 1983: 115). It was apparent that Auden was steadily rising tofame as a promising young poet with distinctive style of his own. In 1937, the renownedjournal New Verse launched a special number devoted solely to Auden, whom was simplydescribed as "monstrous" by Geoffrey Grigson in his contribution entitled "Auden as aMonster" (qtd. in Sansom, 2004: 227). Other contributors to this issue of New Versearticulated, respectively, their personal impressions of the poet: Edwin Muir describedAuden's imagination as "grotesque"; Dylan Thomas remarked that he was "wide anddeep"; Bernard Spencer claimed that he had succeeded in "brutalising the language"(ibid., 227) .  Regarding the fledgling poet who had exhibited impressive talent the critical worldagreed that he had launched "a brilliant attack on English staleness, dullness andcomplacency" (Plomer, 1983: 95). Nevertheless, amidst the atmosphere of generalacclaim a number of critics, represented by Dilys Powell and Dudley Fitts, took the leadin calling attention to Auden's opaque obscurity, which they claimed constitutes aninsurmountable obstacle to understanding Auden's poetry. Meanwhile, Babette Deutschwas the first to speak highly of the social and political consciousness pervading some ofAuden's poems. She observed that "If [if] one is to understand Auden's poetry one mustrecognize that he is attacking the Old Gang, the declining class, and therewith attackingeverything in himself which clings to that sick part of society" ( Deutsch, 1991: 41) . Inreaction to Deutsch's hearty approval of Auden's socio-political consciousness CyrilConnolly remarked, however, that "I think Auden is the only poet of any real staturesince Eliot, but he is essentially an obscure, difficult, personal writer" (Connolly, 1983:  188) .  (2) The 1940s-" Divergent Views across the Atlantic: Auden's status was widely disputed after his immigration to the United States in 1939. In 1940, the magazine  Horizon ran, a coLumn, open, to the publ,ic debating the pros and cons of Auden's departrxre.In,1941 Louis MacNeice, in an article entitled "Traveller's Return," noted that London was "full of rumours about Auden" (qtd. in Sansom, 2004: 229). Questions about his departure were even raised in Parliament. All this public stir surrounding Auden's departure for America pointed to the poet's high status in the sphere of English poetry;and it was exactly on this account that the British could hardly turn a blind eye to the  poet's " betrayal."  Auden's immigration to the US might be taken as a watershed dividing his literary career as well as affecting the critical milieu both in Britain and the US. In Britain, critics in general seemed to agree that Auden had taken a downward turn in his creations, noting in particular his cool detachment from the social and political events that were then seriously afflicting Britain. John Lehmann lamented that Auden had intentionally refrained from writing "the poetry of this war we are all waiting for; as it is, there seems to me a danger that a certain vagueness of phrase and a kind of beneficent aloofness that is disturbing in much of his recent work may only increase" (qtd. in Haffenden, 1983: 37).Similarly, Julian Symons regretted that '6Auden had lost his genius with his disinvolvement" (ibid., 37).  With World War II drawing to its close, the critical hostility to Auden that had once raged in Britain considerably subsided. Critics ceased to make an issue of the poet's putative "betrayal" ; instead, they began to concern themselves with Auden's ideological shift marked by his departure for the US and how this shift had affected his creations. It is worthy of note that the keynote tone dominating Auden's criticism in Britain was still an unfavourable one. Scholars believed that Auden had achieved admirable virtuosity in poetic craftsmanship, but his poetry was said to be sinking, irrevocably, deeper and deeper into dullness. Commenting on Auden's long poem "The Age of Anxiety" Patric Dickinson interrogated plainly in Horizon that "when he [Auden] really has become American,inside as well as out, in diction, in rhythm, in feeling, in thought (as Mr. Eliot has become English) surely he will again produce living work?" (ibid., 376).  In contrast to the relatively harsh tone that characterized Auden's criticism in Britain, American scholars exhibited a generally tolerant attitude in receiving this British poet. Commenting on Auden's collection of poems The Double Man Malcolm Cowley remarked that "people who haven't followed his [Auden's] recent development will find on reading it that they are entering an unfamiliar ... but stimulating world of ideas," and that "The Double Man is technically a considerable achievement" ( Cowley, 1983: 309) .Cowley also observed that"Auden is ... a profoundly Christian poet," and that "his new book is preoccupied with the problem not only of war guilt but of guilt in generaY' (ibid.,311). Apparently, Cowley was keen sighted enough to perceive Auden's subtly complex changes in belief and poetic style, and hailed such changes as significantly favourable.  ……

威.休.奥登诗歌中的绘画艺术研究(英文版) 作者简介

