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猕猴桃研究进展-(VIII) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030553317
  • 条形码:9787030553317 ; 978-7-03-055331-7
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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猕猴桃研究进展-(VIII) 本书特色


猕猴桃研究进展-(VIII) 内容简介


猕猴桃研究进展-(VIII) 目录

序(FOREWORD)前言(PREFACE)(一)猕猴桃产业与市场 浅析苍溪猕猴桃产业发展现状及未来发展方向 (A Brief Perspective on the Development Status and Direction of Kiwifruit Industry in Cangxi,Sichuan)罗俊等 刍议西峡猕猴桃的发展(Some Discussion about the Development of Kiwifruit Industry in Xixia County,Henan Province) 王熙龙 对猕猴桃加工产业发展的思考(Some Ideas for the Development of Kiwifruit Processing Industry) 张羿 高效水肥一体化灌溉技术在猕猴桃种植上的应用(Application of the Integration of Irrigation for High-efficiency Management of Water and Fertilizer on Kiwifruit) 陈树群 四川省苍溪县猕猴桃产业升级的调查与思考(Study on Upgrading of Kiwiffuit Industry in Cangxi) 梁勇等 湘西猕猴桃产业发展的现状、优势及建议(Situation,Superiority and Suggestions for Kiwifruit Industry in Xiangxi) 全华等 新形势下农资企业服务于猕猴桃产业的思考与探索(The Thinking and Exploration of Agricultural Enterprises Serving for Kiwifruit Industry under the New Trend) 李恒恒等 重庆地区猕猴桃产业发展现状及解决对策(Situation and Strategy of Kiwifruit Industry in Chongqing) 兰建彬等 以猕猴桃产业发展助推我国乡村脱贫致富:以花垣县十八洞村苗汉子猕猴桃高效产业示范园为例 (Development of Kiwifruit Industry Boost Rural Poverty in China: a Case of High Efficiency Garden of in Huayuan County) 张鹏等 我国猕猴桃产业历史现状及可持续性发展分析 (Some Rough Ideas about the Supply-Side Rearm and Future Strategy for the Kiwifruit Industry Sustainable Development in China) 姜正旺等(二)种质资源与遗传育种 '红阳'猕猴桃在四川两昌的引种表现(Introduction Performance of 'Hongyang' Kiwifruit in Xichang of Sichuan) 李培等 安康市黄金果'Hort-16A'引种栽培试验报告(Report on Introduction and Cultivation of Golden Fruit 'Hort-16A in Ankang City) 严平生等 成都地区'翠玉'猕猴桃引种表现与标准化栽培技术(The Performances and Cultivation Techniques of 'Cuiyu' Kiwifruit in Chengdu Area) 岁立云等 广东猕猴桃种质资源遗传多样性分析(Genetic Diversity of the Germplasm Resources of Actinidia in Guangdong) 叶婵娟等 广西的猕猴桃野生资源与产业发展(The Wild Resources of Actinidia and Kiwifruit Industu in Guangxi Province of China) 李洁维等 红肉猕猴桃新品种'红舁'(A New Red-fleshed Kiwifruit Cultivar 'Hongsheng) 王彦昌等 猕猴桃新品种'湘吉红'选育与研发(Selection and Development of New Variety of Kiwifruit 'Xiangjihong) 裴昌俊等 猕猴桃易剥皮新品种'桂翡'的选育(The Breeding of 'Gui Fei: A Easy to Peel Kiwifruit) 莫权辉等 猕猴桃属3个种类在武汉地区的生物学特性鉴定研究 (Comparative Studies on Biological Characteristics of Newly Introduced: Three Kiwifruit Species in Wuhan) 刘小莉等 猕猴桃雄性品种'磨山雄1号'的选育(An Early-blooming Pollenizer of Kiwifruit 'Moshan Xiong 1) 韩飞等(三)生物技术研究 狗枣猕猴桃叶片光谱学特性研究(Study on Spectrum Characteristic of Variegated Leaves in Actinidin kolomikta) 王振兴等 