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银行柜台英语脱口说-第三版 版权信息

银行柜台英语脱口说-第三版 本书特色

《银行柜台英语脱口说(第三版)》是一本实用性很强的银行柜台英语口语教材。该书包含近70个情景对话,内容新颖,覆盖的范围广,让学习者仿佛身临其境。本书中的小锦囊是很有特色的地方,它包括社交基本礼仪和沟通技巧,中英文口语表达的异同,专业术语小知识,语言知识拓展等。本书通过对银行英语口语标准化、规范化的情景对话训练,可以帮助银行业从业人员提高办理金融业务的英语水平。 通过本书的学习,可以使银行临柜人员得到标准化和规范化的英语口语训练,提高银行临柜人员办理涉外个人金融业务的英语会话水平,也可供大专院校学生当培训教材使用。

银行柜台英语脱口说-第三版 内容简介

《银行柜台英语脱口说(第三版)》是一本实用性很强的银行柜台英语口语教材。该书包含近70个情景对话,内容新颖,覆盖的范围广,让学习者仿佛身临其境。本书中的小锦囊是很有特色的地方,它包括社交基本礼仪和沟通技巧,中英文口语表达的异同,专业术语小知识,语言知识拓展等。本书通过对银行英语口语标准化、规范化的情景对话训练,可以帮助银行业从业人员提高办理金融业务的英语水平。 通过本书的学习,可以使银行临柜人员得到标准化和规范化的英语口语训练,提高银行临柜人员办理涉外个人金融业务的英语会话水平,也可供大专院校学生当培训教材使用。

银行柜台英语脱口说-第三版 目录

Part Ⅰ Reception and Information Dialogue 1 Greetings and Self-introduction Dialogue 2 Making Inquiries and Answering Questions Dialogue 3 Giving Suggestions and Making Explanations Dialogue 4 Expressing Thanks and Making Apologies Dialogue 5 Saying Goodbye Dialogue 6 Dealing with Complaints Dialogue 7 Potential VIP Customer Dialogue 8 Maintaining the Relationship with VIP Customers Dialogue 9 Advising Customers Dialogue 10 Transfer Service Part Ⅱ Savings and Loans Dialogue 1 Opening Accounts and Depositing(Ⅰ) Dialogue 2 Opening Accounts and Depositing(Ⅱ) Dialogue 3 Opening Accounts and Depositing(Ⅲ) Dialogue 4 Opening Accounts and Depositing(Ⅳ) Dialogue 5 Opening Accounts and Depositing(Ⅴ) Dialogue 6 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts(Ⅰ) Dialogue 7 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts(Ⅱ) Dialogue 8 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts(Ⅲ) Dialogue 9 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts(Ⅳ) Dialogue 10 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts(Ⅴ) Dialogue 11 Reporting a Lost Passbook(Certificate)(Ⅰ) Dialogue 12 Reporting a Lost Passbook(Certificate)(Ⅱ) Dialogue 13 Inquiry ofAccount Balance Dialogue 14 Confiscating Counterfeit Notes Dialogue 15 Reception Hall Service(Ⅰ) Dialogue 16 ReceptionHall Service(Ⅱ) Dialogue 17 Auto Loan Dialogue 18 Housing Mortgage Loan Dialogue 19 Interest Rate Adjustment Dialogue 20 Foreign Exchange Loan Dialogue 21 Application for Loans of Working Capital Dialogue 22 Policy Inquiry——Entrustment Loan Dialogue 23 Open an Account for Stock Trading Dialogue 24 Investment Fund Part Ⅲ Money Exchange and Foreign Remittances Dialogue 1 Inquiry about Exchange Rate Dialogue 2 Money Exchange Dialogue 3 Handling Reconversions Dialogue 4 Outward Remittances Dialogue 5 Inward Remittances Dialogue 6 Collection of Bills Dialogue 7 Taking Money Abroad Dialogue 8 Transfer Foreign Currencies Dialogue 9 Exchanging RMB for Purchasing House Dialogue 10 Exchanging Foreign Currency for Studying Abroad Dialogue 11 Buying Traveler'S Check Part Ⅳ Bank Cards,Phone—bankingE-banking and Other Services Dialogue 1 Application for Credit Cards(Ⅰ) Dialogue 2 Application for Credit Cards(Ⅱ) Dialogue 3 Cashing with a Foreign Credit Card Dialogue 4 Reporting the Lost of a Credit Card DialoRue 5 Applying for a Supplementary Card/Attached Card Dialogue 6 Applying for Increasing the Credit Line Dialogue 7 Credit Card Call Center Dialogue 8 Payment of Credit Card Bills Dialogue 9 Applying for Phone—banking Service Dialogue 10 Phone—banking Service(Ⅰ) Dialogue 11 Phone—banking Service(Ⅱ) Dialogue 12 Phone—banking Service(Ⅲ) Dialogue 13 Phone—banking Service(Ⅳ) Dialogue 14 Phone—banking Service(Ⅴ) Dialogue 15 Applying for E-banking Service Dialogue 16 Enquiry about E—banking Business Dialogue 17 ATM Service(Ⅰ) Dialogue 18 ATM Service(Ⅱ) Dialogue 19 ATM Service (Ⅲ) Dialogue 20 Safe Deposit Box Service Dialogue 21 Investment (Fund) Dialogue 22 Investment (Securities) Dialogue 23 Private Banking Dialogue 24 Insurance 参考书目