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MARITIME ISSUES REVIEW-海洋问题时评-Volume 1 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787511725103
  • 条形码:9787511725103 ; 978-7-5117-2510-3
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

MARITIME ISSUES REVIEW-海洋问题时评-Volume 1 本书特色


MARITIME ISSUES REVIEW-海洋问题时评-Volume 1 内容简介



Preface Foreword Theory of the Law of the Sea and China On History and Development Trend of the Law of the Sea Institutional Defects of the Law of the Sea to Be Corrected Gradually Limitations of Laws of the Sea How to Draw the Baseline of the Territorial Sea How to Conduct Delimitation When the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf Overlap The Relation between Marine Scientific Research and Military Survey Activities How to Deal with Military Exercises in Exclusive Economic Zone Cracking down on Somalia Piracy from the Perspective of International Law Escort by China Navy in Urgent Need of Legal System Development Arbitration System not Applicable to Ocean Disputes with China Whether Okinotorishima Is An Island or A Rock Broadening the Horizon and Developing China's Ocean Undertakings Basic Characteristics of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea East China Sea Reviews Path Chosen by China to Promote Development in East China Sea Japan Must Honor Law of Sea Keeping Calm at Sea Essential China Shall Make Japan Admit a Dispute on Ownership over Diaoyu Islands China to Make Detailed Preparation for Negotiation on the Sea with Japan China Shall Strengthen Comprehensive Management of Diaoyu Island and Its Affiliated Islands Dispute Denial Will Not Work Formation and Development of Japanese Ocean Strategy Japan-US Alliance on Sea Power Suggesting Joint Efforts to Develop New Sea Power Origins and Trends of Disputes over Diaoyu Islands Japan Should End the Farce China Should Be Well Prepared that The Issue of Diaoyu Islands Will Last for a Long Time China and Japan Shall Accelerate Their Paces in Negotiation on Maritime issues Necessities for China and Japan to Reiterate the Principles of China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship Defuse Dangerous Tensions between China and Japan Several Thoughts and Suggestions on Improving Sino-Japan Relations China Should Improve Law Enforcement System for Sea and Air Security of East China Sea Work to Make a Sea Change On Connotation of Japanese So-called "Inherent Territory" China Should Re-define Sino-Japan Relations South China Sea Review China Should Deal with South China Sea Issues Tier by Tier For Order in South China Sea Peaceful Resolution of South China Sea Issues in Accordance with Intemational Law How to Resolve the South China Sea Issue May Better Sense Prevail in Sea Disputes Is It Groundless for China's Proposition Based on U-shaped Line of South China Sea? Practical Steps to Resolve South China Sea Issues Reflection on "Setting Aside Disputes and Joint Exploitation" Legal Obstacles in Settling Territorial Disputes over Nansha Islands and Reefs China Must Safeguard Island Analysis of Huangyan Island Incident from the Perspective of International Law No Negative Example Set by the Huangyan Island Incident Manila all at Sea Over Islands It's Unreasonable for Philippine to Apply for Arbitration on South China Sea Dispute Views on Philippine's Gunshot at Taiwanese Fishing Boat from the Perspective of International Law How to Build a Sea of Peace andAmity Manila Barking up the Wrong Tree Hanoi Must Stop Muddying the Waters Drilling is Legal and Legitimate Resolve South China Sea Issue First China and Ocean Issues Review on Scientific Expedition in the Antarctica after the Return of Xuelong The Century of the Sea Needs Harmonious Sea Essence and Legal Construction of China's Development of Ocean Economy The Inevitable Path for China to Resolve Maritime Issues Tier by Tier China Should Enact and Implement Basic Law of the Sea as soon as Possible Enacting the Basic Law: An Active Choice for Dealing with Maritime Issues Connotation of China's Construction of Ocean Power Maritime State to Maritime Power China Should Avoid "Linkage among Three Seas" Top-down Design of China's Maritime Power Strategy Index for Extended Reading Afterword Profile of the Author Profile of the Translator Profile of Ad Mare

MARITIME ISSUES REVIEW-海洋问题时评-Volume 1 作者简介

金永明,法学博士,理论经济学博士后。现为上海社会科学院法学研究所研究员,上海社会科学院中国海洋战略研究中心主任、日本研究中心常务副主任。现任中国国际法学会、中国海洋法学会、中国海洋发展研究会理事;中国太平洋学会学术研究工作委员会委员、特约研究员,中国海洋发展研究中心研究员,中华能源基金委员会顾问,海南省南海法律研究中心研究员等职。在海洋法领域发表论文70余篇、文章80余篇,出版学术专著5部,主持承担省部级以上与海洋问题有关课题多项。陈玲,法学博士。2003年毕业于南昌大学外国语学院英语系获文学学士学位,2007年获上海对外经贸大学国际法学硕士学位,2010年获华东政法大学刑法学博士学位。现任上海社会科学院法学研究助理研究员,讲授研究生《法律英语》课程。主持国家社科基金青年项目《信用评级机构法律制度的完善研究》,参与国家社科基金重大项目及其他省部级项目多项。在《法学》、《政治与法律》、《中国法学》(英文版)、China Forum等期刊发表论文和译文60余篇,出版专著《背信犯罪比较研究》和《美国刑事诉讼法学》。2007年起从事中英文笔译工作,迄今已翻译文稿百万余字。