基于EST-SSR的20份软枣猕猴桃种质聚类分析(Construction and Application of EST-PCR System to Analyze Genetic Relationship Actinidia arguta) 王丹丹等 基于软枣猕猴桃基因组重测序的InDel标记开发(Development of InDel Markers Based on Genome Re-sequencing in Actinidia arguta) 林苗苗等 基于主成分分析法分析复合保鲜处理对'红阳'猕猴桃生理特性的影响 (Analysis of Effects on Physiological Property with Compound Preservations in 'Hongyang Kiwifruit Using Principal Component Analysis) 何靖柳等 猕猴桃“拟回交”后代开花性状的变异分析(Variation of Flowering Traits in Pseudo-backcross Progeny of Kiwifruit) 蒲文江等 野生毛花猕猴桃雄性种质花器相关性状的遗传变异分析 (Variation Analysis of Floral Morphological Traits in Male Plants from Wild Actinidia eriantha) 黄春辉等 植物激素和环境胁迫对金魁猕猴桃AdRAVs基因表达的影响(Effect of 'Jinkui' Kiwifruit AdRAVs Gene Expression on Plant Hormones and Environmental Stresses) 张计育等 仲和红阳猕猴桃多倍体诱导的初步研究(Study on Polyploid Induction of 'Zhonghe Hongyang' Kiwifruit) 周玲艳等(四)栽培技术与发育生理 毛花猕猴桃'赣猕6号'实生苗的耐热性评价(Heat Resistance Evaluation of the 'Ganmi 6' Kiwifruit (Actinidia eriantha Benth) Seedlings) 钟敏等 美味猕猴桃控制授粉对果实影响的研究(Study on the Control Effect of Kiwifruit Pollination on Fruit) 安成立等 猕猴桃组培苗瓶外生根技术的研究(Ex vitro Rooting of Kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis 'Donghong' and Actinidia arguta 'AA12-10')) 吕海燕等 农业部苍溪猕猴桃良种无病毒繁育基地建设现状及对策(Current Situation of Kiwifruit Virusfree Seedling Production Base of the Ministry of Agriculture) 刘健等 蒲江县域内'金艳'猕猴桃采收指标的研究(Study on Harvest Index of 'jinyan' Kiwifruit in Pujiang County) 陈美艳等 秦岭北麓徐香猕猴桃优质高效栽培技术(Productive Cultivation of 'XuXiang' Kiwifruit in Northern Foot of QinLing Mountains) 赵英杰 软枣猕猴桃日光温室栽培技术(Greenhouse Cultivation Techniques for Actinidia arguta) 翟秋喜等 施用生物肥料对猕猴桃生长及产量、品质的影响(Effects of Fertilizing Biofertilizer on Growth and Yield Quality of Kiwifruit) 涂美艳等 施用生物肥料对猕猴桃园土壤理化性质的影响(Effects of Fertilizing Biology Fertilizer on Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil in Kiwifruit Orchard) 涂美艳等 夏季修剪对猕猴桃生长及结果的影响(Effect of Different Pinching of Bearing Branch on Growth and Fruiting in Actinidia deliciosa var. deliciosa cv. Hayward) 姚春潮等 猕猴桃成熟过程中碳水化合物代谢相关酶类研究进展(Research Progress on Enzymes Related Carbohydrate Metabolism during Kiwifruit Ripening) 张慧琴等(五)猕猴桃病虫害防治 中国猕猴桃果实软腐病菌的分离鉴定及抗性种质资源筛选 (Identification of Pathogenic Fungi Causing Kiwifruit Rot Disease in China) 李黎等 六盘水市猕猴桃秋冬季及春季主要病害调查及病原鉴定 (The Kiwifruit Diease Investigation and Pathogen Identification of Liupanshui City at Autumn, Winter and Spring Seasons) 潘慧等 植物源复方制剂在猕猴桃溃疡病上的应用效果初探 (Effect of Herbal Traditional Chinese Medicine Compound Preparations on Controlling Kiwifruit Bacterial Canker) 吴福成等 建始县猕猴桃溃疡病的发生、发展情况及防治对策 (The Psa Status and Control Measures of Kiwifruit Production in Jianshi County, Hubei Province) 龚小刚等