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暖通与燃气-建筑类专业英语-第一册 版权信息

暖通与燃气-建筑类专业英语-第一册 内容简介


暖通与燃气-建筑类专业英语-第一册 目录

UNIT ONE Text Basic Concepts and Definitions Reading Material A Thermodynamic Systems Reading Material B Pressure UNIT TWO Text Application of the Principles of Thermodynamics to Steady-Flow Components of Engineering Systems Reading Material A Power and Enthalpy Reading Material B The First Law of Thermodynamics UNIT THREE Text Equations of State Reading Material A Van Der Waals Equation of State Reading Material B Equilibrium UNIT FOUR Text The Ideal Basic Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle Reading Material A Probability and Entropy Reading Material B Entropy and the Third Law UNIT FIVE Text Variation of Pressure in A Static Fluid Reading Material A Viscosity Reading Material B Compressible and Incompressible Fluids UNIT SIX Text Hydraulic Grade Line and Energy Line Reading Material A Eulerian and Lagrangian Flow Descriptions Reading Material B Static, Stagnation (total), and Dynamic Pressure UNIT SEVEN Text Incompressible, Steady and Uniform Turbulent Flow in Circular Cross-section Pipes Reading Material A Laminar and Turbulent Flow Reading Material B Pipe Networks UNIT EIGHT Text Conduction Reading Material A General Characteristics Reading Material B Transient Heat Flow UNIT NINE Text Definition of Similitude Reading Material A Comments about Dimensional Analysis Reading Material B Reynolds Number and Similarity UNIT TEN Text Natural Convection Reading Material A Forced Convection Reading Material B Convection UNIT ELEVEN Text Drag of Three-Dimensional Bodies (Incompressible Flow) Reading Material A Lift and Drag Concepts Reading Material B Boundary-layer Separation and Pressure Drag UNIT TWELVE Text Actual Radiation Reading Material A Radiation in Gases Reading Material B Radiation UNIT THIRTEEN Text Categories of Compressible Flow Reading Material A Effect of Flow Cross Section Area Variations Reading Material B Converging-diverging Duct Flow UNIT FOURTEEN Text Eddy Diffusivity and Application to Turbulent Flow Reading Material A Mean Temperature Differences for Parallel Flow and Counterflow Heat Exchangers Reading Material B Finned-Tube Heat Transfer UNIT FIFTEEN Text Centrifugal Pumps and Fans Reading Material A Pump and the Pipe System Reading Material B Cavitation UNIT SIXTEEN Text Manufactured Gases Reading Material A Gaseous Fuels Reading Material B The Future of Plastic Pipe at Higher Pressures Appendix Ⅰ Vocabulary Appendix Ⅱ Translation for Reference Appendix Ⅲ Key to Exercises