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铁路选线设计 版权信息

铁路选线设计 本书特色


铁路选线设计 内容简介


铁路选线设计 目录

CHAPTER 1 Railway Transport Capacity and ConstructioStandards
1.1 Railway Traffic Volume and DesigPeriod
1.1.1 The Significance of Traffic Volume
1.1.2 Economic Investigates and Traffic Forecasts
1.1.3 Computatioof Traffic Indices
1.1.4 DesigPeriod
1.2 Railway Carrying Capacity ithe Section
1.2.1 TraiWorking Diagram
1.2.2 TraiSpeed
1.2.3 Carrying Capacity iSection
1.3 Railway Traffic Capacity
1.4 High-Speed Railway Transport Capacity
1.4.1 Carrying Capacity of High-Speed Railway
1.4.2 Traffic Capacity of High-Speed Railways
1.4.3 The Utilizatioof Carrying Capacity of High-Speed Railway
1.5 Railway Classificatioand MaiTechnical Standards
1.5.1 Railway Classification
1.5.2 The MaiTechnical Standards
1.5.3 Comparisoand Selectioof Railway MaiTechnical Standards
1.5.4 Synthetic OptimizatioMethod for Railway MaiTechnical Standards

CHAPTER 2 TractioCalculation
2.1 Forces Acting othe Train
2.1.1 Tractive Effort
2.1.2 TraiRunning Resistance
2.1.3 Braking Pressure of Train
2.2 TraiMotioEquation
2.2.1 TraiMotioStatus
2.2.2 TraiMovement Equation
2.3 Tractive Tonnage
2.3.1 Computatioof Tractive Tonnage
2.3.2 Checking Tractive Tonnage
2.3.3 Computatioof TraiParameters
2.3.4 The Tonnage Rating
2.3.5 Adjusted Tonnage Ratings
2.4 TraiRunning Speed and Time
2.4.1 The Unit Resultant Force Curve
2.4.2 Calculating Running Speed and Time

CHAPTER 3 Railway Plane and Profile Design
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Desigof Plane
3.2.1 Compositioof a Plane and Its Basic Alignment
3.2.2 Straight Line
3.2.3 Circular Curve
3.2.4 Easement Curve or TransitioSpiral
3.2.5 Distance BetweeCenters of MaiLines
3.3 Profile DesigiSection
3.3.1 The Maximum Grade
3.3.2 Connectioof Grade Section
3.3.3 Length of Grade Section
3.3.4 Compensatioof Maximum Grade
3.3.5 Effect of a Grade SectiooOperating Expenses
3.4 Plane and Profile Desigat Bridge, Culvert, Tunnel and Subgrade
3.4.1 Bridge and Culvert Zones
3.4.2 Tunnel Zones
3.5 Plane and Profile Desigat StatioSite
3.5.1 Length of StatioSite
3.5.2 Line Plane
3.5.3 Line Profile
3.5.4 Plane and Profile Desigat Both Ends of StatioSite
3.6 Line Plans and Profile Details
3.6.1 Classificatioand Scale
3.6.2 Line Plan
3.6.3 Profile Details

CHAPTER 4 Railway Location
4.1 Basic Principles of Railway Location
4.1.1 Natural Conditions Affecting Locatioof Railway Lines
4.1.2 General Principles of Railway Location
4.1.3 Steps and Methods of Railway Location
4.2 Selectioof Line Strike
4.2.1 Governing Factors iStrike Selection
4.2.2 General Rules iSelectioof Strike
4.3 Distributioand PositioSelectioof Stations
4.3.1 Distributioof Stations
4.3.2 Distributioof Intermediate Station, Passing Station,or Overtaking Station
4.3.3 High-Speed Railway
4.3.4 Rules for Selecting Positions of Intermediate Stations
4.4 Basic Methods of Railway Location
4.4.1 Locatiofor the Sectioof Sufficient Grade
4.4.2 Locatiofor Sectioof Easy Grade
4.4.3 Railway LocatioConsidering Cross-Section
4.4.4 Improvement of Plane and Profile
4.5 LocatioiComplicated Geological Conditions
4.5.1 LocatioiLandslide Zones
4.5.2 LocatioiTalus Zones
4.5.3 LocatioiMudslide-StrickeRegions
4.5.4 LocatioiGully Regions
4.5.5 LocatioiKarst Zones
4.5.6 LocatioiMarsh Zones
4.5.7 LocatioiPermafrost Regions
4.5.8 LocatioiDesert Regions
4.5.9 LocatioiHigh-Intensity Earthquake Regions
4.5.1 0LocatioiReservoir Region
4.6 LocatioiSections of Bridge, Culvert, and Road Intersection
4.6.1 Bridge and Culvert Section
4.6.2 Relatively Favorable Engineering Geological Conditions
4.6.3 Tunnel Section
4.6.4 Intersectioof Railway and Road
4.6.5 Setting Conditioof Crossing
4.7 Railway Environment Location
4.7.1 Environmental Problem Related to Railway Location
4.7.2 General Principles of Railway Environment Location
4.7.3 Railway Environment LocatioBased oNatural Environment Protection
4.8 Computer Aided Railway Locatioand Alignment Design
4.8.1 Digital TerraiModel
4.8.2 Object Model of Computer Aided Route Design
4.8.3 CAD Model of Route Selection
4.8.4 Computer Aided Desigof Profile
4.8.5 Computer Aided Desigof Route Plane

