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商务英语阅读-(第4册) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787300252285
  • 条形码:9787300252285 ; 978-7-300-25228-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

商务英语阅读-(第4册) 本书特色


商务英语阅读-(第4册) 内容简介

本书共10个单元,内容涉及商务沟通、商务谈判、电子商务、风险管理、企业文化等主题。每个单元都由与主题相关的名人引言、TextA、TextB、Cuture Tour、Case Study组成。TextA作为课堂学习的主要内容,TextB以学生的知识延展为主,Cuture Tour主要是拓展学生的中西文化视野,Case Study讲述与主题相关的真实案例,以促进学生对课堂知识的学以致用,加深理解。

商务英语阅读-(第4册) 目录

Unit 1 Business Communication Text A Understanding How Culture Affects Communication Text B Communication at the Workplace Chinese and International Culture Tour Case Study Unit 2 Business Negotiation Text A Tactics for Successful Business Negotiations Text B Global Negotiation Preparation Chinese and International Culture Tour Case Study Unit 3 Takeovers and Mergers Text A How Mergers and Acquisitions Can Affect a Company Text B China's Haier to Buy GE Appliance Business for $5.4 Billion Chinese and International Culture Tour Case Study Unit 4 Finance and Banking Text A Branches Fall as Banking Goes Digital Text B In Fintech, China Shows the Way Chinese and International Culture Tour Case Study Unit 5 Stocks and Bonds Text A The Danger of a Crash Landing in High-flying Stocks, Bonds and Property Text B Connecting China's Stock Markets to the World Chinese and International Culture Tour Case Study Unit 6 E-commerce Text A Alibaba: Can a Chinese E-Commerce Company Save the American Dream? Text B Uber Slayer: How China's Didi Beat the Ride-Hailing Superpower Chinese and International Culture Tour Case Study Unit 7 Risk Management Text A Simple Ethics Rules for Better Risk Management Text B Baidu Hits the Reset Button after Cleaning Up Online Advertising Chinese and International Culture Tour Case Study Unit 8 Corporate Culture Text A Six Components of a Great Corporate Culture Text B How Airbnb Is Building Its Culture Through Belonging Chinese and International Culture Tour Case Study Unit 9 Green Economy Text A Clean Energy: Let the Sun Shine Text B Technologies That Can Save the Environment Chinese and International Culture Tour Case Study Unit 10 China's Economy and the World Text A China's Economy Is Leading the World Text B The World's Top Economy: The US vs. China in Five Charts Chinese and International Culture Tour Case Study? Appendix Glossary

商务英语阅读-(第4册) 作者简介

孙洪波, 菏泽学院外国语系英语专业负责人,语言与认知研究所所长,剑桥大学-北京语言大学联合培养博士,讲师。主要研究领域为理论语言学、商务英语语言学等。在国内外期刊发表文章十余篇,合编教材5部,译著1部。
