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物流专业英语 第2版(本科教材)

物流专业英语 第2版(本科教材)

开本: 16开 页数: 286
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物流专业英语 第2版(本科教材) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787111586487
  • 条形码:9787111586487 ; 978-7-111-58648-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

物流专业英语 第2版(本科教材) 本书特色


物流专业英语 第2版(本科教材) 内容简介


物流专业英语 第2版(本科教材) 目录

Chapter l Overview of Logistics and Supply Chains 1
Unit l Introduction to Logistics 1
Unit 2 The Supply Chain Concept 9
Unit 3 21st-Century Supply Chains 17
Unit 4 The Agile Supply Chain 24
Unit 5 Partnerships in the Supply Chain 31
Chapter 2 Logistics Systems 35
Unit l Location Decision 35
Unit 2 The Work of Logistics 43
Unit 3 Just-In-Time and Lean Thinking 49
Chapter 3 Customer Service 60
Unit l Introduction to Customer Service 60
Unit 2 Quality of Services and Setting Logistics Priorities 66
Unit 3 The Service-Driven Logistics System 72
Chapter 4 Logistics Strategy Management 77
Unit l Strategic Logistics Management 77
Unit 2 Logistics Improvement 86
Chapter 5 InVentorV 92
Unit l Planning Inventory 92
Unit 2 Inventory Management 97
Chapter 6 Transportation Management 104
Unit l Transportation 104
Unit 2 Transportation Strategy 116
Unit 3 Transportation Managers Activities 124
Chapter 7 Physical Distribution 129
Unit l Distribution 129
Unit 2 Logistics Distribution Systems 135
Chapter 8 Logistics Information 141
Unit l Logistics Information Functionality 141
Unit 2 Principles of Logistics Information 146
Unit 3 Logistics Information Technology 152
Unit 4 Logistics Information Management 159
Chapter 9 The Third-Party Logistics 164
Chapter 10 Logistics Costs 180
Unit l How Can Logistics Costs Be Better Represented 180
Unit 2 Logistics Cost Relationships 187
Unit 3 Logistics Costs Analyses 192
Chapter 11 International Logistics 197
Unit l Introduction to International Logistics 197
Unit 2 Meeting the Challenges of Global Operations 204
Chapter 12 Warehousing 212
Unit l Introduction to Warehousing Management 212
Unit 2 Warehousing Decisions 220
Chapter 13 Packaging 226
Unit l Introduction to Packaging 226
Unit 2 Packaging Technology 233
Chapter 14 The Development of Logistics 240
Unit l Outsourcing 240
Unit 2 Green Logistics 248
Unit 3 The Fourth-Party Logistics 264
Unit 4 Intelligent Logistics 270
AppendiXeS 276
Appendix I
Appendix n
Some Useful Websites 276
Professional Words and Expressions 278
ReferenCeS 284