CHAPTER 5 Technical and Economic Comparisoof Schemes
5.1 Basic Concepts of Technical and Economic Comparison
5.1.1 The Role of Technical and Economic ComparisoiSchemes
5.1.2 Index iTechnical and Economic Criterion
5.1.3 The Classificatioof Schemes
5.1.4 Brief Process of Technical and Economic Comparisoof Schemes
5.2 Basic Data of Economic Comparison
5.2.1 Investment
5.2.2 Operating Expenses Calculation
5.3 Economic CriterioMethods
5.3.1 Classificatioof Economic CriterioMethod
5.3.2 CriterioEconomic Methods Used iChinese Railway Design
5.3.3 Methods Used iOther Countries
5.4 Comprehensive Criterioof the Proposals
5.4.1 Traditional Comparing Methods
5.4.2 CriterioMethod With OptimizatioModels

CHAPTER 6 StatioDesign
6.1 Passing Statioand Overtaking Station
6.1.1 Passing Station
6.1.2 Overtaking Station
6.2 Intermediate StatioDesign
6.2.1 Plane Layout Diagram of Intermediate Station
6.2.2 Major Equipment Layout of Intermediate Station
6.2.3 Calculatioof Intermediate StatioPlan
6.3 Essentials of District StatioDesign
6.3.1 Operatioand Type of District Station
6.3.2 Layout of Major Facilities iDistrict Station
6.3.3 Layout of Throat Zone District Station
6.4 Introductioof the Marshaling Statioand JunctioTerminal
6.4.1 Marshaling Station
6.4.2 JunctioTerminal
6.5 Essentials of High-Speed Station
6.5.1 General Requirements
6.5.2 High-Speed StatioOperation.
6.5.3 Basic Patterof a High-Speed Station
6.5.4 Plane and Profile of StatioTracks
6.5.5 Equipment for Passenger Transportation

CHAPTER 7 Strengthening of the Railway Transport Capacity
7.1 Principal Measures iStrengthening the Carrying Capacity of the Railway Line
7.1.1 Measure of Transport Organization
7.1.2 Measures for Advancing TractioPower, Signaling,Interlocking, and Block Equipment
7.1.3 Measures for Reconstructioof Engineering Facilities
7.1.4 Constructioof the Third, the Fourth and the Diverting Lines
7.1.5 Overall Desigfor Strengthening the Existing Line
7.2 Upgrading of Railway Passenger Transport
7.2.1 Overview
7.2.2 Targeted Speed of Passenger Trains and ImplementatioScheme for Speeding Up
7.2.3 Technical Conditions for Speedup Passenger Trains
7.2.4 Technical Conditions of Railway Lines for Passenger Transport Speedup
7.2.5 Signal Devices
7.2.6 Speedup of Passenger TransportatioInfluence oFreight Transport
7.3 Constructioof High-Speed Railway
7.3.1 Targeted Speed and Mode of High-Speed Trains
7.3.2 Advantages of High-Speed Railways and Preconditions for Construction
7.3.3 ConstructioMode
7.4 Railway Heavy Haul Traffic
7.4.1 Standards for Railway Heavy Haul Traffic
7.4.2 OrganizatioModes of Railway Heavy Haul Transportation
7.4.3 Requirements oRailway Technical Facilities for Heavy Haul Transportation

CHAPTER 8 Desigfor Reconstructioof Existing Railways and Building Out of Second Railway Lines
8.1 Desigfor Reconstructioof Existing Railways
8.1.1 Profile Desigfor ReconstructioExisting Railway
8.1.2 Plane Desigfor Reconstructioof Existing Railways
8.1.3 Desigand Survey Method for Curve Reconstruction
8.1.4 Desigfor Cross-SectioReconstruction
8.2 The Desigof the Second Railway Line
8.2.1 Profile Desigof the Second Line
8.2.2 Plane Desigof the Second Line
8.2.3 Cross-SectioDesigof the Second Line
8.2.4 Plane Calculatioof the Second Line
8.3 Building the Third, Fourth, and Branching Lines
8.3.1 Building the Third, Fourth, or Loop Line ithe Busy Sectioof a Hub Area
8.3.2 Build the Third, Fourth or Branching Line iAll Sections or the Entire Railway Line