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侵权法 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787509392508
  • 条形码:9787509392508 ; 978-7-5093-9250-8
  • 装帧:80g胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

侵权法 本书特色


侵权法 内容简介


侵权法 目录

  Table of ContentsChapter Ⅰ?INTRODUCTION 1Unintentional Harm 5Hammontree v. Jenner 5Supplemental Reading 9Ⅰ. Ashtray Falling from Above 9Ⅱ. Definition of Tort Law (Selected) 10Ⅲ. For Every Wrong There is a Remedy ... Or is There? 11Chapter Ⅱ?NEGLIGENCE (Ⅰ) 17Standard of Care 17Probability, Burden and Liability 19United States v. Carroll Towing Co. 19Negligence 22Davison v. Snohomish County 22Effect of Statute 24Martin v. Herzog 24Standard of Care and Unreasonable Risk 26Adams v. Bullock 26Aggravated Negligence 28Chapter Ⅲ?NEGLIGENCE (Ⅱ) 31Proof of Negligence 31Byrne v. Boadle 32Larson v. St. Francis Hotel 35Multiple Defendants 37Ybarra v. Spangard 37Chapter Ⅳ?CAUSATION 43Cause in Fact 43Perkins v. Texas and New Orleans Ry. Co. 43Summers v. Tice 47Sindell v. Abbott Laboratories 48Chapter Ⅴ?UNFORESEEABLE CONSEQUENCES 53Unexpected Result 53In re an Arbitration Between Polemisand AnotherAnd Furness,Withy Co., Ltd. 53Unexpected Victim 55Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Co. 55Proximate Cause 59Petition of Kinsman Transit Co. 59Intervening Causes 66Derdiarian v. Felix Contracting Corp. 66Secondary Accidents 69McCoy v. American Suzuki Motor Corp. 69Chapter Ⅵ?DEFENSES (Ⅰ) 75Plaintiff’s Conduct: Contributory & Comparative Negligence 75Contributory Negligence 76Butterfield v. Forrester 76Comparative Negligence 77Daly v. General Motors Corporation 77Assumption of Risk 85Winterstein v. Wilcom 85Assumption of Implied Risk 89Rush v. Commercial Realty Co. 89Chapter Ⅶ?DEFENSES (Ⅱ) 91Statutory Bars 91Statute of Limitations and Repose 91Teeters v. Currey 92Tort Liability of Municipalities 94Riss v. City of New York 94Immunity 98DeLong v. Erie County 98Chapter Ⅷ?REMEDIES 101Compensatory & Punitive Damages 101Damages For Physical Harm 102Allocation Among Tortfeasors 110Personal Injury Remedies 115Anderson v. Sears, Roebuck & Co. 115Richardson v. Chapman 118“Grossly Excessive” Punitive Damages 124BMW of North America, Inc. v. Gore 124Intentional Trespass 131Jacque v. Steenberg Homes, Inc. 131Chapter Ⅸ?MEDICAL MALPRACTICE 139Doctor/Patient Relationship 139Moore v. Regents of University of California 139Helling v. Carey 144Henning v. Thomas 145Chapter Ⅹ?PRODUCT LIABILITY & STRICT LIABILITY 151Product Liability 151MacPherson v. Buick Motor Co. 151Strict Liability 156Greenman v. Yuba Power Products, Inc. 156Abnormally Dangerous Activity 160Rylands v. Fletcher 160Indiana Harbor Belt R.R. Co. v. American Cyanamid Co. 164Manufacturing Defect 171Rix v. General Motors Corp. 171Design Defect 173O’Brien v. Muskin Corp. 173Chapter Ⅺ?INTENTIONAL INFLICTION OF MENTAL DISTRESS 179State Rubbish Collectors Ass’n v. Siliznoff 179Emotional Distress 181Womack v. Eldridge 181First Amendment Over Parody 184Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell 184Adventures of Larry Flynt 189Chapter Ⅻ?DEFAMATION 193Defamation 193Defamation and Freedom of Speech 194New York Times Co. v. Sullivan 194Private Individuals 207Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc. 207Commercial Speech 212Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. v. Greenmoss Builders 212Chapter ⅫⅠ?PRIVACY & PUBLICITY 217Privacy 217Flake v. Greensboro News Co. 218Celebrity and Paparazzi 221Galella v. Onassis 221Gallela and Paparazzi 224Right of Publicity 225Carson v. Here’s Johnny Portable Toilets, Inc. 225Bi-Rite Enters., Inc. v. Button Master 229Chapter ⅩⅣ?ECONOMIC INJURIES (Ⅰ) 235Misrepresentation 235Concealment and Nondisclosure 235Swinton v. Whitinsville Savings Bank 235International Products Co. v. Erie R.R. Co. 236Misrepresentation to Third Persons 239Credit Alliance Corporation v. Arthur Andersen & Co. 239Chapter ⅩⅤ?ECONOMIC INJURIES (Ⅱ) 247Tortious Interference With Advantageous Relations 247Lumley v. Gye 247Testing Systems, Inc. v. Magnaflux Corp. 248Della Penna v. Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. 250Family Relations 261Nash v. Baker 261

侵权法 作者简介

