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(2018)英语(应试指南)/2018年度注册会计师全国统一考试梦想成真系列辅丛书 版权信息

(2018)英语(应试指南)/2018年度注册会计师全国统一考试梦想成真系列辅丛书 本书特色

本书打破了专业英语学习中因内容繁多而导致“眉毛、胡子一起抓”“浅尝辄止”的传统做法, 定位明确、风格鲜明、针对性强, 是素以潜心研究考试方向和学员学习习惯、帮助学员快乐学习为己任的中华会计网校专家们的竭力之作!

(2018)英语(应试指南)/2018年度注册会计师全国统一考试梦想成真系列辅丛书 内容简介

本丛书由中华会计网校组织授课教师根据近期新的考试大纲,结合教学的实际需要,为参加全国注册会计师综合阶段考试的考生编写而成。丛书共有6册:辅导教材、应试指南(基础强化卷)、应试指南(案例提高卷)、应试指南(英语分册)、全真模拟试卷、掌中宝。 自近年来,注册会计师考试对英文考核力度不断加强,面对这一趋势,为了切实帮助考生提高财经英语水平,顺利通过考试,中华会计网校(www.chinaacc.com)推出这本财经英语的应试指南。该书以注会专业阶段的六门课程内容为基础,对每个科目的重点知识进行提炼与总结,以英文的形式进行表述,同时附以中文,并对出现的重点词汇和疑难句式进行详细说明,使考生能掌握地道的专业英语表达,多方面培养专业英语能力。同时在每章的专业讲解后设置与本章有关的英文题目,便于考生能将学到的专业英语活学活用,达到巩固知识点的目的。该书可适用于注会综合阶段和专业阶段的英文考试,但更突出满足综合阶段考试的需要,对财经英文写作进行讲解与演练,并给出若干写作模板,便于考生进行模仿。

(2018)英语(应试指南)/2018年度注册会计师全国统一考试梦想成真系列辅丛书 目录

Section 1 Grammar Topic 1 Numeral Topic 2 Preposition Topic 3 Conjunction Topic 4 Adjective Topic 5 Passive Voice Topic 6 Non-finite Verb Topic 7 Complex Sentence Topic 8 There be Topic 9 Concord Section 2 Key Point Part 1 Accounting Chapter 1 Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets Chapter 2 Investment Property Chapter 3 Impairment of Assets Chapter 4 Liabilities Chapter 5 Revenue,Costs and Profit Chapter 6 Contingencies Chapter 7 Exchange of Non-monetary Assets and Debt Restructuring Chapter 8 Borrowing Costs Chapter 9 Share-based Payments Chapter 10 Income Taxes Chapter 11 Foreign Currency Translation Chapter 12 Changes in Accounting Policies,Accounting Estimates and Correction of Errors Chapter 13 Post Balance Sheet Event Chapter 14 Long-term Equity Investments and Business Combinations Chapter 15 Consolidated Financial Statements Chapter 16 Earnings per Share Key Points and Synchronous Systematic Training in Integrated Stage Part 2 Auditing Chapter 1 Audit Sampling Chapter 2 Audit Plan Chapter 3 Audit Documentation Chapter 4 Risk Assessment and Risk Response Chapter 5 Audit of Sales and Collection Cycle Chapter 6 Audit of Procurement and Payment Cycle Chapter 7 Audit of Production and Inventory Cycle Chapter 8 Audit of Cash and Cash Equivalent Chapter 9 Consideration on Fraud, Laws and Regulations Chapter 10 Special Considerations for Auditing Group Financial Statements Chapter 11 Finish of Audit Work Chapter 12 Audit Report Chapter 13 Corporate Internal Control Audit Chapter 14 Quality Control of the Accounting Firm's Engagement Chapter 15 Fundamental Principle and Conceptual Framework of Professional Ethics Codes for CPA Chapter 16 Independence Requirement in Audit Engagement Key Points and Synchronous Systematic Training in Integrated Stage Part 3 Taxation Law Chapter 1 Value-added Tax Law Chapter 2 Consumption Tax Law Chapter 3 Corporation Income Tax Law Chapter 4 Individual Income Tax Law Chapter 5 Environmental Protection Tax Law Chapter 6 Land Appreciation Tax Law Key Points and Synchronous Systematic Training in Integrated Stage Part 4 Financial Management and Cost Management Chapter 1 Financial Statement Analysis and Financial Forecasting Chapter 2 Cost of Capital Chapter 3 Corporate Valuation Chapter 4 Capital Budgeting for Investment Projects Chapter 5 Capital Structure Chapter 6 Dividend Distribution, Stock Split and Stock Repurchase Chapter 7 Long-term Financing Chapter 8 Product Costing Chapter 9 Standard Costing Chapter 10 Activity-based Costing Chapter 11 Short-term Operational Decision Chapter 12 Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis Chapter 13 Working Capital Management Chapter 14 Responsibility Accounting Part 5 Corporate Strategy and Risk Management Chapter 1 Strategy Analysis Chapter 2 Strategy Selection Chapter 3 Strategy Implementation and Corporate Governance Chapter 4 Risk and Risk Management Chapter 5 Internal Control Part 6 Economic Law Chapter 1 Company Law Chapter 2 Securities Law Chapter 3 Enterprise Bankruptcy Law Chapter 4 Real Right Law Chapter 5 Contract Law Chapter 6 Law on Negotiable Instruments Section 3 Revision Kit for Professional Level Section 4 Revision Kit for Comprehensive Level

(2018)英语(应试指南)/2018年度注册会计师全国统一考试梦想成真系列辅丛书 作者简介

