序PrefaceChapterⅠ Introduction to Physiological ExperimentsSection 1 General course description of physiological experimentsSection 2 Laboratory rules and requirements of physiological experimentsSection 3 The development of physiolopcal experiment and basic types of physiological experimentSection 4 Preparation for common reagents used in physiological laboratorySection 5 Formats and requirements of physiological experimental reportsChapter11 Animal ExperimentsSection 1 Basic technique for amphibian animal experimentsSection 2 Basic technique for mammal experimentsSection 3 Basic technique for rodent animal experimentsSection 4 BL -420 biological data acquisition and analysis systemSection 5 Specific animal experimentsExperiment 1 Sciatic-gastroc:nemius preparationExperiment 2 Threshold, supra-threshold and maximal stimulusExperiment 3 Single muscle twitch, frequency summation, and tetanizationExperiment 4 Action potential of nerve trunkExperiment 5 Conduction velocity of compound AP of nerve trunkExperiment 6 The pacemaker of frog heartExperiment 7 Extrasystole and compensatory pause of the frog heartExperiment 8 Osmotic fragility of the red blood corpusclesExperiment 9 Regulation of respiration movementExperiment 10 Regulation of cardiovascular systemExperiment 11 Physiological properties of smooth muscle of digestive tractExperiment 12 Factors affecting urinary formationExperiment 13 The reflex arcExperiment 14 Ataxia induced by cerebellar injury in mouseChapterⅡ Human ExperimentsSection 1 Introduction to WebChart -400 system for human experimentsSection 2 Specific human experimentsExperiment 1 Recording of human respiratory movementExperiment 2 Detection of heart soundsExperiment 3 Measurement of blood pressureExperiment 4 Recording of an electrocardiogramExperiment 5 Determination of ABO blood typesExperiment 6 Examination of visual acuityExperiment 7 Examination of visualfieldsExperiment 8 Examination of blind spotExperiment 9 Examination of color blindnessExperiment 10 Conduction ways of soundExperiment 11 Induction of knee jerk reflexExperiment 12 Human auditory and visual responsesChapterⅢ Fundamentals of Medical ResearchSection 1 Scientific method and experimental medicineSection 2 Basic principles of experimental medicineSection 3 Guidelines to write and publish a research paperChapter V ExperimentaI DesignSection 1 Introduction to experimental designSection 2 Methods for designing a good physiological experimentSection 3 An example of physiological experimental designSection 4 An example of a full lab reportSection 5 Suggested topics for physiological experimental designAppendixAppendix 1 Laboratory syllabus for physiological experiment(Applicable to clinical medicrAppendix 2 Laboratory syllabus for human physiological experiment(Applicable to phamacologyAppendix 3 Grade table for examination in physiological experimentsAppendix 4 An example of physiological experimental reportAc knowle ge ment鸣谢