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环境专业科技英语阅读与写作 版权信息

环境专业科技英语阅读与写作 本书特色


环境专业科技英语阅读与写作 内容简介


环境专业科技英语阅读与写作 目录

ContentsPreface1 Introduction of a scientific research paper 11.1 What is science ? 11.2 What is research ? 21.3 What is a scientific paper ? 41.4 The structure of a scientific research paper 72 Scientific resource search strategy 102.1 Introduction of subject resources 102.2 Literature classification 102.2.1 Primary literature: the source of basic ideas 112.2.2 Secondary literature: the source of a specific topic 122.2.3 Tertiary literature 132.2.4 “Gray”literature 132.3 Steps to search the scientific literature 142.3.1 Retrieval methods and skills 142.3.2 Research tools 172.3.3 Databases 193 Reading skills for scientific literature 213.1 Academic reading 213.1.1 Vocabulary for reading comprehension 213.1.2 How to treat difficult sentences 233.1.3 Note-taking 253.2 Four reading skills: intensive, extensive, skimming, scanning 283.2.1 Intensive reading 283.2.2 Extensive reading 293.2.3 Skimming reading 303.2.4 Scanning reading 313.3 A four-step guide for reading a scientific paper 323.3.1 Skim the article 323.3.2 Put forward questions 333.3.3 Comprehend section-by-section 343.3.4 Conclusions and criticism 344 Management and summarization of references 364.1 Endnote 364.1.1 Introduction to Endnote 364.1.2 Creating an Endnote Library 374.1.3 The management of the Endnote Library 444.1.4 How to use endnote for paper writing 454.2 BibTexMng 484.2.1 Operation with the reference list 484.2.2 Operations of the records 504.2.3 What is BibTeX ? 514.2.4 Format of bib files 525 Before starting to write 585.1 Thinking (put forward questions, evaluate your data, generate your ideas) 585.2 Preparation (choose an appropriate journal and consult the guide for authors) 595.3 Develop an outline 605.4 Notes before writing 636 Steps to write each manuscript section 656.1 Title page 656.1.1 The title 656.1.2 Author names and affiliations 666.1.3 Abstract 666.1.4 Keywords 666.2 The main body of the text 676.2.1 Introduction 676.2.2 Materials and methods 796.2.3 Figures and tables 846.2.4 Results and discussion 956.2.5 Conclusions 986.2.6 Others 996.2.7 Revision 1017 Publication of scientific manuscript 1037.1 Where to submit 1037.1.1 Decide early 1037.1.2 How to find appropriate journals 1047.2 How to submit 1077.2.1 Basic concepts 1077.2.2 Process of submitting 1127.2.3 How to respond to editors and reviewers 1147.3 Publishing process 1177.3.1 Copyediting process 1177.3.2 Marking the corrections 1187.3.3 Additions 1208 How to use LaTex 1228.1 Introduction to LaTex 1228.2 The installation of LaTex 1228.3 The basic grammar rules of LaTex 1258.4 An example of using LaTex to write academic papers 126References 135Appendix:Example articles 136