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西游记英译本(珍藏版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787100155946
  • 条形码:9787100155946 ; 978-7-100-15594-6
  • 装帧:70g纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

西游记英译本(珍藏版) 本书特色


西游记英译本(珍藏版) 内容简介


西游记英译本(珍藏版) 目录

List of lllustrations Introduction CHAPTERS. I. Search for Immortality II. Monkey studies Magic III. Visits Dragons and Judges in Hell IV. Dechnes being a Stud Master V. Upsets the Peach Banqnet VI. The Great Holy One captured VII. Imprisoned for 500 Years VIII. Buddha provides Scriptmes IX. Hocn Chwang's Parentage X. A Dragon executed XI. The Emperor in Hades XII. All Souls' Day XIII. The Monkey joins the Master XIV. The Monkey converted XV. A Dragon becomes a Horse XVI. Monks steal the Master's Cassock XVII. Kwanyin helps Sire XVIII. Kao Lai Chwang Battle XIX. Pa Kiei converted-Hesrt Classic XX. The Master carried away XXI. Kwanvin delivers from False Doctrines XXII. The Monk Sand converted XXIII. Domestic and Ascetic Life XXIV. Sun steals Ginseng XXV. The Pilgrims arrested XXVI. Water of Life revives the Trees XXVII. The Monkey dismissed XXVIII. The Monkey welcomed Home XXIX. The Master saved by a Princess XXX. The Dragon Horse's Intelligence XXXI. Reconeiliation-Sun saws his Master XXXII. Pa Kiei neglects to watch XXXIII. Lores Cave Demon's Magic XX.XIV. Sun outwits the Demon XXXV. Cood overcoming Evil XXXVI. Berentanee gives Light XXXVII. A King's Corpse in a Well XXXVIII. The Queen questioned XXXIX. Throuugh Dead, shall live XL. The Red Child XLI. Lej by Passion XLII. Converted by Kwanyin XIIII. BLsck River Demon XLIV. Slow Carts' Country XLV. Buddhists and Taoists compete XLVI. Persecution and Deliverance XLVII. Saving s Boy and Girl XLVIL Through Snow and Ice XLIX. Saved by a Tortoise L. Safe Inside. the Magic Ring LI. Heidess without the Magic Spear LII. Seeks help from Julai LIII. Motber and Child River LIT. The Couatry of the Amazons LV. She Devil's Seorpion Sting LVI. Without Principle, Man is Mad LVII. The True and False Monkeys LVIIL Julai decides Which iS True LIX. A Volcano queechea by a Fan LX. The Or-headed Demon LXI. The Magic Fan rested LXII. The Nine-headed Demon LXIII. Righreousnsm alone brings Prosperity LXIV. Thorns and Fairy Land LXV. A False Heaven where all seems lost LXVI. Mikh Po comee to the Rescue LXVII. Final Safety of Converted Soule LXVIII. Sun beeomes a Doctor LXIX. Feels the Pulse by a String LXX. Three Plagues LXXI. The Three Bells LXXIL The Lovely Women LXXIII. Poisoned by Womon LXXIV. The Three Demons LXXV. Sun personates a Demon Soldier LXXVI. Riding with Eight Bearers LXXVII. Rumour of the Master's Death LXXVIII. The Doomed Children saved LXXIX. Sun performs Hara Kiri LXXX. The Master bewitched LXXXI. The Master resigns his Mission LXXXII. Hidden in a Cave LXXXIII. Sun charges Prince Li u ith Treason LXXXIV. Sun shaves a whole City LXXXV. The Bad attack the Good LXXXVI. The Master's Head exposed LXXXVIL. Sun calls down Rain LXXXVIII. Three Princes study Religion LXXXIX. False Views of Religion... XC. Attacks of a Nine-Headed Demon XCI. Feast of Lanterns and New Danger XCLL Sun goes to HeasVen for Help XCIII. A Witch impersonaTes a Princess XCIV. The False Princess in Fear XCV. Sun restores the True Princess XCVI. Great Hospitality to the Pilgrims XCVII. Sun goes to Hades for his Host XCVIII. The Mortai Body Cast Aside XCLX. The Last Trial C. The Pilgrims Finished Work Index

西游记英译本(珍藏版) 作者简介

吴承恩,字汝忠,号射阳山人。淮安府山阳县(今江苏淮安)人。他生活在明代中叶,约当公元1500年到1582年间;出生在一个由文职小官僚而沦落为小商人的家庭。他极好读书,但常遭官府吏胥敲诈,对社会现实颇为不满。 译者简介:李提摩太,李提摩太(1845—1919),字菩岳,英国传教士。1869年11月17日他离开英国,在1870年12月抵达上海,随后去山东烟台、青州等地传教,并同时学习佛教、儒家和伊斯兰教著作。1886年,李提摩太来到北京,发表了《七国新学备要》,介绍西方各国的教育情况,并建议清朝政府每年拿出100万两白银作为教育改革的经费。1902年,山西发生教案,西太后请他协助处理。事件解决后,慈禧同意请他开办山西大学堂,聘他为山西大学堂西学书斋总理,可以自由往来于北京、上海、太原之间。清政府还赐他头品顶戴,二等双龙宝星,并诰封三代。
