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豪宅美墅赏析 版权信息

豪宅美墅赏析 本书特色


豪宅美墅赏析 内容简介


豪宅美墅赏析 目录

012 Grace European-style home 优雅欧式风情家 026 Elegant palace style, classics-supreme romance 典雅宫廷风 经典至上的浪漫 042 European-style rural lifestyle, romantic and luxury 美式田园生活 浪漫又奢华 056 Romantic feelings of European-style household 欧式家居的浪漫情怀 064 French-style romance with dense tone 浓郁色调的法式浪漫 076 Graceful, poised and noble Italian neoclassical deduction 雍容贵气的意式新古典演绎 094 Grace, energetic French-style villa 优雅活力的法式墅居 114 Solemn, dignified, classic European-style mansion 庄重大气的古典欧式大宅 126 Extremely warm, sweet, modern American-style mansion 温馨非常的现代美式大宅 132 Elegant, dignified grace and magnificance 典雅大气的雍容华丽 140 Ultimate deduction of rational space 理性空间的极致演绎 150 Old castle with deepness in style 深沉格调的古堡风情 160 The exalted American castle style 尊贵大气的美式古堡风 170 American style with gentleman style 绅士格调的美式风格 178 American-style rural lifestyle with decoration principal 装饰主义的美式乡村风情 186 Honorable, mysterious Italian-style new classics 尊贵神秘的意式新古典 198 Retro style is coming, carrying American-style through to the end 复古风来袭 将美式进行到底 206 Americanism re-marking classics 复刻经典的美式主义 212 Simple European style showing low key, luxury 简约欧式显低调高贵奢华 220 Magnificent heart-warming style with simplified European style 简欧风的华美暖心格调 228 Delicate, subtle French style 精致微妙的法式风情 238 Modern household with full entry luxury feelings 轻奢感十足的现代家居 248 Simple, elegant but delicate, pure and fresh French style 淡雅而精致的清新法式 254 Fashionable but refined space 时尚而脱俗的气质空间 260 Hong Kong style entr y luxur y with the fusion of Chinese style and western style 西方韵味融合港式轻奢 268 Ruminating, color contrast modern European-style home 玩味撞色的现代欧式之家 280 Deduction of avant-garde, fashionable space 前卫时尚空间演绎 292 Honorable place with fashionable temperament 时尚气质的尊贵之所 302 Modern, dignified, delicate style 现代大气的精致格调 312 Low-key, luxury, supremely modern lifestyle 低调奢华的极致现代生活 320 Simple, perfect, delicate habitation 至简至臻的精致人居 328 Colorful scene in grey space 灰色空间中的彩色映画记 336 Pure and fresh, refined, dignified space 清雅脱俗的气质空间 344 Taste mansion, deduce modern international style 品味大宅演绎摩登国际范 352 Honorable, elegant ink painting space 尊贵典雅的水墨空间 364 Minimalism new Chinese style 极简新中式 380 Ultimate integration of eastern and western style 东西方的极致融合 398 Simple, elegant pretty and easy space 淡雅的俊逸空间 404 Elegant Chinese-style villa, keeping eastern spirit 典雅中式别墅 留住东方精神 416 Passionate, plain Southeast Asian furniture 热情质朴的东南亚家居 428 Exotic space with tropical style 热带风情的异域空间 436 Pure, fresh mansion, returning to natural color 清新大宅 回归自然色彩 446 Modern, dignified villa simplifying hard things 化繁为简的现代大气别墅

豪宅美墅赏析 作者简介

