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21世纪大学英语应用型长篇阅读(4) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787309121568
  • 条形码:9787309121568 ; 978-7-309-12156-8
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

21世纪大学英语应用型长篇阅读(4) 内容简介

本书共分8个主题单元, 每个主题单元包括3篇和四、六级考试真题相似长度和难度的文章。

21世纪大学英语应用型长篇阅读(4) 目录

Unit 1 DIY
Passage I The Rise of Fashion DIY 2.0
Passage 2 How Parenting Became a DIY Project
Passage 3 Do-It-Yourself Adventure Tour

Unit 2 Privacy
Passage 1 Are Colleges Invading Their Students' Privacy?
Passage 2 Just How "Smart" Do You Want Your Blender (搅拌机) to Be?
Passage 3 An Experiment to Opt Out of(退出} Big Data

Unit 3 Marriage
Passage 1 Marry Him!
Passage 2 Demand, Meet Supply
Passage 3 Following a Wife's Move

Unit 4 Innovation
Passage 1 Time to Fix Patents
Passage 2 The Death of Innovation, the End of Growth
Passage 3 The Future of Innovation Belongs to the Megacity

Unit 5 Financial Management
Passage 1 Against Credit Cards
Passage 2 In 10 Years, Banking Will Look Like a Sci-Fi Film
Passage 3 Why Don't Americans Save More Money?

Unit 6 Urbanization
Passage 1 Roads of Redemption (拯救)
Passage 2 Urban Planning: Streetwise (适应都市生活的)
Passage 3 The Rise of Ohina's High-Tech "Megacities"

Unit 7 Career
Passage 1 The Career Ladder to Nowhere
Passage 2 Millennial College Graduates: Young, Educated, Jobless
Passage 3 The Hole in the Glass Ceiling Is Getting Bigger

Unit 8 Code of Nature
Passage 1 They Really Are Concrete Jungles!
Passage 2 We Have Crossed "Planetary Boundaries"
Passage 3 The Future of Architecture: Moss(苔藓), Not Mirrors

Appendix Keys and Answers

21世纪大学英语应用型长篇阅读(4) 节选

  《21世纪大学英语应用型长篇阅读(4)/“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材》:  H)To accommodate them and future land needs, Mr Socarras wants to allow the city's area eventually to triple to 80 square km (31 square miles).His plan's map is covered by a grid of big lines — future arterial roads, the guide rails of the city's growth.They are meant to accommodate not only cars but important infrastructure of all kinds, from water pipes to bus routes.To ensure that these services can be easily reached from any point in the expansion area, the roads are spaced about 2km from each other.  I)In Ethiopia the impetus (推动力) for city planning comes from the federal government.Mekuria Haile, the urbanization minister, attended one of the initiative's workshops in Addis Ababa last year.He faces a difficult task: The number of Ethiopians living in cities will triple by 2040, according to the UN.Awasa in central Ethiopia is expected to grow from about 200,000 inhabitants today to more than 1.2m by 2040.It is one of four cities that have already drawn up long—term plans.The government now wants all of the country's cities to follow the NYU model.Ethiopia is able to move quickly because it has built a capacity to do urban planning in recent years, says David DeGroot, who helps the initiative on the ground (在现场).Local governments have been strengthened and a new university has trained hundreds of urban planners.  J)Ethiopia also benefits from having straightforward land laws.The government owns the land; it is only leased (出租) to those who use it.If a city wants to expand into a rural area, farmers must be compensated for lost income.So far, this has gone smoothly: Rules are clear and payments generous.In Colombia the situation is more complicated, Cities have to make up their own rules for how land rights are secured and owners compensated.One possibility under discussion in Valledupar is to give owners tax breaks (赋税减免) when they sell their land, which would be worth more once it is developed.  ……
